Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)



Autumn is the hottest and responsible time for all the owners and dachens. There is a harvest, harvesting fruits and vegetables for the winter are made, the garden and the garden to wintering are prepared. Very acute question about the correct storage of vegetables. And if a white or cauliflower, beets, bell pepper, tomato and many other things can be recycled and stored as ready-made vegetable blanks, then potatoes are always stored in raw form.

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

Belococcal or cauliflower, beets, Bulgarian pepper, tomato and many other things can be recycled and store as ready-made vegetable blanks, but potatoes are always stored in raw form.

Holders of private houses are deprived of such a problem, because the potatoes are perfectly stored in a dry cool cellar or basement. But the owners of the apartments must adapt something on a balcony or loggia. You can buy a ready-made vegetable store of the desired size, you can order a box to order, but in this case you have to watch the master to make such a special package for storing potatoes on the balcony, and you can make your own hands yourself.

Moreover, it is not difficult to make it, but there are several ways, and everyone can choose the option like.

The first method of making a drawer for vegetables with their own hands

Potato wintering box is a kind of mini cellar. Moreover, it is possible not only for long storage of a large volume of potatoes collected and brought from the country area, but also for a small amount of vegetables purchased in the neighboring market or supermarket. In addition to potatoes, you can put carrots, beets, white cabbage, turnip, pumpkin, and onions, garlic, pears and apples. All vegetables will remain in excellent condition and ready for culinary processing.

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

To achieve a constant temperature inside the box, it is recommended to install a thermal relay that will automatically turn off and on with any temperature fluctuations.

Make such a box is easy. Initially, it is necessary to determine the size. They are calculated based on the size of the balcony itself or the loggia and the estimated volume of storage of vegetables. In this particular case, the construction for a standard balcony is considered. The box itself is a certain hermetic structure (Fig. 1). It consists of well-insulated walls. Thanks to them inside such a cellar box, a plus temperature is always supported.

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For retention of heat, the cover, bottom and walls of homemade vegetable stores are collected from plywood sheets. The space between them is filled with insulation. They may become a sheet foam, foam, dry wood sawdust, etc. begin to make the box with a frame.

To maintain the desired temperature, and for potatoes it is 2-3 ° C, and the humidity of 80-90% at the bottom of the structure is set 15-watt incandescent lamps. To achieve a constant temperature inside the box, it is recommended to install a thermal relay in the chain lamps, which will automatically turn off and turn on with any temperature fluctuations. Who has no opportunity to put the relay, the design must be equipped with a conventional thermometer and monitor the temperature itself. Since everyone knows that potatoes in the light green, it is necessary to cover it with a dark dense cloth. You can also paint the lamp themselves with any dark lacquer, the main thing is to exclude black.

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

The main thing is to preserve the constant temperature in the box for the wintering of potatoes, which should be a kind of mini-cellar.

In addition to the above, the drawer inside needs to be provided with an excellent circulation of warm air. This will protect the harvest from freezing or damage. For this, before placing vegetables in it, at a distance of 60-70 cm from the bottom of the box, a sheet of plywood sheet, in which neatly small holes are done. The sheet can be replaced with a grid of round ridges. The main thing is not to damage the potatoes. Through the holes made, warm air will wash all the inner space of a vegetable store, without allowing crop to freeze. And in order to ensure good crop protection from purging, all the places of connecting shields must be made using a seal from a foam or porous rubber.

The box itself is more expedient to install as close as possible to the balcony door. Since the supply voltage from the entire apartment is supplied to lamps and drill a hole in the door or window block, which will reduce the length of the wiring.

The second way of making a drawer for vegetables with their own hands

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

The form of such a design should proceed from individual capabilities and preferences.

To make another storage for crop on the loggia or balcony, you will need lining with a thickness of 12 mm (Fig. 2). It is going to all of these boards, the layer of foam rubber is insulated, and the rubberoid or parchment is mounted between the wagon and insulation to protect the entire design from the penetration of moisture. The stiffness of the construction provides an end wall that is made of boards or multilayer plywood.

