How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house


In order for a cozy atmosphere in a country house or urban apartment with panoramic windows, the inner decoration of the rooms should be made as attractive as possible. And how to choose curtains on panoramic windows in an apartment and house, we will talk later in this article.

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

Curtains on large windows

What is a panoramic window?

In recent years, panoramic windows for country houses and apartments are very popular in the city. This is an unusual way to design a window opening, when the glass package does not take part of the wall, but the entire surface of the ceiling and to the floor. The advantages of such design on the face:

  • a large volume of light-effect capacity, which allows you to fill the wooden house or urban apartment with the maximum amount of light and heat at any time of the year;
  • Unusual aesthetics, which gives all the buildings high attractiveness.

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

There are practically no shortcomings in high windows. Is that the owner of a wooden house is very afraid of a curious eye passersby. But even, if so, the problem is easy to eliminate with the help of a properly selected textile. Successful selection of curtains on panoramic windows in the photo below is presented.

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

Panoramic windows in the bedroom

This room is intended for rest, sleep after a working day. Here, a person forgets about the difficulties of the day and restores the strength, so the bedroom design should be harmonious, beautiful, nonsense.

In the decoration of the walls and the ceiling here you should not use bright screaming paints, intricate forms or catchy prints. This also applies to design for huge windows in the bedroom. For them, you need to choose such textiles that would complement the unusual aesthetics of high windows.

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

Successful curtains on big high panoramic windows can be:

  • By color calm, unobtrusive. All shades of pastels, coffee, pistachio, golden tones;
  • In fact, it is better to combine a dense chart and translucent tulle;
  • By style to harmonize with the rest of the bedroom. For the classic style, choose the curtains in the floor, the canvas with folds and draperies. For Modern Style, you can choose simple, Roman or rolled curtains.

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How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

Panoramic windows in the kitchen

Since the kitchen is characterized by high aggressiveness to textiles in the form of odors of food and high humidity, the curtains should be selected from textiles with protective impregnation from stains, dust, fat.

It costs to refuse from Citz or Cotton in favor of Capron, Nylon, Organza. Such options are very practical, easily erased, look decent and stylish, let go a lot of light.

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

It is also not necessary to purchase curtains with folds and flocks for large window openings in the kitchen room. Folds will definitely accumulate dust and pollution. Prefer preference more practical forms: to the floor, Roman curtains, rolled curtains.

But the color decision of textiles for window openings is worth choosing a fun and positive so that the mood for breakfast rises. Prefer juicy green, blue azure, delicate violet or appetizing peach shades for kitchen decor. The successful design of the panoramic window with curtains in the kitchen will make this room by residential and cozy.

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

Large panoramic windows in the living room

The atmosphere in this room and in a country house, and in the urban apartment is almost always the same. Here, unlike the kitchen, the level of humidity is unchanged, aggressive cleaning agents are not relevant, there are no odors of food. That is why in the living room you can pick up curtains to large window openings from any textile:

  • Natural options: cotton, silk, atlas, flax. They do not provoke allergic reactions in humans, but very complex in care. Such canvas need dry washing;
  • Semi-synthetic and synthetics: viscose, organza and others. Do not burn out in the sun, practical, beautiful. But this option is not suitable if the owner of the house suffers from allergies.

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

Regarding the texture of the curtain for the living room with panoramic windows, it is worth choosing a dense. Then, if you wish, to retire or reduce the noise level from the street, you can hide the curtains. This is especially true for the classic style of design of such premises.

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A very calm atmosphere can be created using a curtain with a tissue of warm bedtones. And to give the living room an unusual look, thin style, luxury and gloss, you can apply a variety of decorative elements along with curtains

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

Incredibly appeal to the rolled curtains for panoramic windows in the apartment. To make sure this will help the photo presented below.

How to pick up curtains on panoramic windows in the apartment and house

How to make a panoramic window on the loggia?

An excellent option for the loggia is rolled curtains on panoramic windows. This is an easy way to provide home to reliable protection against bright rays of the Sun, curious eyes of the neighbors, as well as give a tiny loggia visual space. Such structures, as demonstrated in the following photo, do not clutter the already small area, and complement it with their beauty and thin style.

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