Suspended chair do it yourself


Suspended chair do it yourself

The suspension chair has always been in demand among wealthy families.

Today it is not necessary to be a rich owner of the cottage in order to have a comfortable pendant chair or sofa on its site, which will approach landscape design, and most importantly, bring a lot of pleasure to the owner.

You can make a hanging chair with your own hands. There is nothing particularly difficult in this, of course you will need male help, but I hope you will not have any problems.

What can make a suspension chair with their own hands

Alone suspended chair can be done:

  • from a wicker design;
  • from the vine;
  • Suspended armchair from rattan.

These natural materials are not just beautiful and environmentally friendly, but also very reliable.

It is important that the furniture from rattan

And the vines weigh very little, which contributes to the simpler installation of the chair to the suspension design, simplifies your rolling in the chair, and gives confidence in reliability.

Suspended chair do it yourself

If you plan to create a suspended chair with your own hands from the vine or buy it in the store, you should pay special attention to the shape, which, preferably, should be semicircular, thanks to which you can save equilibrium in the chair.

Suspended chair do it yourself

You can achieve equilibrium in other ways, but you need to have certain experience, otherwise, in the absence of equilibrium, you will not be able to relax while in the chair.

Also, the suspended chair can be made from the old office chair, if you have the opportunity to create a rounded metal frame for it, which will be suspended in its upper point. To this frame and joins the chair.

Suspended chair do it yourself

Suspended chair-hammock is very original and simple for execution. We will talk about it below in more detail.

How to make a hammock hanging chair do it yourself

Suspended chair do it yourself

All you need for a suspension chair made by your own hands is a fantasy, a little patience, the ownership of Macrame technique and several simple auxiliary materials:

  • Metal hoops in the amount of 2 pcs. They must have a different diameter, the size of which is not fundamental (greater hoop is taken for the back);
  • Very durable cord (polyamide, for example) for weaving. It doesn't matter what color, the main thing is to have enough it, so we recommend buying about 900 meters at once;
  • slings (about 12 meters);
  • two wooden rods;
  • Two cords that will be needed to connect the metallic rings of the suspended chair;
  • scissors;
  • roulette.

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You can also stock gloves. How to make a hanging chair, if you do not have a rings? Contact your workshop where there is equipment to create similar metal structures.

The problem is that with your own hands you are unlikely to smoothly bend the pipe, and it will have to connect two ends.

The polyamide cord is good because the created nodes will not be unleashed as it happens to many other materials for weaving baskets, VAZ and other things.

To begin, you need to wrap the hoop with a cord, and then proceed to creating an internal grid.

This is a typical chess, which is fixed by flat knots at every point of "contact". Thus, the seat for the future suspension chairs is practically ready.

Suspended chair do it yourself

Places of creating nodes, more precisely their appearance, will depend on whether the chair will have a coup.

If the restoration of the rocking chair occurs, and the color of basic materials varies, then, of course, the upholstery is needed in aesthetic purposes.

If the appearance of the wicker design of the suspension chairs is quite suitable, it is possible to decorate in each extreme point in the place of reaching a metal hoop, we create a beautiful node from which we leave a certain length of the rope.

After the bottom of the chair is ready, you need to weave the back, but before this, to attach the second metal circle of the larger diameter before it.

You can weave using any patterns, pushing away from any technique of Macrame, but in any case it is important to wrap up all metal parts of the frame with a cord.

Fasten the supporting rods is necessary with the use of screws - this will provide the maximum reliability of your suspended chair with your own hands.

If this option does not suit you, somewhere presses, and I would like something softer, you can equip the chair with pillows.

In this case, if the soft part of the chair starts to deteriorate, you will not need a hauling of the furniture - it will be enough to just sew new pillows.

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Suspended chair do it yourself

By the way, the option with pillows is very interesting. They can have different decorations, bows, stocks from beads, have different colors. You can also do a real upholstery for the suspension chairs, but in this case you will have to purchase a special fabric, preferably high-quality leatherette if the chair will be tested in the open air. Yes, and the cleaning of furniture will be not a difficult process.

A simpler option for creating a wicker chair with your own hands - buy a cloak at which the pattern will be made.

The inner part can be sampled by a foam rubber, and the cloak to learn at the top of the finished chairs.

Cheap, simple and angry - Even in the case of wetting, the fabric will not deteriorate, and the shape will not be made for a special work chairs, which will not tell about a full-fledged upholstery that will require certain professional skills.

Suspended chair do it yourself

In addition, the suspension chair, "Packy" in a cloak, will easily understand if the repair of furniture is required, because it is not necessary to sew the fabric, you can simply turn on one side with a rope that will be easily unleashed if necessary.

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