What kind of primer use for drywall?


After the construction of plasterboard surfaces, many are wondering how to prepare them to finish. First of all, put a putty and sweeping of irregularities. And what then? Immediately start painting? My answer - the primer should always be used, it will not spoil finishing work. Before you begin, I always advise you to search for a suitable primer for plasterboard.

When choosing, than to primrate the surface, I ran into a variety of product range. Not knowing his features, characteristics, it is difficult to determine and choose something. Therefore, several important moments should be taken into account.

What primer is suitable for drywall?

I pay attention to several factors: price, shelf life and manufacturer. If the primer from the well-known manufacturer has already proven itself, then it does not have to doubt his quality and durability. A mixture for internal work is suitable for working with plasterboard. Since external contains substances harmful to health. I liked the acrylic most - it is ideal for work with almost all surfaces.

What kind of primer use for drywall?

It should be taken into account that the coating on which the primer will be applied by the upper layer. So, before sticking thin wallpaper, it must be without deep penetration. For absorbing, porous surfaces, I advise you to apply the material with the same properties. Under the wallpaper should be chosen such that will pull the glue and wallpaper, that is, with deep penetration.

So, all the variety of types of primer materials can be classified a bit for the convenience of choice:

  1. Acrylic (universal). Suitable for any surface. Dries about 2-4 hours. Best suitable for plasterboard. Applied, as before putty and after.
  2. Phenolic mixture. In most cases, it is used for work with wooden or metal structures. If the surface is splashing, the mixture is not used. But as the first layer for the primer of drywall is simply perfect. It is worth paying attention to whether the phenolic mixture is suitable for internal work.
  3. Alkyd mixture. Suitable for wood and its varieties. Cannot be used on putty.

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What kind of primer use for drywall?

These three material I use for plasterboard coating. Most of the other primer mixtures are better to apply for outdoor work, as they are toxic and harmful to health. Of these three, I give the advantage of acrylic. With its help, the plasterboard sheet acquires the desired properties and characteristics for finishing work. It has several advantages over the rest:

  • Universal. Used at various finishing works;
  • It is consumed in minimal quantity, quite economical;
  • Has high penetration;
  • Has adhesive properties;
  • Fills the pores, due to which it contributes to uniform painting;
  • Reduces glue and paint consumption;
  • Quick-drying;
  • Environmentally safe. Does not smell;
  • The surface retains the ability to skip air.

What kind of primer use for drywall?

The primer for plasterboard under the tile is also very necessary. It should be borne in mind that in this case it should be moistureproof. The primer for drywall under the putty requires the use of material with the designation "for a special purpose". Also primers are divided into: adhesive (increase the clutch of materials), sooping (equalize the surface) and special (has protective properties).

Why do you need to primitive?

I think everyone knows that before further finishing of surfaces, plasterboard, or not, it should be used. Why do it, spend money, time, to put up effort, because the effect of it seems to be not at all? The coating of the primer strengthens and improves the adhesion of the finishing materials. That is, you will be able to avoid situations of uneven application of paint on putty or peeling plaster.

A big advantage that I always liked is that after the primer of the drywall, the consumption of materials used is significantly reduced. The primer creates a moisture-resistant surface, thanks to which the paints are less absorbed. Through this, the financial amount spent on repairs is reduced. Do not forget about the antiseptic property of this material. Printed on drywall primer avoids the appearance of mold and fungus, and it also protects the surface from the absorption of moisture and bloating. Primer for drywall under painting can be used once. But if the surface is porous, then the procedure should be repeated.

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What kind of primer use for drywall?

For me, it was great surprise to learn that there are primers that are suitable exclusively under certain types of paints. For example, only synthetic - suitable for all colors, and the prolife - exclusively for oil, etc.

An important point is the compatibility of primer with paint - it should be paid attention to it first. When applying the last layer of primer mass in it, you can add the paint to which the wall will be stained. Then the subsequent layer of paint on it will be laid evenly.

How to apply?

What kind of primer use for drywall?

Before working with the primer mass, clean the surface from dust, dirt. Also, if possible, I try to ensure that the premises are ventilating, nevertheless most of the materials have a specific, not always a pleasant smell. Apply the primer is better at temperatures above 5 degrees. I do not recommend reading work with surfaces that frozen. The result can be an unpleasant surprise. Some primitive mixture stamps provide its instructions that should be studied before work.

I am always a stingy surface before putty and after it. For these purposes, you will need to prepare a fur roller and a plastic form. You can accommodate the sprayer. Pouring the solution (if necessary, diluing it with water), foaming the roller in it. I try to do smooth and thin layer. You need to give the primer to dry completely before proceeding to further work. It will dry, depending on the type (deep penetration - dries longer). If there are hard-to-reach places, you can use a thin brush. After complete drying, we nano the second layer. Sometimes the primer is painted in pink or yellow. This is done so that when applied to the wall it is more convenient to control the uniformity of the layer.

Video "Application of primer on the wall of plasterboard"

The record shows how to properly apply primer to drywall and describe all the nuances of the work.

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