Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons


Fucecakes from tapes are bright colored bracelets that can be made at home with their own hands. At the very recent time, every girl in the courtyard knew how to decorate his outfit and tape with the assumption and tapes and emphasize individuality. Now Fuenches are in fashion again, so this master class is exactly useful to lovers of needlework. The schemes of weaving phenoshek from ribbons are very simple.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Tips for weaving

Before starting work, it is worth learn a few cognitive facts about phenoshek weaving, which will be useful in the future:

  1. Using relevant colors. This bracelet is a matter of cult, with a certain thought and culture. It is worth finding before the start of work the values ​​of colors and find out what kind of "answers;
  2. It is not worth tightening the loop too much, it is best to leave them slightly free. So the decoration will look more symmetrically and carefully;
  3. Be sure to fasten the tape by the pin so that they do not slip and do not fall apart. Or you can slightly tie the bane on a simple knot, and the ends leave slightly hang.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Simple bracelet of two tapes

To make such a bauble, it takes two tapes, no less than a meter long. You can choose any colors, but green and yellow ribbons are selected for example.

For the first weaving it is better to take ribbons more than one centimeter in width.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Next, take the prepared ribbons and impose one to another. Maxim as close to the edge to tie a node. As a result, the loop obtained from the nodal will remain. Free edges of the ribbon to send inside.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

On each ribbon to make a loop with a diameter of 10 centimeters. Give green tape in yellow and gently tighten the green loop.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Then make a green loop and turn yellow, after which the latter tighten. Further do the same actions, but in reverse order. Continue weaving until the bracelet is the desired length.

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For work, satin tapes of four shades will be required, each longest meters long.

At the beginning of work, leave 15 centimeters at the ends of the tapes and make a dense nodule. Play the resulting harness in different directions. Bend one of the tapes from top to bottom to bottom so that the loop came out.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Then put another tint on it as with the right, but already on the left side.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

The main material of the phenoschka bend from the bottom to the upper, breaking the previous tape.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Extreme tape bend from the left side to the right and push it into the loop from the primary material.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Take the workpiece so that the square formed.

You should not forget to paint ribbons, it should be constantly so that they are smooth. If this is not observed, the bracelet will be irregular and deformed.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

It should often try on the phenus to the hand to control the desired length. The decoration will look more spectacular if it is slightly twist it around the axis.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

If you pull the bracelet too, it can turn into a dressing. It should be remembered that in this case the reverse form it is no longer possible.

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Fashion bracelet ready!

Ribbon weaving from ribbons: scheme with photos and video lessons

Video lessons on the subject of the article

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