Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple


Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple

What you choose the design for a particular room, the total atmosphere in the house depends on. There are defined color psychology in the interior. Make an unambiguous choice. The main thing is that the shades in each room are harmonized with the inner setting of households. If someone does not tolerate some color, you do not need a room where he sleeps, so draw up.

Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple

Color role in the interior

Now it is fashionable to design an apartment or a house not in one color scheme, but in different what someone likes. Remember that the color value in the interiors is different. Each shade will be subconsciously influence and form your mood, and often feelings, in its own way.

It is observed that dark colors visually reduce the space, light - increase. Therefore, before designing the room, think. In favor of this or that color in the interior will be on which side of the light window, which area of ​​the room, what kind of form it is, is the windows big and how the room is highlighted.

The color that choose must match the functions of the room. Choose not only favorite for design, but also harmoniously combined with furniture, finishing in other colors. Where you need to think hard or a lot to communicate (a cabinet or children's or living room) is not needed in the interior basic cold colors. But for the bedroom or another place of rest. The warm, rather saturated shades are not desirable.

The effect and hidden value of color in the interior we feel not only from the walls, but also from furniture, accessories located in the room. For example, the bedroom is important which bedspread or bed set, curtains. Accessories are especially important for the kitchen or bathroom. In the living room or bedroom, important items: ottomans, mats, coffee tables, flooring and others. Which of the palette to choose? Consider the characteristics of some.

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Golden harmoniously includes orange with yellow, but more often we associate it with gold. But many believe that golden, its excess, creates a feeling of beamless, boasting. Therefore, use it moderately.

So that your apartment does not seem to be a palace. Use it 1 to 3 in the interior. Golden can be in bedspreads, curtains, pillowcases of pillows, accessories, mirrors. If you like the effect of gilding on the furniture, then choose not a bright shade, but gold aged. Such furniture is good when interior design in eclectic style styles, baroque, Shebbi-Chic.

Golden good for spacious living rooms and small bedrooms. Reflecting in it, sunlight visually makes the room spacious. Golden warm and perfectly combined with the same warm palette: chocolate or brown, red or purple, orange. Golden stylish looks with black or turquoise, with blue.


Many red, especially reminiscent of blood, subconsciously causes anxiety, heartbeat is expensive. Red itself is associated with rapid activity, sometimes turning into open aggression. Many red in the finish is bad for the bedroom or children's, even for the living room it is recommended in combination with others. For bedroom or children's, good separate red textiles or decor, accessories.

Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple


Fills the space of positive energy by many children favorite yellow color. It does not cause anxiety and does not increase aggressiveness, even if the whole room is in such tones. Yellow tones, activates brain activity.

Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple

Creating a design, carefully pick up shades. For a bedroom or children's choose pastel, calm shades, for example: sand, light yellow, straw, others. When combined in the interior with another color, a little other subconscious psychological impact is felt.


The value of violet color is not unique. It can mean the desire for knowledge and intelligence, in another context, religiosity, humility, sobriety and at the same time passion. In another sense, the value of violet color: nostalgia or time of old age, often symbolizes grief with mourning for a deceased.

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Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple

Purple in the design of the rooms experts recommend using moderately. If you will stay in such a room for a long time, it can cause despondency and depression. In addition to violet, as ambiguously, dark blue, black affects the psyche.


It is associated with some serenity, ease, emptiness and pleasantness of being. It concerns white in items, but in the interior, you should not make white walls, furniture, textiles. It is necessary to dilute it with other colors, otherwise a low-faceted longing will attack, as in the hospital, or even depression. It is perfectly diluted with gentle pastel colors or choose contrast, bright, depends on the planned style of the room.

Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple


Thanks to him, you are charged with optimism for the whole day. This color is loved in love and romance. Bright colors are often annoyed. If you like, then limit them on the curtains or accessories. Pink is gorgeous in the bedroom of young spouses, in a nursery little or loving pink girls.

Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple


It is considered friendly, causing a feeling of reliability, partnership. It tones the body and removes the accumulated fatigue after a heavy working day. Good for bedroom, pediatric for a boy, living room. But at the same time, he can relax, cause laziness. For the office, select other tonic tones in addition to green. And in the offices and try to avoid him at all.

Psychology and color value in the interior: blue, purple

In any case, make room in some one color with shades options. Yes, it is stylish and beautiful, but better who are present in the interior design of 3 or 5 main colors. No longer stands, the dwelling will be like Gypsy Tabor, as in the style of Bocho. Choose one or three main colors, while others will be optional. The main thing is that you can be traced in the interior and successfully implemented the overall idea.

The psychology of color in the interior is such that before embodying the intended design, think, and subconsciously your bedroom color? Your child loves the blue in which you want to separate the nursery and does he not hurt him psychologically? The main thing is that the color in which your room will be drawn up was in the soul and positively affected the psyche with a long stay in the premises.

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