[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment


Favorites in the design of small-sized apartments are representatives of flora of miniature forms, slow-growing and shadowed crops . They are undemanding in care, can give the interior expressiveness and special color in the conditions of space deficiency.

[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment

Uzambarskaya violet

As unpretentious plants of compact forms of SENPOLIA are ideal for close apartments. The violet does not need the abundance of sunlight, can delight luxurious blossoms almost all year round. Assist to maintain the decorativeness of the Kistica special feeding. They are brought with intensity 2 times a month after moisturizing the substrate, not allowing hit plates and flowers. SENPOLIA should irrigate below. For this pot with violet put on the pallet with water for 10-15 minutes, after returning to the place.

[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment

On a note! Senpolia do not like spraying, while they react well to humidity. Put a beautiful composition in the form of a transparent water container with the addition of pebbles or claying to moisturize the air around the flower.

[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment


The flower spider is easily adapted to the lighting, it is perfectly developing both under the rays of the Sun and in a half, suitable for growing in conditions of close apartments. Place the chlorophytum on the chest or the shelf near the window, if there is no space on the windowsill. Culture with luxurious feathered leaves and sockets on long blooms is also valued in the quality of a natural filter, which perfectly cleans the air indoors from the molecules of harmful substances.

Chlorophytum responds well on spraying, especially in winter, when air dryness is observed due to the included heating devices.

[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment


Sansevieria - "Teschin Language" - grows up, does not clutch space, it looks good in the decor of small rooms, especially in the form of dwarf varieties with a dense outlet. Culture is known as one of the most survivable plants. Sansevieria is good as a spectacular addition to the bedside table, can be decorating any close corner . She is not terrible rare watering, dry air, drafts. This plant is also of interest as an effective air purifier from toxic compounds.

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[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment


Culture with elegant leaves and gentle-white flowers on long bloomrs - spathifulum or "female happiness" - prefers shaded towns, as it belongs to Heliophobia. The plant impresses noble appearance and unpretentious care, contributes to creating a coziness in small rooms with a shortage of natural light.

[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment

On a note! A good company spathifylum will be Anthurium - "Mens Happiness", which is also comfortable with a scattered light.

[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment


Modern hydrides are presented in the form of compact bushes with a lush crown of bright flowers. Calanchoe - "Flower Surgeon" - refers to undemanding plants, is well evolving in a half, reviving modest corners in the room, looks impressive in suspended porridge. Culture as succulent retains decorativeness with rare irrigation, does not suffer from dryness of air indoors. Calanechoe grows slowly, easily tolerate trimming, does not need regular transplants.

[Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment

Choosing houseplants for a grind apartment, the location of the windows and features of the microclimate in the room should be taken into account.

Wall-mounted compositions from climbing crops, among whom Hoya, is the same wax plush or scuffing liana. It prefers heat, not sensitive to the level of humidity, is characterized by slow growth. Hoya is ideal for compact rooms with southern windows.

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  • [Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment
  • [Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment
  • [Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment
  • [Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment
  • [Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment
  • [Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment
  • [Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment
  • [Plants in the house] 5 beautiful indoor plants for a close apartment

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