Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos


Appliques on clothes look very cool. And they are called upon to help mothers and their kids cover the disadvantages of their clothing, such as small holes or specks. Applications can be made in many ways, but most often it is done by sewing parts from the fabric manually.

So let's get start.

Decor of bead

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

For patterns from beads on clothes, we will need:

  • Beads of any shape and size you like;
  • Blank or finished stripes with a pattern;
  • Embroidery needles beading;
  • Silk or synthetic beads;
  • Scissors;
  • Flash.

Embroide the finished pattern is the easiest way, it will turn out beautifully if you use suitable colors.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

And you can embroider yourself, using with this scheme that you will see below. These are pretty simple drawings that a beginner master can easily be easier to fabric.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

For this pattern, seam "Forward needles" is used, and the space inside the flowers and petals is filled with the help of a seam "For a needle".

The next pattern is called "Star Spiral". It looks good on dresses and magnificent skirts and also simple performed, like the previous one.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Larger beads or beads need to be located closer towards the center and sew them better than the "forward needle".

Another pattern that will be discussed is a pattern with the attractive name "Sultan". Such a light pattern can be embroidered on any fabric, the main thing in it is the correct size and color of beads.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

We also mention the ornament "Sheet and Rose", which is also very simple for beginners. Look in the photo, the drawing is very beautiful, but at the same time it is quite easy to perform.

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Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Buttons to work

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

And what if you do appliques to your favorite blouse or pants from buttons? It turns out a stylish element of the jewelry, which will go with the ring!

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

What do we need:

  • Buttons. The more and more diverse, the better;
  • threads and needle;
  • scissors.

On monophonic clothes, the button of buttons will look very cool, and the thing will become unique.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

It is possible to embroider anything: trees, flowers, animals, ethnic ornaments, geometric shapes and so on. Give the will of your fantasy, stock buttons of different colors and sizes and forward, conquer fashionable frontiers!

You can first cut stencils, circle the contour on the fabric and only then begin to embroider with buttons. And you can outline for yourself the idea of ​​the picture and sew buttons without prior preparation of the fabric.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

A lot of sewing options. You can make the imitation of the collar:

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

And even do the removable collars on their own fashionable collars today. See how stylish it looks:

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

You can reap the dress dresses:

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Or make "straps":

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Decoration from felt

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Finally, the turn has come to talk about appliques on clothes for children. Children also want to have fashion stripes, just like mom! You can also take a finished applique from felt, and you can make it with your own hands.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

We are for the second option, therefore we armed with the necessary materials:

  • Felt;
  • Directly the clothes that will decorate;
  • Scissors;
  • Threads and needles.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

First cut out the templates of all parts from paper.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Then we transfer the details on the felt and cut.

Pay attention to the advice! So that the felt does not change the shape, stick the template to the felt of the felt pin.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Next, the step is not mandatory, rather aesthetic. We must make sure that all the elements come to each other.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

After making sure, proceed. First, we sew the elements of the face of Minnie Mouse. Do it best on the sewing machine, but you can manually.

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Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Now we need to revive a little fruit mouse. We use black threads or threads Moulin.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Next, sew facet to the remaining, black part of Minnie face.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Finish with the details. On the bow neatly chalk will schedule fabric folds. Then the lines will pass black threads.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

And finally, the final stage. Send a felt figure to a blouse or dress.

Threads change to the tone of felt so that the general picture looked beautiful and aesthetic.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Send bow. And our stripe from felt is ready!

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Leather accent

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Appliques from leather look very stylish and beautiful, but to sew them carefully, considerable patience and skill are required.

Alas, not every tissue is suitable for making her stripes from leather. Therefore, it is very important to pick up the substrate under the application. It may be felt, gabardine or drape.

You can cut out any skin items.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

First of all, you need to cut the desired ornament from cardboard, make templates. Of them cut leather parts and glue them to the substrate.

Only then you can select parts according to the template or idea to clothing.

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Appliques on beads and buttons for children with photos and videos

Video on the topic

Let's look at the video to learn about the process of embroidery appliqués in various ways!

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