Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video


Coffee connoisseurs will appreciate a gift in the form of a coffee toopia. Such a composition is not only pleased with the eye, but also fills the room with a pleasant light aroma. Coffee topicia can be done in various ways. It all depends on the fancy of the wizard and the purpose of crafts.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The composition in the form of a heart is perfect as the ladies of the present. How to create it, tells the master class with a step-by-step instruction.

Homemade romance

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary material:

  • cardboard, scissors, pencil;
  • Thick aluminum wire (50 cm) - for the trunk;
  • cotton discs;
  • glue gun;
  • threads;
  • gouache or acrylic paint brown;
  • coffee beans;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • Satin tape (pink, beige and brown);
  • Plastic cup from yogurt;
  • crepe paper;
  • rhinestones;
  • cement, alabaster, sand (in proportion 1: 1: 2), water;
  • Scotch.

The cardboard is drawn on the cardboard, the size of which should be 1 cm less than the alleged craft. Two unitname details are cut - hearts.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The end of the aluminum wire is wrapped with a scotch (glue to the adhesive flap is better than aluminum).

A part treated with a scotch, the wire is superimposed into the center of the template, as shown in the photo, and is fixed on the cardboard hot glue.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

From above the wire closes the second part of the cardboard.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

In order for the workpaper to acquire a volumetric look, it is necessary to cover it with cotton woven discs from all sides, after which itching the resulting part with threads.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The billet is painted with a gouache in a brown color and left for drying (on average 1 day).

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The resulting detail is sickled by coffee beans.

Work begins with the edge of the workpiece.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

At the same time, the grains of coffee are laid out with shcherbinka down and fixed with hot glue.

The process continues from the edge to the middle, while the space does not completely close with coffee beans.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The second layer of decor is superimposed in the same way as the difference that the grains of coffee are located twist.

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Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The resulting heart is processed by acrylic varnish.

Work is moving to the stem. Wire twisted into the spiral (for this you can use a round wand around which the wire is wrapped). The trunk is tightly wrapped in a satin ribbon, the ends of which are fixed by a thermoclayer.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

A cup of yogurt should be treated with hot glue and wrap the crepe paper.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

From above the jar is decorated with a satin bow in a tone of paper.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The cauldron consists not only of coffee beans, but also satin ribbons decorated in the form of flowers.

Floral buds are formed by arbitrary twisting of the pink satin ribbon.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Ribbon tips are fixed using a thermal oil. For such a composition, 9 roses are enough.

Three satin flower fasten on the finished coffee heart.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Separately, a bow is created from the residues of the ribbon to be fixed with glue at the base of the heart.

Bow, flowers and part of the heart decorated with rhinestones.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

For Topiaria need a steady basis. Therefore, a mixture of alabastra, cement and sand, diluted with water is placed in the prepared jar.

The consistency of the composition should be thick, so that the composition does not turn to the side until its drying.

The stem of the tree is inserted into the center of the jar with a mixture. After a couple of hours, the upper part of the composition hardens and it can be painted with acrylic paint.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The work is left to the final drying.

When the craft is dried, the remaining satin roses are added to the base of the tree. They are fixed with polymer glue.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Heart made of coffee and colors ready.

Basis for different results

Decorative trees made of coffee beans often have a shape of a ball. And due to the diverse decoration, they are reincarnated in absolutely unlike crafts.

In order to create a coffee base for topiary, you need to take a newspaper, squeeze it into a dense ball, place the ball in the dumping stocking and, stretching the cape, tie a thread.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Then twist the remaining part of the stocking and wrap her newspaper ball again.

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Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Similar manipulation should be done three times. The simplest option is if there is a foam ball at hand.

Manicure scissors are done in the ball in the ball, where the glue is poured and the wand is inserted - the stem. So that the Capron does not "go arrows", you need to process the edges of the cut of nail polish.

Coffee grains are pasted on a bowl of hot glue in two layers. In this case, the upper layer of grains is fixed with twist outwards.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

In order for a gentleman from the prepared foundation, it is enough to add a little higher than the trunk center with an extra wire - "Hands", tightly wrapped it around a stick, fixing glue and wrapped with threads.

The "fingers" of the gentleman are also created from the wire and are attached to the ends of the wire with glue and threads.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

The billet is drawn up with paper strips cut out of the airtal sheets and the processed solution of PVA and water glue and water, in the technique of Papier-Masha.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Before drying the work, the "fingers" of the gentleman should be bent so that he can keep the cylinder one "hand", and the other is a flower.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

After drying, the figure is painted with acrylic paints, a cuber, cylinder, rose and a gentleman butterfly are created separately from cardboard and souvenir bills.

The snaps are fixed in a vessel with a plaster mixture and dry out.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

If the thought came to mind to build a topiary-house, it suffices to take a coffee base made in the way it described above and to decorate it in the form of a house.

For such a work, the splitting of either the twine will be perfect for such a work, and the roof can be made it from the urine.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

When adding to the ball, the braid with the lock really make a coffee wallet.

It should only take into account that the lock is glued at the stage not yet treated with coffee beans ball. And only after the location of the braid with open zipper, it will be possible to sneak the surface with grains of coffee, and the open space between the lightning is filled with coins, which are carefully stuck.

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So that the coins look more interesting, they can be covered with gold from the can.

Topicia of coffee and flowers in the form of a heart with a photo and video

Topicia from coffee beans and coins will be a good gift as a symbol of material well-being.

Video on the topic

A greater the number of miniature fantasy trees decorated with coffee grains is represented in the thematic video.

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