Gas boiler replacement: order and rules


Gas boiler replacement: order and rules

Replacing the gas boiler

Over time, the equipment not only worsens its characteristics and efficiency, it also becomes obsolete. This means that it is not just worse working than the new one, but does not comply with modern technical standards and achievements. This applies to all things, but most of all should pay attention to devices providing our lives. In some apartment buildings and in many private installed own boiler rooms, where the heating system is working, warming residents at home in the cold winter time.

Gas boiler replacement: order and rules

Dual circuit gas boiler.

In addition, the mechanism should work well, do not use an excessive amount of energy and have a low level of noise, it must be as secure as possible, because it is inside the residential buildings.

Also, the legislation provides for special rules for the arrangement of boiler rooms.

If your AOGV is noise, smoking, it has dropped its effectiveness, repair costs begin to approach the cost of a new boiler or just he reached its age (wall-old - 8 years, outdoor - 15 years), then it's time to replace it. At the moment, the market has a multitude of new boilers of different capacities and configurations, but they are mainly divided into 2 types:

Gas boiler replacement: order and rules

Scheme of the gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber.

  • Closed boilers. Their feature is that the burner is in the chamber, hermetically separated from the room, in which the device is located, and the inflow of fresh air and the output of combustion products occurs through a coaxial pipe. Its structure is two pipes - one to another, which allows you to use one hole for the output and inflow of air. Closed-type boilers have relatively low power (up to 35 kW), but are energy-dependent mechanisms, since they require additionally connections to the power supply to ensure ventilation;
  • Open-type boilers have an open burner, that is, the air flow to the fire is carried out from the boiler room where the combustion products are emitted. Equipment of this type may have a greater power compared to closed-type boilers (from 30 kW), but also the requirements for the room where the boiler is located, more strict and implies intensive ventilation. The advantage of open-type boilers before closed in their non-volatile.

Boilers can have from 1 to 2 contours. Single-mounted boilers are able to heat the water only for one consumer, for example, for heating rooms. The double-circuit has the ability to work immediately on 2 fronts: heating and creating hot water for domestic purposes.

Gas boiler replacement procedure

Since the gas boiler is an important and responsible part of the housing, its installation and service occurs only through special state bodies (Gorgaz, Obgaz, Rygaz) through accredited enterprises specializing in this kind of work. The replacement procedure and installation of boiler equipment in no case should occur without the knowledge of the authorities and the hands of the owners of the housing. Not due to the complexity of the task, but because this is the responsible business and in the case of incorrect implementation can endanger people. Dismantling can be done with your own hands.

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Pedamental instructions for replacing the boiler:

Gas boiler replacement: order and rules

Scheme of the gas boiler with open contour.

  1. Writing an application to the responsible authority (Gores, Oblgaz, Rygaz) on the resolution of the replacement of the boiler. At the same time, it should be known that if the boiler is replaced by a similar one, the project remains the same, if the type of boiler changes, gas pipe supply schemes, or the location of the gas boiler, the project will have to develop anew.
  2. When the answer is received, the company that replaces your boiler must take a building passport and transfer it to the gas service. Also, the gas distribution company will require an act of checks of the DVK (flue ventilation channels) and in the case of replacing the boiler for imported equipment - a certificate confirming the compliance with domestic security standards.

After that, a company that has a certificate for replacing gas equipment, can replace your old boiler for a new one. When dismantling the old boiler and installing a new one, it is useful to know the technology on which it happens is to prevent action that may entail a faulty operation of gas equipment installed in your boiler room, so the procedure for installing a new boiler and removing its predecessor is given.

Removing the old boiler

Dismantling instructions:
  1. First of all, while the old boiler still stands still, it is necessary to rinse the entire heating system at home. It is necessary in order to wash off all the contaminants accumulated in the heating system, otherwise they may adversely affect the work of the new unit.
  2. After that, completely drain all the water from the heating system and the boiler.
  3. At first the boiler is disconnected from the gas source, then from the heating system and the source of cold water. The step of disconnecting the boiler will be shutdown from the ventilation system if the closed type boiler.
  4. The boiler is free and can be removed from the room.

Installing a new boiler

The installation of a new gas boiler in the right to produce only a specialized organization, and do it yourself forbidden to do it.

Gas boiler replacement: order and rules

The installation of the boiler with a coaxial chimney.

List of tools and materials:

  • boiler;
  • bracket;
  • Sharovy crane - 3 pcs;
  • Mesh filter for water supply - 2 pcs;
  • filter, normalizing the content of impurities in water;
  • gas crane or valve;
  • gas meter;
  • thermal spelling valve;
  • indicator of gas supply;
  • triple cable;
  • Voltage regulator;
  • Uninterruptible power supply;
  • level;
  • anchor bolts;
  • metal sheets for layers between the wall and the boiler, if the wall is made of combustible material;
  • Metal pipes for gas and water.

Installation instructions:

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Gas boiler replacement: order and rules

Scheme of the chimney of the gas boiler.

