Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls


Weaving from gum on a slingshot for beginners can be a real new hobby and hobby. Not only children, but also adults are engaged in a rubber weaving. To make interesting and original crafts from rubber, it is enough to purchase a special slingshot for weaving, hook, as well as a lot of multi-colored rubberry. Depending on the ideas and imagination, 20-100 rubber bands may need to work.

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

With the help of crafts from the rubber, you can beautifully decorate the keys or a gift to a close person.

Basics of creativity

What can we rush from the gum with a slingshot? First of all, it is a different type of harness from the simplest braids to wide and decorated bracelet beads. Also on the slingshot turns out funny and original figures of plants and animals, which can be used as key rings. On the slingshot, simple pupae and accessories for Barbie or Monster High are wearing.

Elementary on slingshot make bracelets. Even newcomers will cope with this, at the same time the main principle of weaving from rubber band will understand.

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

We are wearing an interesting and bright Miami bracelet.

This will require a slingshot, colored gum, clasp and hook. Miami is wearing white and striped rubber bands.

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

How to do:

  1. Throw a gum "eight";

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Top to wear 2 white gum and cross the lower loops on them;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Wear a couple of colored rubber bands and transfer 2 loops from the left horn to them;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. From the right horn to move 2 colored loops on the left horn;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Throw 2 colored gum and transfer white loops on them with the right horn;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Move the colored loops from the left horn to the right;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. To wear 2 white rubber bands and roll on them all the loops on the right and left;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Repeat items 3-7 to the desired length;

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Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. At the end, put on 1 color gum, transfer white loops on it and transfer the left loop to the right horn;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Attach the fastener and close the circle.

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Bracelet ready!

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Volumetric clothes for dolls, such as dresses, jackets, shorts, woven most often with the hook or on the machine. On the slingshot, as a rule, simple accessories and wardrobe items for dolls are performed. For example, you can weelize rims for hair, handbags, swimsuits.

For a better understanding of all the subtleties of work, it is recommended to watch a video lesson weaving on a slingshot of a simple handbag.

Bright fruit

Vegetables and fruits are rather simple. They can be used as food for dolls or keychain. For example, we have banana.

Banana is perhaps the simplest thing that can weave after the bracelet.

It woves about the same principle. To do this, you will need 15 yellow rubber and 4 - green.

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

How to Eust:

  1. Hound on the right horn green gum in three turns;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. To wear on top 2 elastic bands of yellow and throw all loops on them from the right horn;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Wood on the slingshot 4 yellow gum and cross the lower loops on them on both sides;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Repeat 3 item;
  1. Put on 3 gum and repeat 3 item;
  1. Open 2 green rubber bands and repeat item 3;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Wear 1 green rubber band, cross the loops on it and move the loop from one horn to another;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Using a hook to stretch one loop through another and tighten.

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Keychain in the form of a banana ready!

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Wise bird

On the slingshot you can make toys - animals and birds. Let's try to make owl.

For weaving owls, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • slingshot;
  • hook;
  • Color gum;
  • scissors.

For the calf, 44 orange gum (main color), for the abdomen - 8 white rubber bands, for paws and beak - 4 gums of bright orange or yellow and for eyes - 2 black gum.

The scheme of weaving consists of two stages - Taurus and head.

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Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weeping the body of the owl:

  1. Throw a gum of the main color in 3 turns on the right horn and on top of the slingshot to wear two gums;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Pick up the lower gum in 3 turns and throw in the middle;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Move the loops from the right horn to the left;
  1. Hound up in 4 turns with a rubber band for a paw on the right horn and top on the slingshot put 2 rubber bands of the primary color;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Pick out the elastic band for the foot and throw it into the center, also to make on the left side and throw two more gum;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Throw a loop from two sides to the center, throw 2 rubber bands on top;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Repeat item 6 twice;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Without throwing on top of the gum, move the loops from the left horn to the right;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Enter the hook in the first rubber band out of 3 revolutions and throw on the left horn;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Throw two white gum for abdomen from above;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Pick up all loops from the left horn and throw it into the center;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. To wear 2 white rubber bands and throw on them loops of the lower white rubber;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Repeat item 12 twice;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Pick up white loops from the left horn and transfer them to the right;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Find the initial loop and repeat item 9;
  1. Throw 2 elastic bands;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Pick up 3 lap initial elastic bands from the left horn and throw it into the center;
  1. Move the left loop to the right horn and wind in 4 turns elastic bands;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Throw two gums of the main color from above and transfer 4 turns of elastic bands from the left horn to them (it should be in the photo);

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Patch 2 loops of the main color from the right horn to the center;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Put 2 rubber bands of the main color, cross the loops on them from the right and left horns (repeat 2 times);

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. To wear on top 2 gums of the main color and alternately roll onto them all the loops on the right and left.

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Web head owls:

  1. Put 2 rubber bands of the main color and cross the lower loops into the center, and then transfer the loops from the left horn to the right;

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Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Wind in 4 turn black gum on the left horn;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. To wear on top 2 gum of the main color and transfer all the loops with two horns on them;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Repeat the first paragraph;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Enter the hook in the first loop of the head, pick up 2 yellow rubber bands (for beak) and skip through the loop, the second part of the gum thump on the hook;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Move the hinges from the hook to the left horn and throw a pair of bulbs of the main color;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Throw off the left loop in the center;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Transfer all the loops from the left horn to the right and repeat items 5-7 using the mains of the primary color;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Hound on the right horn with a black elastic band in 4 turns, top to wear 2 elastic bands;
  1. To transfer to the center of the black gum loop and all loops from the left horn;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Put the gum of the main color, throw off the loops on the right and left;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Wear 1 gum from above and throw off all the loops from two horns on it;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Transfer the left loop to the right horn and tighten;

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Make brushes: enter the hook in the upper left loop and stretch through it a rubber band of the main color, make a loop (repeat on the right side);

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

  1. Protect rubber bands with scissors to get neat ears.

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Other animals on the same principle are also well obtained on slingshot. Here, for example, bunny and panda:

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Weaving from rubber rigs for beginners: bracelets and clothes for dolls

Video on the topic

For clarity, it is better to weave, leaning on a master class video.

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