Liquid plaster for internal and external work


Any repairs, even if they are cosmetic, affect the walls. And here you already want to use the most interesting materials. For me, this question seemed very important, because I wanted to apply inexpensive for walls, but a good material, and all the well-known wallpapers are already tired. Despite the fact that the modern market is full of all sorts of options - good and really high-quality is very small. When I carefully began to go through the possible options, I stopped the decorative plaster. And from the existing species, I liked the stucco liquid. Such an element can be used even for exterior walls. In addition, it is possible to independently carry out work, which will significantly save the cost of repairs.

Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Liquid plaster

Acquaintance with the material and its advantages

Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Wall decoration

I liked the fact that the decoration of walls with the help of plaster is not only a good way to be decorated, but also make them seamless. Remember how the work on the shook wallpaper occurs, you have to make special efforts to pull them out and make joints between the strips as imperceptible as possible.

Important! The stucco is also called liquid wallpaper - this is due to its packaging. The plaster is sold in packages, and it is possible to start its application immediately after adding a certain amount of water to it.

Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Liquid plaster

The composition of the plaster can introduce various additives that allow it to apply it for external processes and thereby protect the surface from various negative factors. After the end of the work on the finishing of the outerness, the additional properties of thermal insulation and sound insulation appear. Now more and more people give preference to liquid plaster, and I allocated such advantages of the material for myself:

  • One of the components of the plaster is cellulose and silk fibers - these elements are natural and do not harm any harm to human health
  • Components allow you to make a surface smooth and pleasant to the touch. Interior of the room due to such plaster, becomes very cozy
  • If the liquid mixture is properly applied, the layer of plaster will not be peeling. The material has good adhesion
  • After the work is completed, the surface of the trimmed walls will be seamless, and this significantly improves the appearance of the entire room
  • The ability to hide small disadvantages of the walls, indicates the possibility of not carrying out the process to maximize surface alignment
  • If the holding and internal and external work occurs after the end of the construction of a new home, then you can not be afraid of the cracking of plaster - it is not deformed when the building shrinkage
  • Together with other advantages, the liquid mixture also has good indicators of sound and thermal insulation.
  • You can repair a certain area, disassembly will not need from the entire surface. This also applies for outdoor

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Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Decoration of walls in the apartment

Agree that this is an impressive list of advantages that most materials do not have. And this is not all the advantages of the use of liquid mixture. Liquid wallpapers can be applied independently and not overpay at the same time, and the process itself is quite simple. To finish the walls with liquid plaster, requires such tools:

  1. Spatula - no longer need no fixtures for application or alignment. It is very convenient and profitable.
  2. Water - the mixture is divorced in a certain proportion with warm water. After that, it is applied to the walls with a spatula. Outdoor work on finishing

Important! It is necessary to carry out work at a temperature of about +20 degrees.

If such a temperature regime adheres, then the plaster dries out for 3-4 hours, after which it does not need to cover it, grind and do something with it.

Material for work both inside the house and outside

Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Stucco finish

To enhance the appearance of the plaster, various components are added to the liquid mixture. Some of these are:

Material for work both inside the house and outside

Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Stucco finish

To enhance the appearance of the plaster, various components are added to the liquid mixture. Some of these are:

  1. Vegetable and wool fibers
  2. Nacre
  3. Woolen Nights
  4. Silk

Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Stuccoing wall

Thanks to these additives, you can create amazing interiors and magnificent designs. If the liquid mixture has in its composition, it says not only about interesting design, but also a good stability of plaster to the action of ultraviolet rays. And the main superiority is the ability to finish with your own hands.

When I was the choice of additives for liquid material, I chose silk. The walls of my house after the completion of cosmetic repairs shone with new colors, and most importantly, I was no longer worried about the fact that some sites can burn due to the constant sunlight.

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Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Wall decoration with liquid plaster

But this is still not all the advantages of liquid plasters. Thanks to them, it is possible to separate the outer walls of the house and thereby protect them from various factors. The operational qualities of the liquid mixture can be compared with many other finishing materials. It is able to reliably protect the surface from the aggressive external influence of weather, from a sharp temperature difference, from atmospheric precipitation that destroy the structure of the walls. Since the use is possible for external work, then I will immediately say about the resistance to an elevated level of humidity. The introduction of various additives only improve the properties of the material and allow it to be applied in hard-to-reach places. Another positive quality is an antiseptic effect and resistance to exhaust gases.

Liquid plaster for internal and external work

Finishing work

And if we add fractions of a stone or marble crumb to liquid plaster, the facade will become even more attractive. Everyone knows what "Coroed" is and is formed such a surface thanks to this crumb. If you decide to add this component to the plaster, do not forget during application often mix the liquid mixture - the pebble fractions have the property.

After examining the material and having acquainted with this type of finish, I realized that this is the element that will help me achieve incredible solutions. And the ability to finish with your own hands allowed me to significantly save and not use the services of expensive masters.

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