Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video


Early spring garden flower beds are hidden by a lush carpet of flowering anemone. These plants are so trusting that with the advent of the first sunlight are already rolling into growth. Though the anemone is very beautiful, but their juice, like all representatives of the Lutikov family, poisonous. We suggest you make an absolutely innocuous version of the flower. The pattern of the anemone from the Foamiran provided in the article will help you create a luxurious ornament in the form of brooches or hairpins.

New in the market

With the advent of a new material for creativity, a new kind of needlework occurs. Most craftsmen have already heard about the magic Foamirane. It allows you to create luxurious decorations in the form of flowers. They are so easy to confuse with living that every fashionista is striving for this beauty. What is Foamiran? Thin sheets of artificial suede made of eva (ethylenevinyl acetate) foamed rubber. It can often be found under the names of Fom, Foam (from English Foam - Foam), French. You can buy material in any needlework store, it is sold by packages from A4 format sheets or 60 * 70 cm rolls.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Relerative has interesting properties:

  • Let's start with the fact that the material is completely safe. A small "rubber fragrance", which you will feel after opening the packaging, will warm very quickly, and the finished brooch or hairpin will not have a chemical smell. Work with foamed rubber can be entrusted with children, they create bright volumetric applications.
  • Thanks to the "memory", the FOM retains the form given during processing. Be sure the product does not come out of it.
  • Another advantage of the material is its moisture resistance. If you do not wear decorations from Foamiran under torrential rain, then they will serve you for a very long time.
  • The wear resistance of the jelly is another plus. The material is not exposed to wind or bright sun. Products from it will decorate their owner in any weather.
  • The porous structure of the foam rubber allows you to paint with foam by any dyes. You can use both acrylic paints and eye shadows.

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Releases are produced in Iran, China, Turkey and Japan. Each manufacturer has its own color palette and small differences in the properties of the material. So, the Chinese Fom is thinner and plastic, but quite easy to break.

Disassemble the flower on the part

To make artificial flowers, needlewomen are often resorted to tricks. They "separate" a live flower into composite parts and make a pattern on their basis. So it is possible to achieve the maximum realism of the product. For example, in the photo below you can see the disassembled on the rununculyus petals.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Based on such tricks, most of the patterns that you can meet in various sources are created.

And now take a look at a wide variety of anemones. First, they can be all the colors of the rainbow, and secondly, their petals can be terry collected in one or more rows. It turns out that Anemone provides us with greater freedom for creativity.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Please note that even the form of a separate petal is found radically. Disassemble the flower on parts at all is not necessarily, you can draw the detail sketch or use the finished pattern. Very comfortable templates that consist of a circular row of petals.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Mastery interior composition

Make a luxurious brooch with anemone flower will help you a detailed master class with a photo. To do this, you will need:

  • Foamiran sheet of any shade;
  • Two strips of dark rubber 1 per 15 cm and 1.5 per 20 cm;
  • Floristic wire;
  • Green floral tape;
  • Acrylic paints for tinting;
  • Glue pistol;
  • Super glue;
  • Sponge for washing dishes;
  • Iron;
  • Scissors and Passatias.

You can use the workpiece of the petal and leaf or to use the pattern to work.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Cut parts on cardboard and move to Foamiran with toothpicks.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Dark Thomas Bands Cut the shallow fringe, they will serve a flower core. Cut all the details.

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Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

To impart realism, tint petals and greens with acrylic paints. Very convenient to use the sponge for these purposes. Apply to the details of paint with small strokes and grow it a bit.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

We proceed to processing. To give the form of jelly, heating appliances are used. Optionally, use hair straightener, it is compact and safe. Set the middle mode, lean the petal to the hot surface, fold the harmonic and twist the edges.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Gently straighten the workpiece and apply the shape of the boat with your fingers, stretching the middle. Do not dilute, Foam is easy.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

On the leaves, draw a streak using a wooden wand. Then, lean the workpiece to the iron and it will make the necessary shape itself.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Strips attach to the iron and twist a little with your fingers.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

All items are ready, you can start assembling.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Bend the wire loop and stick to the small strip center. Twist her tight roll, lining in some places. The second strip passes in a circle.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Remember the core, spreading the stamens on the sides.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Alternately glue the first row of 5 petals.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

The second nearby break the gaps of the first row.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Make a seashelistic liner, processing it similarly to petals.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Stick the item to the place.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Stick the wire and pin up to the sheet. Wrap the floristic ribbon of flower skeleton, secure the details. Composition is ready!

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

You can create a whole bouquet of anemones.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Blets for brooches or hairpins

Consider another version of the manufacture of a flower using a circular pattern. For the manufacture of the hairpin, you will need:

  • Black, green chest for core and leaves and any shade for a flower;
  • Floristic wire;
  • Mold;
  • Ready stamens of different quantities;
  • Glue pistol;
  • Dry pastel;
  • A bit of syntheps;
  • Accessories for brooches or hairpins;
  • Scissors, toothpick, pattern.

Use the pattern with two petal circles of different sizes. Transfer it to the cardboard and circle the toothpick on the nonsense.

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Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Cut the details.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Processing in this master class is carried out without an iron. Fold the workpiece as in the photo and spend between the palms.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Place the petals and stretch the middle.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Edges roll off the harmonica, scroll between your fingers and straighten.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Press the petals to Mount, it will give them beautiful and realistic accomplishments.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Tinurate the workpiece with dry pastels.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Still work a little over the form.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Let's start making a flower core.

I would like to note that it can be made of any material: you can wind the ball of yarn or handle it with a special powder, make a core from polymer clay, a lot of options. In this case, the middle is made of a tweeer ball framed by three rows of stamens.

The photo is clearly visible to the assembly process.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

The greens cut out and processed on Molda. Try to give her a realistic look.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

To assemble the anemone, pinched small holes in the middle of the petal circles and put them on the wire, tide with hot glue.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Sweep the wire, tide greens and secure accessories for brooches or hairpins.

Anemone from Foamiran: Pattern and master class with templates and video

Video on the topic

From the video lessons provided below, you will learn how to make beautiful anemones from jelly and where you can apply.

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