Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video


Macrame - appliances knitting various things with the help of nodules. To work in this technique, first of all, it is necessary to master the main nodes of Macrame. This can be done with step-by-step schemes.

Flat knot

These are the very first and simple nodes in this technique. Flat nodules are right-handed and left.

To weave left-sided, you need to take the left working thread and bend right, on top of the rest. Then take the right working rope and put on top of the left. Take it under the rest of the thread and stretch into the created loop.

The right flat node should be placed in the same way, only in the mirror image. We need to weave to right left.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Square or double flat

This node is the basis of many products. It consists of two elements : right-sided flat knot and left-sided flat node. The photo shows the order of weaving.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

With 1 number 5 depicts a flat right-sided node. From 6 to 8 - left-handed. When they are plexus and a square node is formed.

This looks somewhat interconnected by a chain of square nodes:

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Rep companion

This is one of the most popular nodes in Macrame.

With the help of these nodules, horizontal, vertical and diagonal brothers are rushing. This is called rows consisting of reps nodes.

Horizontal brothers. Based on how to fix how much work threads. The extreme thread on the left should be especially long, as it will be the main thread. It can not be cut off at all from the ball. The remaining ropes should be longer than the future product 4.5 times.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

An extreme left thread should be pulled horizontally to the right above the other threads and secure the pin. From the next left, the threads are made on the basis of 2 unilateral loops. Then tightly tighten and the working thread leave hanging vertically. Take the next thread and repeat the weaving - it turns out a horizontal brida.

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Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

After weaving the nodes by all the working threads, the base turns left, horizontally. The horizontal brid is routing right hand to the right left.

At the place of rotation to fix the thread with a pin, otherwise it will come out inaccurate.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Diagonal brothers. These nodes are very popular in the style of Macrame. Of these, you can weathered crosses, diamonds, circles, flowers, petals.

Right thread stretch at an angle down and left, top over other threads. Schedu over 2 unilateral nodules by each working thread. It is only necessary to fix the thread of the pin on the right in the upper corner.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

In Brida, which weave right, you need to pull down the left straight thread down and right.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

If we are weaveting 2 brothers closely nearby, then for each next one you need to take an extreme rope and pulling around the previous one.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

It is possible to start from the center and weave the rhombic - first to the left side, then right.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

Vertical brdines. It turns out a dense weaving. Usually used for weaving mats, belts and other products that require dense mating. The thread on which others are hung is a worker. Do not cut it from the ball. The remaining threads are the basis and their length - the basis of the finished product.

Starting with the upper right corner. Fasten a pins of thread. Right hand pull the first rope of the base and move two one-sided nodes on it. Continue a number to the end. Expand the working rope to the right and secure the pin. Tighten the bases of the base with the left hand, the right to weave the one-sided nodules of the working rope. Continue to the end of the row. Etc.

Macrame knots: Basic schemes for beginners with photos and video

That's how the main nodes for beginners look in Macrame.

Video on the topic

Here you can see the video about the manufacture of various nodes of Macrame.

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