Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory


Eust the bracelet of the Shambala may not only with an experienced master who splamen already have many diverse bracelets with all sorts of techniques and nodules, but also a person who is just a newcomer in weaving. However, making several bracelets, you can remember the sequence of weaving the nodules and interfer the beads, finishing, the bracelet can be weave in just a couple of hours, making your hands the finished accessory to a new way in a wardrobe or a sudden event. Today we offer you a master class on bracelet-shambala.

Motor of the wax cord and a dozen beads can be bought at any fabric store, which sells all sorts of fittings. The cord can be not only a wax, but also knitted, satin, at least leather, also cord can be replaced by a thin rope, and beads - plastic, glass, from a polymer resin and with older. The shape of the bead can be both triangular and square, and oval, but it is better to take round beads, because, having learned the history of the Shambal bracelet, it can be understood that the round form contributes to the harmonization of the personality of the bracelet owner and achieving a happy life, to solve difficult life situations. And even helps to heal from diseases. Rarely craftsmen use another form of beads. Sometimes a cross-shaped weaving is used to achieve wisdom and tolerance.

An important warning during the selection of beads and cord - it is necessary to check that the cord suggests under the hole in the bead or any other element.

If there is experience in creating a shambal bracelet in one row, the next stage will be the experiment on weaving double shambal or even triple, i.e. Bracelet in two or three rows.

MK on a double bracelet

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

All weaving consists of the same double flat knots as in the weaving of the single-row bracelet of the shambal, but there is not a single nodular lace, but two. It is necessary to take three segments of the cord and fix on the ring with a looped nodule so that in six threads it turns out the 2nd and 5th length of 40-50 cm, and the rest is much longer, about 2-3 times longer. Long segments will be working cords, and short - nodular cords, i.e. They will be stranded beads.

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Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

It is necessary to share six cords into two parts left and right. Weaving begins with the right side. Two double flat nodes on a nodule cord are wearing long shoelaces. Further, work should be continued on the left side of the weaving.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Internal long threads (3rd and 4th) are changed in places, one on the left side of the weaving goes to the right side and the other thread makes the opposite operation, goes with the right to the left.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Beads on one climb to the nodules and are soaked with one or two double flat knots.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

The work continues to the end in the same way until all beads will fly to the product.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Weaving ends the same way as it started, 2-3 double flat nodes.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

The clasp is may also so much as in the single-row bracelet Shambal, it will be adjustable for any wrist size. The bracelet is removed from the attachment and stacked in the form of a circle. Here in the example of the laces were attached to the metal ring, therefore, the ring will be from one edge of the bracelet, and free nodular ends from the other. It is necessary to take a small segment of the cord, approximately 30 cm, attach to the ring and ends of this segment with the help of double flat nodules to label the free ends of the two shoelaces, which remained on the other edge of the bracelet. Nodes weave not very tight, because Free ends should be easily moved inside the braid.

Triple accessory

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

It is necessary to take the following materials and tools: a satin black cord with a thickness of no more than 2-2.5 mm and a length of 3.5-4 meters; Glass transparent beads with edges, no more than 7 mm in diameter, in an amount of 27 pieces of one color and 16 pieces of another color; scissors; Glue, tablet with clip and 3 stationery clamps for documents.

Cut the cord follows the following length: 3 segment 50 cm long and one long cord 1-1.5 meters. Short segments of the cord are attached to the tablet and beads are bouquins, on extreme 12 beads, and on the central - 13 beads of another color.

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Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Next, you should take a long cut of the cord (working cord) for the middle and tie it with a simple knot, retreating from the edge of nodule short shoelaces 7-8 cm, which is necessary for the bracelet fastener. Work laces then twisted a double flat knot in the amount of 4 pieces.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

The first bead on the central nodule cord rises to the woven nodules and is fluttered by the ends of the working cord with the left and right looped nodules. Scheme below:

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

The next step will be raised by one bead on extreme nodule laces and the powdle of them left on the left shoelace and the right looped node on the right shoelace.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

So continues until all beads are braided by working ends of a long cord.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

Two nodule lace are tied together with double flat knots, as well as at the beginning of the product. The remains of the working cord are fixed with glue and trimmed.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

The last step is the fastener (lock). The bracelet should be removed from the holding base and put in the circle, and the free ends of the nodule shoelaces are folded together. Weave the strapping also a double flat node, depending on the size of the wrist nodules on the fastener can be from 6 to 10 pieces. The nodes must be made more comfortable so that the free ends easily slide inside the fastener.

Shambal Bracelet: Master Class on a Double and Triple Accessory

In the photo with a finished bracelet, it can be seen that it is necessary to complete the work because the remaining beads are on all six free ends of the shoelaces and are fixed with final nodules.

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