Sleeveless knitting needles for girls rlanged with video and photo


Such ancient art of needlework, like knitting, time impact existed both for practical purposes and for pleasure. This occupation develops fantasy, soothes the nervous system and makes it possible to make a variety of clothing for adults and children. Sleeveless knitting needles for girls fit in just a couple of evenings.

Purpose and properties

The universal product from wool is worn on a dress or over blouses, turtlenecks, shirts, and so on. Patterns for this type of clothing are quite diverse, even the simplest drawing can be improved by adding bright colors threads.

Sleeveless knitting needles for girls rlanged with video and photo

The higher the craftwork skill, the more original models become. Professionals do not even need to use the scheme in working with some products, the entire chain of the designed style is in their heads.

It is especially nice to create knitted things for children. After all, children are our joy, and if the child is good, then we are calm and comfortable.

Sleeveless knitting needles for girls rlanged with video and photo

Clothing for children is obliged to attract not only with their colorful, but also convenience. Let's talk about skinless. This practical thing will always help find a way out of the situation "there is nothing to wear", because it is only worth finish your image, as an additional element of the outfit, the style will immediately change. But with all at the same time, its function consists not only in how to diversify the wardrobe, it should carefully warm from the cold wind in the offseason.

Sleeveless knitting needles for girls rlanged with video and photo

Simple option

For each mother, it is necessary that the child is dressed not only in fashion, but also was warmed. This feature is fully equipped with knitted sweaters and vests.

Now we will look at the technique of knitting children's sleevex-reglan.

Sleeveless knitting needles for girls rlanged with video and photo

Choose yarn.

By making your choice of yarn from which you assume to knit things for a child, you should not forget that the priority when it is choosing is not so much the colors and brightness of shades, as the composition of the threads.

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Ideal for this purpose thread with natural composition of wool and cotton. After all, they will allow the body to breathe and ensure normal air circulation.

If you are worried that natural yarn will be unpleasant to be born, try to select the thread, which includes a small amount of synthetics, for example, acrylic. But know that in children's things the composition of the synthetic material should not exceed 40%.

Our update associated with love is designed for a 4-5 year old child.

For knitting needed materials:

  • 160 g of bright pink semi-wool threads (260 m / 100 g);
  • Spokes №2,5.

Knitting technology is as follows. Hollow gum (1 lp, then 1 increase, remove the IP, without inflating).

Sleeveless knitting needles for girls rlanged with video and photo

The rubber band is done - 2/2 (2 IP, 2 LP). The surface (front side) - the facial rows are pronounced by facial loops, invalid, respectively, and when knitted in a circle - all loops in the ranks of the facial

Masic scheme:

Sleeveless knitting needles for girls rlanged with video and photo

Our sleeveless sleeve is regulated, and you need to do it from the neck.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Make 114 loops by an Italian post, and then 4 rows of rubber band.
  2. Raman must be connected to the ring. To do this, adjust the initial and final loop together. Next, tie down 3 cm double rubber band.
  3. Spokes number 3 make such an action: break the loops in this way: 1 IP (leave a mark to start a series in a circle), 1 IP, 17 LP (sleeves), 2 IP, 36 - on the front part (13 lp, 10 lp (pigtail) , 13 LP), 2 IP, 17 LP (sleeves), 2 IP, 34 LP (back). Pouring hinges will allocate the lines of the regulated.
  4. Before and after the lines of the regulated, they make the looped loop after one level, in the next row, do their crossed LP. All loops, not the touch of the regulated, check the face, and the pigtail according to the scheme.
  5. Make an increase (10 pcs.) By regulated, set off the hinges for the sleeves between the regulated lines and encourage the front and rear parts of the sleeveless separately.

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Knit in front of the product.

The front of the product ties according to the scheme: 1 edge loop, 1 IP, 27 LP, 15 pigtail loops, 27 LP, 1 IP, 1 edge loop.

Knit the back.

  1. Scheme: 1 edge loop, 1 IP, 55 LP, 1 IP, 1 edge loop.
  2. Rules' add-ons continue to knit on the back and front part, after the sixth increase, dial another 8 loops under the mouses on both sides. Next, knit facechair and pigtails according to the scheme.
  3. Upon reaching the length of the part 19 cm, change the knitting needles, take the knitting knitting needles №2.5 and check another 6 cm double rubber band and 4 level hollow elastic band. Close the loop.


  1. Return the loops left for the sleeves to the needles and destroy them around the edge in the amount of 72 pieces.
  2. Check 2 cm by double rubber band, and then 4 cm by a hollow elastic. Close the loop.

Video on the topic

Check out the video on the topic "Knitted vertex knitting needles for the girl in Rellan technique":

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