  1. Works begin with mounting boiler. If this is a wall apparatus, then first the bracket is installed on the capital wall. It is possible to do this with the help of anchor bolts having a solid fit. If the wall is wooden or made of combustible material, the layer of metal or other non-combustible material between the boiler and the wall is made. The horizontal attachment is checked by the level. It is important that the new boiler gets smoothly. When installing an outdoor boiler, no mounts need. It is simply installed in the right place. The boiler should be located at a distance of at least 20 cm from other gas equipment and on removing 30 - 50 cm from the wall (depending on the power). Access to the mounted boiler must remain free. The site of the walls from a combustible material located near the floor boiler must be trimmed with a non-combustible or refractory layer.
  2. Connecting to the water supply occurs through a mesh angular filter separated from the water supply and heating mechanism with ball valves. Another mesh filter can be installed on the reverse of the heating system to delay pollution and prevent them from entering the heating tank. Also, the ball crane must be installed between the heating system and the boiler. There are standards that limit the amount of impurities in water entering the heating apparatus (the content of salts of magnesium and calcium must be no higher than 2.5 mol per Lilt). It is necessary to know the composition of the water and, if the number of impurities exceeds the allowable norms, you need to install additional filtering equipment, otherwise you can shorten the period of efficient boiler operation.
  3. Now the boiler is connected to the gas pipeline through a crane or valve having a certificate for installation in a gas pipeline, a gas meter, a thermal spent valve and a zagaznost indicator. The entire procedure should be performed in such a way that the apparatus remains in free access.
  4. If the heating machine is energy-dependent, then the next step will be the connection of the boiler to the power supply source, for which you need to take a three-core cable with a fork. Connection occurs to a grounded outlet with a voltage of 220 V. Polarity should be observed. Additionally, the voltage stabilizer and uninterrupted power supply device are installed.
  5. If a closed type boiler, then the boiler is connected to the ventilation system by means of a coaxial pipe leading from the boiler through a hole in the wall to the street. Coaxial tube has the structure of the "pipe in a pipe". At one of them, the air came to the boiler, and on the other, the combustion products left. At this stage it is important to trace so that the pipes of the new boiler are connected to the opposite pipes, that is, a chimney pipe was used to access fresh air, and for removal of smoke - the pipe of air flow.
  6. When a new boiler is connected to communications, fill the heating system. Before this, the gas heater is disconnected from the source of electricity. First, the ball valves lead from the heating apparatus to the source of cold water and to the heating system, and then open its own boiler valve. At this stage, you need to monitor the water pressure in the system, which should not cross the threshold of 1.8 bar and be at least 0.8 bar. Upon reaching the desired pressure indicator, the valve is closed, like ball valves leading to a water source. The stage of filling is carried out in slower, so that the system left through the air droplets.
  7. Check all compounds for tightness. There should be no leaks.
  8. The first launch of the boiler must be made by an employee of the company installing the boiler. First, the device is included in the network, then set the maximum power and start it with a rotation of the switch knob to the extreme right mark.
  9. After successful launch, the organization's employee draws up a guarantee, reports operational instructions and reports information about the management of equipment.

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The rules for the arrangement of the furnace

Not only at the stage of equipment of the boiler room, but also when the time comes to replace the old gas heater to the new one (in this case, the room has already been prepared), it is necessary to make sure that the boiler houses are required.

Gas boiler replacement: order and rules

Fire arrangement scheme.

  1. The room under the boiler room in a private house can be made on any floor, in addition to residential premises, toilet and bathroom. In the basements of apartment buildings, the boiler house is prohibited.
  2. The air temperature of the room should not exceed 35 and be no lower than 5 degrees Celsius.
  3. The level of humidity of the air should not cross the border of 80%.
  4. The area of ​​the boiler house should be at least 4 sq.m. With the height of the ceilings more than 2.5 m.
  5. The width of the doorway should be at least 80 cm.
  6. In the boiler room, there must be windows, the minimum area of ​​which is calculated by the proportion of 100: 1 (the wall area to the total windows area).
  7. When installing an open type boiler, it is necessary to provide boiler houses good ventilation. The size of the ventilation opening is calculated by the ratio of 8: 1 (the area of ​​the hole in the cm to the power of the boiler in kW).
  8. Gas pipes are allowed only from metal.
  9. The diameter of the chimney depends on the power of the boiler and is calculated by the formula: the power of the boiler * 4.3 = the diameter of the chimney in cm.
  10. The smoke section of the chimney should be greater area of ​​the opening cross section for its connection.
  11. The chimney must rise above the highest roof element at least 0.5 m.
  12. The material of the chimney should be metal.
  13. Chimney should not have more than 3 turns and bends.
  14. The connecting device and chimney tube must be no longer than 25 cm.

If everything is done correctly and the above rules are met, the new boiler will work well for a long time without creating dangers to live people. The event for replacing the boiler cannot be called low-cost, but when it will be behind, you can enjoy warmth and comfort again in your home.

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