Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag


Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag.

Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag

Each of us heard the phrases "Thermosum", "Refrigerator Bag". But for many, such a device seems unnecessary, and some it just does not afford. Today, MirSovets will tell you how quickly and almost free to make a refrigerator bag and how can it be used.

Buy or not?

On the eve of the summer season, I was conceived with my husband to acquire a refrigerator bag. Amateurs we are a wild rest on lakes with tents, and for such a holiday, a refrigerator bag thing is irreplaceable.

At first they wanted to buy a refrigerator for the car, but then changed his mind. On the forums, many negative reviews of owners of such refrigerators read - he is too cumbersome, half a car takes, and inside, on the contrary, small, nothing is placed. In general, refused this venture.

Began to choose in online stores thermosum. Also, pleasure is not from cheap, and for the bag of the sizes we need would have to put hryvnia 500, plus the cold batteries. And, in fact, the thermosum is the usual bag with the insulator who is engaged in the insulation, which the cold does not produce, and does not miss the heat outside. My husband in my education is an engineer explained to me the essence of the idea. And we started experimenting - to make a refrigerator bag from undergraded means, and then paint it during the closures on the nature of the weekend.

I want to share the results with you.

Refrigerator bag (thermo) do it yourself

To begin with, they went to the market and acquired insulation. The choice stopped on foamed polyethylene, plated foil. He looks like this:

Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag

Sold in all building stores. Usually glue it under the battery, foil inside the room. And in the heating season, such a simple fitting saves 30% of heat, which usually goes into the environment. There is a trafficious meter of this material from 8 to 15 hryvnia (the price depends on the thickness of the polyethylene itself, we bought the fattest - 10 mm). His width is 1.5 meters. Enough what is called, with head.

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We needed scotch (the wider, the better). Well, in fact, the bag that we conceived to turn into the refrigerator. In principle, you can take a bag of any sizes - proceed from your needs.

Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag

The process of "transformation" took from the strength of 20 minutes. At first they were filled out of the insulation of such a "cross".

Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag

If you in childhood glued boxes, I think they guessed what. The central square is the bottom of the bags, the side - the walls, and the rest will be the lid. Foil must be inside the bag.

When you cut, note that after gluing the box you will need to insert into the bag, so make patterns of centimeters by 5-7 less than the real size of the bag. We initially chose a blue bag with a width of 70 cm, but, running forward, I will say that the outlet "refrigerator" does not fit into it, but perfectly approached the black meter sports bag of her husband.

Now with the help of the Scotch, connect the sidewalls, gluing and outside, and inside. Cland high quality, do not spare scotch. The walls should fit tightly to each other, and otherwise the thermo effect you will not achieve.

Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag

Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag

Initially, we cried the lid of the bag is sololy, but the insulation is badly beaten, so it was necessary to cut it off and glue with scotch. So it became more comfortable.

Now about where, actually, the waste of the insulation. The remaining four pieces we decided to glue the sidewalls in the joints of the joints: they beat each square in half at 90 degrees and recorded Scotchić (foil inside!). After that, the bag turned out to be double, and therefore thermal insulation improved.

The resulting design is placed in a bag.

Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag

We have a box of insulation entered the density. If he suddenly remains, I recommend the readers of MirSovetov to fill it with foam rubber or flap of an old cotton blanket. So the insulation itself does not break, and not the necessary heat outside will not fit. In general, insulate, feel free to.

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That's all, the refrigerator bag is ready.

Thermosum is your own hands. Homemade refrigerator bag

It remains to make cold batteries. Plastic bottles made in the role of batteries. If the bag is small, take half-liter, if more, then liter. Now fill the bottles with a strong solution of the cooking salt (per liter of water - 6 tablespoons of salt) and freeze. It is possible to fill the brine with salt solution and freeze them too.

Nuances use

From personal experience I will say that:

Cold batteries should be located every 10-15 cm, only so products are not heated for a long time. And if, to keep frozen food or drinks in the heating, they will begin to disappear no earlier than after 12 hours;

Each product that you put in a bag, wrap in paper or newspaper - Paper will add a thermal insulation effect;

all products fold tightly, try so that there is no free space in the bag;

Before you close the bag with a thermal, cover the products with paper, and then several towels. After that, close the cap from the insulation tightly, and then the lid of the bag itself;

Try not to discover the bag, do not release the cold.

Such a bag keeps cold to 24 hours. The first time we were lucky in her some food and cold drinks. After 12 o'clock, the drinks were still cool, and after 8 months began to warm. At the same time, even perishable products (eggs, cheese, ham) after 20 hours did not deteriorate.

But we opened the optimal boot method in the second trip. We drove for two days, the air temperature is about 40 degrees with a plus. Products (strongly cooled) shifted by the same highly cooled drinks and frozen batteries. The heights laid out over, under the lid. The bag lay in the car (I also wrapped it into the blanket) and more than 30 hours the food was cool!

In general, the result is very satisfied. I do not know how many hours keep a branded refrigerator bag, but our "homemade" surpassed all expectations.

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And recently made the thermo package. The rectangle was bent out of the insulation and glued a scotchball on the sides. It has frozen fruits with giving home (as a cold battery - heater). Four hours of the road in the heat, and the fruits do not even fall.

Maybe you will use the idea of ​​such a desired invention. Use on health! And if you think about how to strengthen thermal insulation and extend the effect of the bag - write in feedback.

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