Fruit Cake - Fetra Base


I welcome everyone on the site for masters and needlewomen Handmade-Paradise! Today I want to share a remarkable very beautiful idea of ​​creating a jewelry casket in the form of a fruit cake. Bright, colorful and very seductive box stitched from felt. You can also use decorative felt. The caskool with fruit perfectly fit into the interior of your home, it will wonderfully look at the dressing table or dresser. I suggest you create this beauty with your own hands, for yourself your beloved or as a gift for the female holiday on March 8.

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

On the box - the cake has so many goodies!) Whipped cream, ice cream, kiwi, sugar cookies, strawberry, lemons, chocolate chopstick and flowers like delicious!)

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

To work, we will need:

  • felt or decorative felt of several colors,
  • scissors,
  • lace for finishing (you can use braid or tape)
  • threads
  • needles
  • Round beads of black color,
  • filler - syntheluch or holofiber,
  • Thermopystole with hot glue.

Getting to work. Felt or decorative felt of brown color We will need to create the box itself - the foundations of the fruit cake. Cut the rectangle with a size of 30 by 5 cm. On the edge of the rectangle, we sew the lace, then connect it into the ring and stitch. We put the resulting billet on the felt, we supply and cut the circle - the bottom of the box. Send it.

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

Cut out another circle exactly the same diameter from the white felt - it will be the top of the cake. From the same felt, cut the strip of 33 by 2.5 cm, one edge of which we cut, imitating sliding whipped cream (right to the second photo below).

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

We proceed to creating ice cream. One ice cream consists of 9 parts, one of which is a semicircle with a diameter of 2 cm. We sew the details together, as shown in the photo below. We prepare only 6 pieces of ice cream.

Article on the topic: Quilling for children from 3-4 to 9 years with schemes on the topic "Autumn"

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

To create kiwi from the felt, cut the circle with a diameter of 1.5 cm and divide it into 4 parts. For the sidewalls of Kiwi, we need a strip of 3 by 0.5 cm. We sew the details, fill in a synthepach, sew white triangles and black round small beads, imitating seeds.

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

To create sugar cookies, cut the two mug with a diameter of 1.5 cm and a strip of 5 by 0.5 cm. Stitch parts, fill in a synthepach, embroider and sew beads.

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

How to sew strawberries from felt, chocolate wand and flower, I will tell you in the next publication. Watch for updates on the site)

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

Fruits, cream and ice cream glit to the top of the cake of hot glue. You can sew, if not under hand glue.

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

Here is such a wonderful casket can be made with your own hands. Good luck to you!

Fruit Cake - Fetra Base

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