Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video


Applications in the preparatory group are always held with a bang, children love and diligently perform all tasks: gluing, cut, draw, loose. With a special delight, they make crafts and applications for different holidays, be it February 23, March 8 or Russia Day.

Appliques for children of this age, as a rule, have an average degree of complexity. They can already work with scissors, sometimes even with threads and needles, with hot glue. Children are already able to turn gently with materials, but they still need to observe adults - educators, teachers.

Today we will talk about appliques for different topics that can be done with children in the preparatory group.

Crafts for Easter

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

This applique on the topic "Easter" we will do with plasticine.

We need:

  • cardboard;
  • color plasticine;
  • egg pattern;
  • pencil;
  • stack.

On the cardboard, we supply the silhouette of the egg with a thin pencil line.

You can immediately cut the testicle, and you can not cut, and then the craft can be inserted into the frame immediately, without additional actions.

Egg lay down in front of me and gently put plasticine on it. We cover the entire surface of the egg plasticine of one color or divide the surface on the part, each of which is coated with different colors. We went on the first way.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

We try to roll out the plasticine on the surface as much as possible, the beauty of the future handicraft depends on it.

Now from the plasticine of another color rolling thin sausage. It should be longer than the diameter of the egg.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Attach it waveguide to the egg, as shown in the photo below.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Add one more wave below.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Then make something like roses. To do this, roll another small sausage of plasticine, breaking it with hand or rolling and rolling into a roll.

Article on the topic: All you wanted to know about steam squeeze

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Attach the resulting rollers on top of the first wavy line on the egg.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

From yellow plasticine, we roll thin sausages and put them on the middle part of the egg in the form of letters x and in, meaning the phrase "Riseline".

Now reagree the roses from above, adding a couple of green plasticine leaves to them.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

The lower part under the wavy line can be completely toned with green plasticine, as if it is a lawn.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

And our work is ready!

Gift by May 9

Preparation for May 9 is in full swing? Here are some ideas for applications to this holiday, which can be done with the guys from the preparatory group.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

We will need:

  • Old CD;
  • Red, green, black and orange plasticine;
  • stack.

Drive with a drone with a dry cloth.

From the plasticine, cut out with the help of the stack, the star is stored and put it exactly in the middle of the disc.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

From thin sausages of black and orange, we can cut down the disk from the St. George ribbon, placing the sausages waveforming.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

From red plasticine, cut out the figure 9 and the letters "M", "A", "I". Print them to disk over the composition. And from green plasticine we will make a twig with blossomed leaves and put it down below.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Crafts ready!

Here are some more options for festive victorious applications:

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Also for the holiday of Victory, you can make the Applique "Kremlin". To do this, take a red corrugated cardboard, red paper and red sequins or rhinestones.

On a silver or white cardboard background we glue a rectangle from corrugated cardboard and the Kremlin Tower.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Then cut out of red paper and glue the Spasskaya Tower with a star on the top.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Cut and glue a figure 9, from the sequins will create a salute to the left of the Kremlin towers.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Complement all red stripes for the outbreak of salute, you can glue or draw Georgiev tapes. Applique is ready!

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video


You can make various applications on the topic of seasons. For example, it may be the appliques of the Snowdrop or Flowers on the topic of spring or the applixation of the Autumn Carpet on the topic of autumn.

Article on the topic: Appliqué "Flowers" from colored paper with their own hands: Patterns with photos

Applications on the topic "Winter" can be the most diverse as at any other time of the year. For example, you can make the Applique "Snowman" with children.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Take cotton discs, white napkins, cardboard for background, scissors and glue.

Work move is very simple. Cooking discs are gluing on the cardboard, forming a snowman silhouette. From a piece of colored paper, cut a bucket on your head and glue. Flomasters draw snow face, hands and blizzard.

From cotton discs, cut the clouds, and also glue the semicircles of cotton disks, forming drifts. Next take napkins. We cut them on equal squares, roll them into small balls.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

These will be falling snowflakes. A brush lubricate the balls from the napkin with glue and press to work, having snowflakes as if they suck out of the clouds.

When all snowflakes are in place, work is ready!

Different variants

Topic for appliques a lot! These can be animals, people, and buildings, and cars, but anything!

For example, let's make a crawler "clown" from colored paper.

We need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Black marker.

From colored paper you need to cut all the details for templates.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

We carry templates for colored paper, cut out all the details.

Now we begin to glue them. Print your hair, hat, then details of the face and butterfly.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

With the help of a felt-meter, you teach a clown face: add a smile, make clear eyes, work in ears.

Applique in the preparatory group on Easter with photos and video

Our clown is ready!

Also from paper you can make various crafts, be something boat, portrait of a grandmother, kitten or even a whole space system! Let the children include fantasy, ask that they themselves would like to do from the applications, and you will see that the choice of options is unlimited. Good luck in creativity!

Video on the topic

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