Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools


Probably each of us loved to make appliques, making up and sticking the most different pictures and patterns on paper. Such work may well show the basics of the design of albums using paper and other healthy materials.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Today we want to tell you not just how to make a CracpBuking, but a complete description, what is needed for the CracBuking from materials to tools. The question of how to arrange your own photo album is getting up with many needlewomen, and to help them in this can a scapebuking from girlfriends. If you have not been engaged in such creativity before, you will be interested to find out what Tools for Skrapbooking and Materials for Skrapbooking may be needed in operation.

First of all, you should think about the album itself, in which your photos will be stored. The most popular sizes of such photo albums will be three options for square shapes with parties 15, 20 and 30 centimeters.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Such basics of albums can be purchased in specialized stores, and you can make your own hands from dense cardboard.

If you yourself collect an album, then also think about the mount for pages. The most common options - rings, ribbons, stitching, bolts, etc.

The second mandatory attribute of Skrapbooking should be called a good cardboard or cardstock, which can be either monophonic or with a different texture. Such specialized paper for Skrapbooking is sold in large quantities in specialized stores.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

To choose, it is necessary to choose a small set of monochrome cardboard, which is mandatory to be useful in work, besides, there will always find a beautiful and original design paper with various patterns.

Here is such designer paper and will be discussed further. It, as a rule, has a smaller density than cardstock and can be both dual-sided.

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Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

In the event that the album is supposed to be stored for quite a long time, then be sure to purchase specialty-free paper.

The main thing is to properly compose compositions from such paper, if you need to pick up the background, then there are perfectly sheets with a small and nonsense drawing. But colorful and bright accents can be made from more brighter patterns on paper, but these accents should be in dosage quantity and small size so that the main focus on the page is given still photos.

An excellent option for a novice wizard of the Skrapbooking will be the ready-made set in which there will be a set of scarppumagues and decor, selected for the proposed style.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Such kits will help the novice master to understand the essence of the Skrapbooking, in order to further create their own masterpieces.

Another equally important component should be called adhesive materials for the Skrapbooking. After all, the right glue, will allow you to keep the entire composition for quite a long time. Currently, the manufacturer offers a great many of the material that can be used in a wide variety of cases during operation. In this case, we are talking about bilateral small figures, double-sided scotch, various types of glue, a glue gun, etc.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

If you use the originals of ancient photos, it is not recommended to apply adhesive directly to them. It is best to use special corners that will keep a photo on the page without damaging it.

Well, what is the drawing, connected with paper, will cost without scissors? Scissors are needed enough sharp, comfortable and even varied.

For a single process, scissors with thin blades may be needed, for the other - with thick, and in the third even scissors with carved blades. The cutting tools should also be attributed to the scrapbooking knives, thanks to which the cut edge will be quite smooth.

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Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Also knives allow to cut sufficiently elegant patterns of paper, which is not under the usual scissors.

Already experienced masters use in their work a different type of line, as well as quite comfortable self-adjustable mats.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

The latter can not only measure the required paper size, but also protect the surface of the table from scratches and cuts.

Some styles of Skrapbooking assume the presence of a hand letter, which can be done using various handles and pencils.

Similar sets for scrapbooking have even white handles to write on color cardboard.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Pencils can be used for tinting, sketches, etc., which is also under power and chalk for drawing.

Almost no work of the CracpBuking costs without a special stapler or hole punch. On the one hand, these tools are used to fasten and connect all album pages into a single whole, and on the other hand, they also allow it to decorate it. For example, various curly holes can make openwork edges, corners and other elements of the page.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Even the usual office hole punching perfectly showed itself, which allows you to break the holes of a certain diameter.

And finally, the most interesting thing in Skrapbooking is a decor that allows you to do the work individual, emphasize the focus on a particular topic, texture and depth. Of course, the main such décor should be called a photo that beats and sets the tone to the entire page. Most common decorations for such work should be called all sorts of brids, ribbons, beads of different magnitude, rhinestones, bucks, as well as various small bugs from everybody.

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

The latter can be attributed to the chains, the mechanisms of old hours, locks and caraps, etc. In addition to similar elements, small pieces of various materials, such as fabrics, gauze, film, burlap, cotton, wool, etc. are very successful.

Often, along with the photo, various tickets to the theater or zoo, programming, invitations, greeting cards or telegrams are stored, which can also be organically written to the composition created.

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Basics of scrapbooking: how to make what you need, materials and tools

But, where to take inspiration, ask some of our readers? It is only necessary to start collecting material, and then your fantasy and creative thinking will surely tell you how it is better and more correctly composed for a successful composition.

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