Digital scrapbooking for beginners


Digital Skrapbooking is an interpretation of enough long-standing paper art with a similar name. Due to the appearance of sufficiently multifunctional graphic editors, this modern direction appeared. Now digital scarpuking for beginners is a job on a computer where a family album can also be issued. Digital Scarpuking has much greater opportunities than traditionally paper direction, using various spatial styles.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

We offer you a small excursion to the Digital Scarpuking area.

First of all, you should choose and explore the graphic editor, the most popular whose time can be called photoshop. Thanks to Photoshop, you can add the most different decor, various blots and chamsions, as well as the necessary inscriptions to the page. At the same time, even in a digital scaqing, it is necessary to master the basic rules of the harmonious and proper composition.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

The second most important element in the digital Skrapbooking, however, as in paper, this is a photo. It should be understood that the digital version will allow not the use of the original photo itself, but all the actions are performed with its copy.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

In addition, special attention in this work must be given to the schedule, and to be more accurate, then the material from which digital pages are created. In this case, we are talking about various backgrounds, cliparts, inscriptions, templates, etc.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Also, as in paper, there are whole sets that already contain the necessary jewelry, decor, background paper and inscriptions in one style.

When working with photoshop, you will definitely detect such a concept as a template that is a separate file in which each element is located in a separate layer. The template is enough to substitute the selected background, decor and photos, and the composition is ready.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

However, it is worth saying that Digital Skrapbooking got all the same graphics, such as masks, overlay, brushes and quick pages.

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If we talk about the latest version, then this is a kind of ready-made page, which remains only to photographs.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

The mask is a graphics with a transparent fotom that will make the edges of the photo quite interesting.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

The charts of the overlay allows you to create your own background paper, if necessary, create it or decorate it at your discretion.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Brushes These are files that are already in photoshop in the standard set, but if necessary, you can purchase other brushes or create your own.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

As a rule, when working with digital CracBooking, a number of rules must be followed. One of the most important rules should be considered to protect property rights, which also applies to ready-made sets. In the event that for your work you use a purchased or free set, but it is best to specify the name of its author and the name of the set itself.

Each folder with a set has a file called "Terms of Use". It is necessary to comply with these conditions that are inherently reduced to the following:

- a ban on the assignment for the selected schedule of its authorship;

- Prohibition to use a schedule for commercial purposes, that is, the selected set cannot be used for work that will be sold;

- ban exchange graphics;

- Loans should be placed in the mandatory.

If we talk about loans, then this is a kind of list of materials that were used in work. In this case, we are talking about the name of the set or graphics, as well as their author.

It should be borne in mind that even a set or graphics downloaded for free, possess the author.

We wish you creative solutions and inspiration.

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

Digital scrapbooking for beginners

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