Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles


Dear readers of the Internet magazine "Handmade and Creative"! We have prepared a new interesting master class on making a small handbag. In fact, if you have two round bamboo handles from the old bag, then all problems are solved. Loskutka motley fabric you can easily find out at home. And to sew such a cheerful bag, you will spend a little more than an hour. Let's try?

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Required materials and tools:

  • Round bamboo handles (ours in diameter amounted to 15 cm);
  • Two rectangles of cloth 30 cm width and 25 cm high for the manufacture of external bags;
  • Two rectangles of 30 cm x 25 cm made of tissue of another coloring for the manufacture of inner parts of the bag.


We start with the fact that all parts of the future bag are well separated.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Preparation of parts

Squat the needles face one external and one inner rectangle. In our case, the external rectangle into the cell, and the internal - turquoise color. Repeat the same for another pair of the same details.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

If you want the bottom of the bags to have rounded corners, then find something round for the template. It can be lids or plates. Attach to the bottom corner, read part of the circle and cut.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

To get the same rounded corners, we propose to fold the cloth in half and crop the second angle.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

This is what our blank with rounded corners looks.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Connection of parts

Sustrate frontal parts together.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Position the part so that the facial part of the panel is turned face to you.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Then take the unprocessed upper part of the bag panel and endure from both sides. Purchase.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

The same repeat the same bags for the second panel. Fold them together face each other. Bend edges down by 7 cm.

Article on the topic: Circuit diagrams with a crochet with a description and video

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Print these parts by needles, but you do not need to flash them. Now you need to sew two parts of the bag together. Striver starting with a place, a slotted needles. Do not hurry. You must well flash these dense details.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

That's what you should get.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Now the arrival of the handles. Use a thick thread for embroidery by folding it twice.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Just enter the top of the bag to the handle.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

When we ended the thread, we started to sew a handle from the other edge. Thus, it turned out a bit pressed and very nice.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Repeat the same for another handle. Our bright summer bag is ready.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

The size of the finished bag was 25 cm x 20 cm.


To decorate our handbag, we used a bright flower of fabric. So looks even better!

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

Try sewing such beauty yourself. Summer bag, created by their own hands, will be an excellent gift for a girlfriend.

Summer bag with hands with round bamboo handles

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