Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes


Greetings all needlewomen! The theme of today's master class is the weaving of the closets from the newspaper tubes, well, very pretty. I want to emphasize that such a beauty that is very necessary for serving the table can be easily created with your own hands from the cast material - old unnecessary newspapers or magazine pages.

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

To work, we will need the following materials and tools:

• newspapers or journal pages,

• needles, thickness number 2,

• White PVA glue,

• pliers,

• Latex paint yellow color

• Wide brush,

• Deck varnish,

• Thin wire,

• scissors,

• bitumen

• line,

• a pen,

• Template.

Getting to work. The list of newspapers cut into 3 parts, like this:

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

Tight tubes, screw on the needle. Next, we connect them into one canvas, glue PVA glue.

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

We apply the template of the future cloth from newspaper tubes on the finished cloth (we draw it yourself), we supply the knob along the contour and cut out. In the center of the workpiece insert the wire so that the napkin is better to hold the form.

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

For the stand of the closets, we glue together 6-7 tubes.

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

We glue the stand and give the braid shape. From the tube make curls to decorate the cloth.

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

The finished closets can paint latex paint. When the paint is completely dry, we apply a thick layer of bitumen.

Weaving Salpae from newspaper tubes

At the end of work we cover the cloth with a thin layer of deck lacquer. It will make a wicker moisture-resistant and give her a beautiful shine.

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