Doll holder for toilet paper with its own hands from Foamyran


Toilet paper doll is a very original and unusual toilet accessory, which can be made of wood, fabrics and other different materials. The unique interior and homemade comfort very often develops from ordinary trifles. If desired, many of them can be made with their own hands, now there are a large number of information sources with detailed manufacturing instructions. The process of home decorating the house is a pleasant, inexpensive and creative occupation, in which you can use all family members. Everyone will feel a part of their participation in creating a unique image of its home.

There are no such rooms or premises in the house that you can not pay attention. Therefore, even the bathroom can not be called secondary. Holder for toilet paper can also be one of the most unusual interior particles.

Mastering holder

Let's go to the master class for the manufacture of original "ladies" in the coats and slippers.

Doll holder for toilet paper with their own hands from Foamyran

These lovely creatures will pleasantly surprise their kind of all households and guests. You can also make this unusual gift to someone for any holiday or birthday. It will clearly stand out among all the others. After all, gifts made by their own hands will always be very unusual and unique, emphasizing the individuality of a person. The doning puts his strength and love in him, making such a gift in valuable.

To work, you will need:

  • paper for pattern;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • Embroidery threads;
  • Fabric stretch of corporal color;
  • filler;
  • Fabric for making clothes on a doll;
  • needle;
  • Hair yarn;

The first pattern pattern is cut out of the cardboard.

Doll holder for toilet paper with its own hands from Foamyran

This is the future torso doll. From the fabric you need to cut two such details. Folding the back with the front face in the inside, sew them along the edge. You can use the sewing machine, and you can also sew on your hands. In the place where limitations are indicated, it is not necessary to sew, through this hole of the doll will be stuffed with filler.

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This is the pattern of a collar from a bathrobe and head.

Doll holder for toilet paper with their own hands from Foamyran

From the same tissue you need to cut two parts of the head and sew, leaving the hole for packing. For a collar, you need to bend the fabric in half and cut with a break on the seam.

The next step will be the manufacture of legs and hands.

Doll holder for toilet paper with their own hands from Foamyran

Note! High accuracy is very important here, so it is better to redraw or print the pattern, and then cutting parts with letters.

Next, proceed to the manufacture of clothes.

Doll holder for toilet paper with their own hands from Foamyran

This is part of a robe, his front shelf. Then make an all-circular detail of the back of a robe. It is necessary to put the pattern on the fabric, after pre-laying it in half. Cut with an allowance on the seam, 0.7 cm on each side and 1 cm on the seabol.

Doll holder for toilet paper with their own hands from Foamyran

Now it remains to make patterns for slippers and handkerchief.

Doll holder for toilet paper with its own hands from Foamyran

Here are the parts of the slipper (sole and the upper part) and a stylish handker. Fabric for headdress before revealing you need to fold in half and cut.

After all the details are already sewn, you need to fill them with filler. It is best suited by a synthetone or holofiber. In the hole, which remained after stinging, the neck of the body is taught and the invisible seam is connected. You can make bending limbs. To do this, before fill the doll, you need to go into the hands and legs of the wire, which will repeat their bends.

Doll holder for toilet paper with their own hands from Foamyran

Hacking hands and legs with filler, you need to sew them to the body. Make it need neat, invisible stitches.

Doll holder for toilet paper with its own hands from Foamyran

Next, slippers are made. For each of them, two blanks are cut, leaving the allowances on the seams. By the same principle, the upper pieces of slippers are made. It is necessary to put the parts in this way: on the front side of the sole details put the cardboard, and on top of it the second part. Invisible stitching tissue. According to the same technology, making sickles. Footwear can be decorated with flowers by making them from Foamiran.

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Next is made clothes for the doll. For a robe, you need to stack the side sides of the shelves and backs.

Doll holder for toilet paper with its own hands from Foamyran

Two parts from the collar are stitched, they are rooted and sewed to the neck of the shelves and the back of a robe. Having turned the central edges of the cloth, they are fed. Then there is a belt for a bathrobe headdress for our heroine. Threads embroidered faces are embroidered, finished eyes are attached. Eyes can be done independently. Under the scarf is made bangs from yarn, you liked in color. Headdress and clothing can be invented and made absolutely different, it all depends on the wealth of your imagination. The cape, a hat and a towel will also look great on such a doll.

Doll holder for toilet paper with its own hands from Foamyran

That's so wonderful turned out the doll made by your own hands.

Video on the topic

In these videos, you can see the entire process of manufacturing such a decorative element for your home.

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