How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video


Through the way, as soon as a person guessed to post his body into a beast skin, bracelets began to appear. At first, they, like the belts, had a purely pragmatic task: they supported clothes. Further, the clothes became all elegant, sleeves appeared, and the wrist bracelets changed their meaning. They still supported clothes and became more painted. Men wore leather and steel guards to protect the wrists. Girls and women preferred silver and gold. Poor people who most tied leather straps with straps or filament bracelets. The color and pattern on bracelets, like a heraldic coat of arms, spoke of a person belonging to a certain kind of tribe. Here from what depths came to our age bracelets from threads. In those days, every girl knew how to make a bracelet from the threads with their own hands. Now this art has again become fashionable, and beauties are happy to wear bracelets on the wrists.

Nutty jewelry

They are worn by young girls and very little girls.

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

The pattern depends only from the imagination of the needlewoman:

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Weaving bracelets from threads - lesson for patient and attentive. Usually in any house there are several motors of multi-colored threads. But from thin, ordinary threads are fermented, impractical decorations. In addition, it is difficult to work with them.

For those who first decided to take the weaving, it is better to start with cords or thick threads.

To not get confused, you need to choose two colors. In addition to the thread, you will need any fastener to fix the workpiece: stationery clamp, pin, tape. And, of course, scissors. Both threads are twice and tied the nodule, leaving a loop. The loop is attached to the surface and the process of weaving begins. How to weave, shown in the schemes:

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Variety of colors and drawings

Handwriters to all other threads prefer Muline. Before buying, you should ask what threads are on sale. Definition sluting threads, for bracelets you need to take cotton or silk. Threads Moulin are good in that for work the thickness of the strands can be chosen such as needed. Iris threads are best suited. They are thicker than the rest, ribbed and the decoration looks beautiful. Extensive color gamma provides huge space for patterns on moulin bracelets. Muline's threads are obtained by the highest quality things.

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How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

As a rule, the threads of Moulin do not lose, but still need to check. To do this, strand threads are wetted in hot water and applied to white tissue. If there is no color stain on the fabric, you can start work, otherwise, when wearing the bracelet on the skin, ugly spots will remain.

Schemes for those who have already mastered the technique of weaving:

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

The most common among young people is the bracelet of desires. As you know, the color has its own properties, and when choosing, you need to consider it.

  1. Red - from damage and evil eye;
  2. Salad - harmony, loves love;
  3. Dark green quarrels;
  4. Pink - tenderness and love;
  5. Orange - sunlight, helps to find friends;
  6. Blue - intuition, insight;
  7. Purple - protection from trouble, creativity;
  8. White - spiritual purity;
  9. Yellow - training;
  10. Raspberry - power.

Binding the selected threads, you need to imagine a desire in all details and details, and then it will certainly come true. The easiest bracelet woves into a pigtail of three threads. To strengthen the action of the talisman, you need to have 7 beads in it. At the end, you need to tighten the knot at the end and ask for a close person to tie it on the wrist of the hostess. The remains of the thread burn so that everything is bad burned like this thread.

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

How to make a bracelet from threads with your own hands: Schemes with photos and video

Red, color of fire and blood, worldwide is revered as a symbol of vitality. By adding a red thread on the wrist, a person seems to add another vein, reinforcing and saturately by the energy of his heart. Bracelets of desires on a red thread for a long time defend a person from evil.

Video on the topic

Video master class, how to weave bracelets from threads.

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