How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)


How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

The bedroom is a place where a person holds one of the most important phases per day. We are talking about holidays per day and pleasant dream, so that there was an opportunity to replenish the forces on the entire subsequent day. Therefore, it is very important that the bedroom is cozy and comfortable, and the furniture stood in their places.

Often people wonder how to properly place items in the bedroom, namely the closet, table and bed.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Bed location

For a good quality sleep, it will take not only a comfortable and comfortable bed, but also the right location.

Experienced designers recommend placing her headboard to the wall in order to have the possibility of approaching both sides. In addition, this species will be aesthetically enjoyable.

The location of the bed relative to the cabinet or side walls should be minimally 70 cm. Such a distance is distributed on the bed in the children's room. The exception will be the option with the elderly - it is recommended to put a bed about 100 cm. from items.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

If you wish to arrange it headboard to the window - calculate not less than 50 cm. Distance between them. With parallel placement, this figure will be approximately 80cm.

It happens that the room area does not always allow to accommodate a full-fledged double bed, as it is completely "Eat" all free space. In such cases, it is recommended to buy an angular sofa. It is logical that its location will be in one of the corners of the room in which it will fit in the best possible way.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Single bed is best put along one of the walls. In the presence of two single beds, arrange them symmetrically at opposite walls. Alternatively, they can still be placed in the center, conventionally dividing the territory between them using a desk, a bedside table or a small chest.

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How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Rules for the location of furniture relative to bed

In order to arrange overall furniture you will need not only the correct calculations of the space itself, but also additional indicators for convenient opening of boxes, doors and other elements.

An approximate distance between the cabinet that has swap doors and the bed must be at least 80 cm. This space will be enough to pass and conveniently using the cabinet.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

To use the bottom of the chest should be about 160 cm. Free space to bed.

The location of the table takes from the calculation of 1m. From the edge of the bed before it started.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Furniture alignment tips

With experience come various useful tips that you can use not to make anyone else's mistakes. Since the bedroom should be as comfortable and comfortable as possible, one of the items, in addition to the interior design, there will be a moment of placeholding of furniture.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Stage 1. Effective space planning

In order to save yourself from unnecessary loads and rearrangement of furniture, we can take advantage of modern technologies and programs. To date, there are a lot of computer calculations, which will require only the parameters of the room and furniture. After a few minutes you can get several options for the arrangement and layout of the room.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

You can use the old proven method drawing a project drawing on a leaflet. There is no longer needed exact size, just count the approximate layout of the room.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Alternatively, draw a room in a full scale, including the space of windows and doors, sockets and other elements. Conditional furniture items can be cut out of paper and pierce to arrange in different versions until you find the right solution.

When choosing one or another place, try to take into account the rules of ergonomics, because the bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation. You can still use Feng Shui technique, which has become very popular recently.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Stage 2. Bed Location

One of the most important items in the bedroom is the bed and its location. Consider practical advice on its placement.

    1. It is recommended to put the bed headboard to the wall. Thus, at the subconscious level, a person has the impression of calm and protection.
    2. Do not forget about the distance between the bed and the rest of the items. It must be from 70-80 cm. And up to 100 cm. In an option with the elderly.
    3. If you have a single bed - it is best to move to the side of the wall. So it will look much harmonious in relation to the overall plan, and rest will be even comfortable and cozy.

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How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

  1. It is advisable not to post by the window - the approach will be demanded, and constant drafts or cold can negatively affect your health.

    An exception can be only the case when there are two large windows in the room. Then the bed can be placed between them, but again to look at how comfortable you will be.

  2. Also not advised to put a bed opposite the doors. It is quite uncomfortable for a person who sleeps, and accidentally opened doors can cause terrible discomfort during sleep.
  3. Similarly, it will also relate to the mirror. Do not hang it near the bed in such a way that you are reflected in it.
  4. A rather interesting decision will put it in the angle and arrange diagonally.

    Supplement to bed can put bedside tables on the sides. Usually they go the same species, but in modern decorations there are so that they are made by asymmetric.

Stage 3. Where to put a wardrobe

In addition to the main object in the form of a bed, there is another overall furniture that you need to place. The closet is one of those components that belongs to such a list.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Depending on whether the usual wardrobe or wardrobe, we need to consider where to place it. In any case, he must stand tightly to the wall - thus we will save space.

An excellent option for compact placement of the cabinet will be the acquisition of an angular option.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

One of the basic rules of accommodation states that it is categorically not recommended to place a wardrobe near those walls where the windows are located. This is due to the fact that there will not be enough daylight lighting for inspection and selecting content. Optimally place it opposite the window - then such a problem will not occur in principle.

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How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Stage 4. Dresser's location

In fact, the chest can be put in absolutely any part of the room, provided that there will be no mirror over it. Alternatively, it can be additionally used as a bedside table.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

In the case when the bedroom is combined with the working office - the chest of drawers, it is advisable to place closer to the bedroom, and put the table and chairs at the window.

Furniture in a small bedroom

In such a situation, you should create the maximum number of places where it would be possible to store your belongings. It may be space under the bed, in the middle of the chairs or pupil, the place under the closet (if there is).

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

If the bedroom interior does not fit at least a small location option, do not be discouraged. It can be fully replaced by a hanger-barbell, to spend the most necessary things you need.

An interesting designer idea will be the creation of a podium in which theoretically can also be stored part of things. The main thing is to consider this moment in advance and everyone is pretty planned.

For a bedroom of small areas, a good exit from the situation will be furniture-transformer. Thus, we can effectively use the place in the room, while not affecting personal comfort.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

Furniture for "Feng Shui"

The rules for the arrangement of objects in the bedroom on Feng-Shuya states about the following nuances:

    • The ideal form of the room is a square or a rectangle that can be achieved using furniture alignment and small correction in terms of color solutions.
    • Buy furniture with sharp corners according to the rules of Feng Shui is taboo.
    • If there are massive furniture in the presence - put it under the wall.

How to put furniture in the bedroom: examples interior with finished beds under bed, wardrobe and dressing table (36 photos)

  • Absolutely all parts of the bedroom, including corners, need to be illuminated using basic light or backlight.
  • It is recommended to buy a bed on legs for a better stream and circulation of body energy.

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