Summer dress with spokes


Summer dress with spokes

So spring came - and therefore it is time to take care of the preparation of summer outfits. Now you do not have time to blink - already May and all dressed our summer dresses. Many needlewomen love knitting and come to us in the hope of finding models 2010-2011 for free. For a warm May day, a summer dress with the knitting needles is perfect for a warm dress, and if it starts the rain, it does not matter, you can throw a jacket or a sewer on the knitted dress.

Dimensions : 36/38 (40/42)

You will need : 550 (600) g Hyft yarn Pantino (60% cotton, 40% polyacryl, 90 m / 50 g); Spokes number 5; Circular spokes number 4.

Painted smooth : Persons. R. - Ozn. p., izn. R. - Persons. P.

The main pattern: the number of loops is multiple 14 + 4 + 2 chrome. Knit according to the scheme on which only persons are given. r., V. R. Loops knit in the drawing, Nakida - ez. Start with 1 chrome, repeat the loop of the Rapport, end with loops after the rapport and 1 chrome. Repeat 13 times from the 1st to the 4th r. Run 1 time from the 5th to the 18th r. Then repeat from the 15th to the 18th r.

Knitting density . Volan: 17.5 p. And 25.5 p. = 10 x 10 cm; The main pattern: 22.5 p. and 24 p. = 10 × 10 cm.

Back: Screw 174 (202) n. And tie for a strip 1 cm = 2 p. izn. smooth. Then knit the main pattern. After 24.5 cm = 62 p. From the plank in the work there is 78 (90) p. 65.5 cm = 160 p. From the plank, close for the armor on both sides of 4 p., in every 2nd p. 2 x 2, 2 x 1 p. And in the next. 4th p. 1 x 1 p. = 56 (68) p. After 81.5 cm = 198 p. (83 cm = 202 p.) From the plank to close for the cutting of the neck, the average 30 p. And both sides finish separately. For rounding, close from the inside edge in the trail. 2nd p. 1 x 3 p. After 83 cm = 202 p. (84.5 cm = 206 p.) From the plank Close the remaining 10 (16) p.

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Before: knit the same, but with a deeper neckline. For this, 64.5 cm = 158 p. (66 cm = 162 p.) From the plank, close the average 14 p.; Then in each 2nd p. 1 x 3.1 x 2. 3 x 1 p. And in each 4th p. 3 x 1 p. Assembly: perform shoulder and side seams; On the circular needles to dial the neck of the neck of 130 p. On the provisions of 80 p., Tie 2 circular p. izn. And loops close faces.

Summer dress with spokes
@ My dear house

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