How to equip a homemade "Schoolboy Corner" [Tips with a photo]


In order for the child to feel comfortable and could deal with lessons and creativity, he needs to have his own personal space. You can even equip a similar corner even in the smallest apartment. One desire in this matter is not enough, to the question should be approaching, in which this article will help.

How to equip a homemade

Main options for designer solutions

The choice of furniture for a child depends on the set of factors, and to be more accurate:

  • Apartment layout
  • Availability or lack of a child's room
  • Number of children in the family
How to equip a homemade

An alternative option is the location of the desktop, which is located in a separate zone. A similar table is perfectly harmonized with suspended shelves. Modern design makes it possible to realize the solution.

How to equip a homemade

For a small space, an ideal solution will be a modular design that combines the working area and a sleeping place. The compact zone will help the child to maintain order and have its free space.

If we are talking about a teenager's room, then the design will be different here. Designers recommend arranging a loft bed with a working area downstairs. What to save space indoors use angular tables.

Important. If there is no possibility to equip a separate room for a child, then preference is best to give the modular designs. They provide everything necessary for the organization of studies and leisure children.

How to equip a homemade

Furniture for the workplace of the child's workplace

In this case, it does not matter what the design direction was taken as the basis.

How to equip a homemade

The workplace must meet the requirements of ergonomics, so drawing up the working area for the child, the rules should be taken into account:

  • By purchasing the desktop, you should take into account the growth of the child, its features.
  • Choosing a computer chair, you need to take a children's model that will ensure complete comfort back.
  • A separate place to store notebooks and books.
  • Storage of the office must be organized comfortably for a child, consider what hand writes a baby.
  • Making the space, take into account the preferences of the child.

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How to equip a homemade

Registration of the working area in a one-room apartment

If the family has a one-room apartment, then for a schoolchild, it is necessary to equip a personal space. In this case, a good alternative for the working area will be a balcony. However, it should be insulated in advance and re-equip. This place is quite enough to place the table, stool and all the necessary accessories.

How to equip a homemade

Parents can choose the option that will be comfortable and for their work with a laptop. Each free centimeter uses with benefit. For example, a place near the window sill, where the worktop is placed. Such accommodation allows you to illuminate the room with natural light.

Interesting. For one-room apartment, the ideal option will be a folding table, which is laid out if necessary. For storage of school supplies, you can use the rack. However, if there is more space in the apartment, then it is better to equip a full-fledged working area.

How to equip a homemade

Color spectrum

The color palette of the working area will help take care of the emotional state of the child, maintain the right attitude.

Important. The most favorable for the child is green. It has a positive energy. In order to tone mental activity, it is recommended to add a little yellow.

How to equip a homemade

Well, the workplace of the schoolchildren is one of the key zones of the apartment . After all, its future depends on the productivity of the child's learning.

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