Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things


For many women, needlework, do-it-old rugs for the house, including a common leisure. Such things are mastered from anything: from old things, from yarn, from pomponov and even small losktkov. The utilitarian needlework is a very common practice. This article contains ideas that can be easily implemented in reality, while not spending a large amount of time and money. These rugs will help create a comfort in your home and even give a certain charm and a highlight of the interior.

Methods and their implementation

1) Braided rug made by hand.

Before you start work, prepare the main element - knitted "yarn". To create a rug, any old things will be suitable: T-shirts, sweaters, t-shirts, sheets, pillowcases, shirts, and so on. In the process, we will use scissors, hook and some patience.

It will be just great if the material is rich-bright, cheerful and clockwork. You can also choose the color range specifically under the interior. In this case, decide with shades and remove your role to each color: some can be in the overwhelming quantity or you distribute the colors evenly.

Things from which we do yarn, spread on the work surface.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Lower seams should be cut off.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Next, cut off the band 2-3 cm from one seam to the opposite. Stop it, do not do 3 cm from the second seam.

The same is done further: cut all the fabric.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Now you need to prevent whole parts. For convenience, place the material on the palm. We have one large one-piece tape.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Following this technology, you can turn an absolutely any thing in yarn for our rugs.

Do not forget that the width will depend on the thickness of the material you work with. The fabric is thicker, the more narrow you need to make tapes.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Cut the spirals of the remaining parts of the fabric, and the straight corners roundate. Ribbons that you have turned out to be held together. If you cut the spiral, then the yarn will be even of the smallest and uncomfortable pieces of fabric, such as children's tights.

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Ribbons of different colors roll in different tanks so as not to get lost with color during the process. The more multicolored lumps, the more interesting and the rug will turn back the rack.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Even the lady will cope with the rug, never holding the hook in your hands. It is very easy, but at the same time fascinating. By the way, we need a hook number 7 or more.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

We recruit air loops - it will be the width of our product. Knit the most banal way - a column, without Nakid. Try first to give a rug form of a rectangle, such a link is easiest. And the next one can do round. For this, 5-7 air hopes tie, concluding in a circle. Remember that you need to add a loop.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

2) The second method differs from the first only by the fact that the use of the hook is not at all, the pulling of the threads is made by their own hands. After all, sometimes it happens that you want to have rugs from the flasks, but to learn to knit - no.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Only various fabrics, a needle, threads and pins will be required.

By analogy with the past master class, cut the material and roll in the clusters. The rug consists of a twisted spiral pigtail, which we are melted from three rag ribbons. The rigidity of the rug will depend on how tight you weave the braid.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

We make cuts at the ends of the ribbons and do one to another, forming a loop. This is necessary in order not to impose unnecessary nodes when the tape is over.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

When will be ready for a relatively long pigtail, then collect a rug from it, folding on the helix and grabbing a thread.

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Utilitarian needlework: do-it-yourself mats for home from old things

Our rug is ready! You can try to experiment and intertwine spiral curls with another ribbon without using a needle with a thread.

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