Turquoise color in the interior


Turquoise color in the interior

Turquoise color in the interior is very beautiful, he has its own meaning and the strength that ancient knew about. Turquoise was very highly assessed in many countries and cultures and considered the symbol of truth and faith. Residents of the East believed that this color would bring everyone to everyone, rapid healing from oppressing ailments, good luck in creativity, independence, confidence. Color is closely associated with feelings and emotions.

Turquoise color in the interior

Today, turquoise in the interiors is relevant. Now few people think about the secret sense and the color value, but many choose it at the subconscious level.

Turquoise color in the interior is considered cold. This room is felt freshness and a cool breeze. Out of irritation goes, the day fatigue and stress. Choose that shade that is pleasant. It can be a bright turquoise or deep saturated color.


  1. Perfectly combined saturated, bright tones: pink or yellow, terracotta or orange.

    Turquoise color in the interior

  2. Under turquoise, almost all pastel shades are suitable.
  3. Chocolate or dark brown, black - such furniture is suitable for turquoise.

    Turquoise color in the interior

  4. Golden and silver accessories will revive the interior.

    Turquoise color in the interior

Interior design

Turquoise in the interior is often used and not only to create a specifically sea direction, when the walls of the nursery draw sea with a floating goldfish or sea stones in vases, sand into the aquarium. This color is good for accents in the interior design. It successfully dilutes any design and brings freshness to the interior.

In the turquoise interior, you can excellently relax after labor everyday life. Thanks to this color, you will relax and for example, be configured to think about the meaning of being.

A large plus of various shades of turquoise is that they are perfectly combined with many colors and their combinations and are effectively obtained. Some mistakenly believe that turquoise is only good for the bathroom, and for other rooms, only in moderate quantity. But there are many shades from very light to muffled, saturated dark. Many find turquoise neutral, pleasant, not intrusive and successfully draw apartments and houses.

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Designers say it is an active, cheerful color. With it, you need carefully in the design of the room to contact not to overdo it. Turquoise color in the interior will be presented in optimal quantities, if you adhere to the Rules recommended by experts (3: 2: 1). How to decipher? If you take the basis of turquoise, then you can safely use 2 harmoniously combined with each other. It is important that the 1 part is light, 2 are dark.

Living room

The spirit of any living room is an expression of hospitality, an open, friendly stop in relation to all guests at home. It is important to create a favorable, friendly, cozy atmosphere in the room. And the owners are nice to a comfortable atmosphere for family viewing of the news on the TV with a TV, for example.

Turquoise color in the interior

Why are we talking in detail about the cozy and comfortable atmosphere in an apartment or house? Because this color is referred to as cold and in the rooms it should be used thoughtfully and carefully to create a feeling of mental balance and tranquility. Think out in detail how to make a living room design with turquoise in the interior? It is important that you are competent, shades that best combine with the basic, diluted the interior design of the hall.

Let's see a couple of options, how to make a turquoise color in the interior of the hall? The main options are several:

  • Turquoise dominates and is then complemented by the impression of bright decoration elements;
  • Turquoise is used only as an emphasis, and the background consists of other colors of neutral, pastel or more dark, but muffled.

Russians 1 option is practically not used, not accepted, but in vain. If you take turquoise with a tint of green, then you will make some coolness with a freshness in the room in the south. If your hall is on the dark side, it is better not to decorate, decorate it with this color, there will be a dark impression. Although it can be fixed everything with bright artificial lighting.

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Turquoise color in the interior can be easily and just add a couple of ways. For example, paint all or one of the walls into turquoise. If you do not immediately decide on such a change of design, then let the walls be familiar beige, sandy, green-blue additives in the decor, decorate the room, dilute the background. An excellent decorative accent is a turquoise-colored pad or a sofa rug, or in the center of the hall, the curtains of this color are single, with a pattern.


The whole kitchen in such a color may look somewhat exotic, unusual and defiant. She is good in this classic direction palette. If the walls paint or put the decorative plaster, tile, beat the washing wallpaper in this tone and put the furniture light or under the wood, it will be cute. Of course, natural wooden furniture looks best, but not every family can now afford a kitchen set.

Turquoise color in the interior

Choose the facades of kitchen furniture temperate tones, you do not need to give preference very bright. Good turquoise dark shades or saturated blue. For dreaming to significantly lose weight news - this color will naturally reduce your appetite! If you really like, place in the turquoise interior in the kitchen.


Turquoise looks great in the bedroom. It is in the bedroom that you can achieve using different shades of this magnificent color, a relaxation, relaxing setting. Here you can use this color as the main background and in the form of accents in textiles, accessories. It all depends on your desire, taste and preferences.

Even bed linen of such a shade will put a notch of freshness, comfort and mood improves. If you put your favorite plants on the windowsill, the furnishings in the room will be relaxing with such a combination of green with blue. The main tone is perfectly combined with sandy.

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For the bedroom, a gentle and pleasant combination when pastel turquoise walls with pink. For example, the head of the bed, on a general background of the primary color, can be made in a pleasant pale pink niche of plasterboard. Hang there is a beautiful modern picture - abstraction and make the backlight point lamps. The interior will decorate the mirror. Figure mirrors can be placed in niche instead of the picture.

Turquoise color in the interior


Especially this color solution is suitable for a nursery for a girl or daughters, but if you paint the walls of a children's son in pale shades, the interior design will look gorgeous. For bedroom girls, you can take more rich bright tones. If you place the wall at the head of the bed, hang there a beautiful picture with your favorite cartoon characters or beat the photo wallpaper in turquoise tones - not mistaken.

Of course, consult your child, ask to show the colors that like. Based on knowledge of the best interior design for children, make repairs. Walls, textiles, furniture will be in those colors that are harmoniously combined and like a child, children.

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