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To conveniently use the storage, the upper part of its front wall is manufactured by opening. And to hold it in a horizontal position, metal swivel brackets are installed under it. In a non-working position, they are pressed to the box, in the worker - move away from the wall. At the bottom of the design, a pair of electric bulb is installed. Their warmth supports the temperature needed for storing the harvest. Lamps are protected by plywood sheets with holes done in them. Thanks to these holes, warm air is well distributed throughout the volume of homemade vegetable store.

A very important point when using such a design is to ensure a good reliable operation of the heat source. Any long-term shutdown of the electric bulb is able to reduce the entire work done and to destroy the harvested harvest.

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

A very important moment when storing vegetables is ensuring a good and reliable operation of the heat source. This will help electrical thermos heated for storing vegetables.

To prevent this, it is necessary to make the easiest indicator. In the place where the heat source is located, a small window is cut and glazed it. Next, from the outside, the mirror is mounted, in which you can see, the electrollamp is lit or does not burn. You can also use the LED, which is fixed on the outer surface of the box. He will always inform, there is or not light inside the repository.

The form of such a design should also proceed from individual capabilities and preferences. For example, a box with parameters 600x800 × 900 (1200) mm is considered. Such a design can be positioned and vertically. In this case, the doors of the vegetable store can be placed on top or side. Then you can load potatoes or through the side door, or through the upper one. The wooden surface of the whole design will need to be protected by leaf panels from polycarbonate or PVC or cutting several sheets of galvanized iron if the loggia or balcony is not glazed.

Constructions for storing vegetables from girlfriend

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

To protect the entire design from the penetration of moisture, the rubberoid or pergamine is mounted between the lining and insulation.

If there is no time or opportunity to make a homemade vegetable vegetable store, then the most seemingly unnecessary things will fit. So, keep vegetables in ordinary wooden boxes or old small barrels. They are put on the type of matryoshka one in another. The resulting space is falling asleep with dry sawdust.

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You can simply disperse a small space on the balcony, pour out a smooth layer of potatoes and cover it with an old cotton blanket.

For storage of potatoes, you can adjust another refrigerator. It is possible to reflect its appearance, upgrading the fabor and stretching the fabric (Fig. 3).

Of course, all these methods do not guarantee 100% preservation of vegetables and are suitable only in extreme cases. Additionally, they still require constant quality control of the stored harvest and immediate removal of flushing.

Several useful tips

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

Successful storage of potatoes crop in the conditions of the urban apartment depends not only on the correctly made drawer, but also from the preliminary training of the clubs themselves.

Successful storage of potatoes crop in the conditions of the urban apartment depends not only on the correctly made drawer, but also from the preliminary training of the clubs themselves. To begin with, potatoes must be carefully dried for several hours or even the day. It is necessary to do it outdoors in a direct sunshine-protected place. This will prevent the disease and rotting tubers. Next, you need to sort the potatoes. A very long storage is laid well dried, without any flaws of the magnitude of the tuber. For the average shelf life, the largest potatoes are going on, since over time there are empties in them, as a result of which the taste will deteriorate.

It is possible to significantly extend the wintering of potatoes if adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. On top of the tuber lay a layer of beets. It perfectly absorbs excess moisture.
  2. Storage is better to send one potato grade.
  3. For this vegetable, the storage temperature is very important. Its increase will provoke growth of sprouts, a decrease will lead to declarations.
  4. Before laying a storage, it is necessary to carefully sort the harvest and remove the fubbed, soft or damaged tubers, otherwise most of the stock may be spoiled, despite the right storage conditions.
  5. To protect tubers from rot, they lay the layers of fern leaves, elderberry, rowan or wormwood.

Following such non-slip prompts, you can save one of the most beloved and most important products on our desk. And then potatoes, right up to the new crop, will please useful and delicious dishes.

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

Box for potatoes on the balcony with their own hands (photo)

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