Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos


What can be interested in modern children? This issue is very often asked by parents today. Creative activity is the best medicine from idleness. And the imagination is developing, and the prerequisitive, and the pleasant opportunity to chat with adults with children. This article will be proposed such a type of creativity as applications from buttons. In addition, painstaking work contributes to the development of small motility from kids. This lesson will be useful and interesting not only for children, but also for their parents.

Buttons are such a material that is in every home, and few people guess that with their help you can make such beauty. Look at these photos, doesn't it inspire?

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

How can you attach buttons to the base. As the basis, you can use anything: cardboard, fabric, skip, plate, in general, everything that is enough fantasy.

What to attach butchers:

  • You can use good glue, but it is not recommended to use second glue, firstly, it is very difficult to wash off from the skin, secondly, if the child does not carefully from the first time, it will be problematic to cross the button in the right place. It is also not recommended to use a pencil glue, it will not be able to keep the button securely, because it is intended for paper.
  • You can use bilateral scotch, you can use the tape of any thickness, as you are comfortable.
  • Very often use self-adhesive paper.
  • For children of more junior age, plasticine or polymer clay is very convenient.
  • And finally, the buttons can be just sewed, it will be the most reliable way, but only if the fabric was chosen as the basis, and not any other material.

"Sailboat" for children

Below to your attention will be presented an instruction on the creation of the application "Sailboat". This work is pretty light, you can perform it with very young children, it will be nice to do anything with your own hands.

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We will need:

  • Cardboard sheet;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Glue;
  • And actually buttons (blue, blue, dark brown, beige, pink).

For a start on a sheet of cardboard, you need to draw a sailboat itself, this work is better to provide an adult (if, of course, your child is not a young artist). You can draw with pictures from the Internet or with the one that is suggested below.

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

Note! Do not forget during the process to draw the sea for the boat, he must go somewhere.

Now, when the basis is ready, proceed to the most interesting - to decorating buttons.

To begin, it should be lubricated with glue to the boat itself and stick off the corresponding color butchers (the picture below shows how to do it). Then blue and blue buttons create the sea. You can diversify the waves if you add buttons the color of the sea wave or different shades of blue and blue.

Next, make a mast and sailboat, we use pink buttons, you can choose a color to your taste. In conclusion, decorated with butchers checkbox. If the line of the pencil is visible, they can be lastic. That's what a wonderful shoeman turned out.

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

Lamb with Christmas tree

To perform this craft, we will need:

  • White paper sheet;
  • Blue cardboard sheet;
  • Buttons;
  • Glue;
  • Pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Black marker or marker;
  • Flour or white sugar.

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

  1. To begin with, we draw a lamb on a white sheet of paper (you can find a picture on the Internet and print it), then cut the drawing and glue on a sheet of blue cardboard.
  2. Now we will make a fur for our lamb, for this: take brown threads (you can take beige), screw the thread on your finger (about six revolutions), then carefully remove the thread from the finger and glue to the body of the lamb. We do it until it turns all the Taurus.
  3. Now we glue white buttons on woolen rings.
  4. Now we make eyes from buttons, draw cilia. You can buy in the store for needlework eyes for toys and take advantage of them.

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Sheep is ready, now we will make a Christmas tree, for this, we lay a triangle from green buttons, and we glue the multicolored buttons on top of them, imitating balls. You can still decorate the "Snowball" picture, for this bottom of the crafts lubricate the glue and sprinkle with white sugar, strengthen the excess. Crafts ready.

Panel "Month"

We will need:

  • Black or dark blue cardboard sheet;
  • Glue;
  • White paper sheet (if you do not know how to draw, you will be offered a template for you, you can print it);
  • Many different buttons and beads of white, cream, golden, light yellow colors;
  • First draw a month and stars on white paper, or print a template. Month and stars need to be cut.

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

  1. Print month and stars on a cardboard sheet. In the same position, in which they are depicted on the cardboard.
  2. Stick a month and stars of buttons if the gaps remain, they can be filled with small butchers or beads.
  3. The picture is ready.

Appliques from buttons do it yourself for children with photos and videos

As you can see, even such an inconspicuous object, like a button, can be used to create small masterpieces, and the picture will stay and the child has something to do. You can create unique works with your child, it all depends on the flight of fantasy and creative imagination.

Video on the topic

You can also view the proposed video, maybe you will be able to learn any idea of ​​them.

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