String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video


To date, at least a few hobbies are very popular. Our world develops rapidly and sometimes you want to hurry anywhere. Therefore, the majority begins to master the needlework. In this article we want to tell about the new form of hobbies of the younger generation. From the title you can already understand what we will be discussed, namely on String art for beginners with schemes so that you can create beautiful pictures and not only.

By the way, this kind of hobby is very exciting and not only young people are engaged.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

What a beast and what it eats it

As many sources say, no particular origin is found. Someone refers to the British roots, and someone on African. Nevertheless, this craft is considered not so ancient, since its popularity began to grow only in the last century. Who would have thought that thanks to the Mathematics teacher, this technique would become popular. The story states that the teacher tried to interest the children algebra and geometry. Nails were stuck on the table, and with the help of the thread, the necessary figures were created. This technique was interested in American designer John Eichnger. He became a man who was able to turn geometric shapes into art. His first work was facing oriental creativity, so we can often meet pictures in the form of mandala.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

From the English word "String" translates as a rope or string. Accordingly, the literally "String Art" sounds like rope art. Agree, this is a strange combination of words. Although actually looks very attractive. Surely you have already met pictures with nails and threads, stretched between them.

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String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

Go to preparation

Since the technique is simple, we can create drawings, pictures or decorate the room. As a rule, straight lines are used in Streig Art, which are located on each other. This creates the amount of work. So, to proceed to creation, we will need:

  • Select a scheme for creating (do not take complex options for now);
  • working tool (hammer, nails);
  • Motor threads (any);
  • The base (can also be any: paper, wooden, concrete and so on).

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

How to make a beautiful picture? First of all, we need to choose a drawing. Thunderstand, what size it will be in which color scheme. You can also use templates from the Internet.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

The next stage is the preparation of the basis. To begin with, you can consider the option of cardboard or foam.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

Print the diagram of the selected image and apply it to our foundation. After we take a needle or sewed and on the contour we do holes. In places where they made holes, nail nails.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

Next, remove the template.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

On a note! Carnations must be in one distance, they do not need to score deeply.

Create a masterpiece

This is the most pleasant moment in creating a picture. We are starting to play with threads and confuse them, as we do. But remember the straight lines.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

Let's give a couple of tips:

  • Do not pull a strong thread, otherwise nails under pressure will bend and it looks not very beautiful;
  • Weak, too, should not be stretching, as the drawing will become not clear and the threads will begin to be confused;
  • Combine colors, the same creative process;
  • For saturation of lines, watery more layers of thread.

Example of simple string art

You studied the basics, and maybe already tried themselves as an artist. However, below we look at the master class for beginners.

The first thing we did - chose the size and product template.

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String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

As mentioned earlier, we choose and prepare the foundation. Then we apply our scheme in the center, as in the photo below.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

We celebrate a pencil equal distance. If the drawing you chose, more complex, then make the marks with a seboard or needle (in case the soft basis). Next, we drive on the contour of the nails.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

We remove the template, it will not need it anymore.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

It remains for small. Freshing the beginning of the thread and tied the carnations, as you like more. On our example, the contour initially is tied, and then the empty space is filled.

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

Ultimately the result is like a pretty heart:

String art for beginners with schemes: master class with photos and video

It would seem, a simple picture, and how beautiful looks in the interior. Even more admiration causes when they create such things yourself. Many creative workers began with Azov. Now some of them are arranged exhibitions in their galleries. Someone creates a panel to order, and someone has it left at the hobby level.

Video on the topic

For those who are interested to view more options for creating drawings, we have prepared a selection of video.

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