? Staircase on metal frame: manufacture and trim tree


The staircase on the metal frame can be the main decoration in the house if its construction is carried out with their own hands. At the same time, it is not necessary to fully construct from metal, to do with metal steps and railings. The main building is based on the metal frame for giving the strength and reliability of the planned design. Steps made from solid wood will not worse than metallic, give special peculiarity, decorativeness and comfort.

Modern building technologies have provided different types of steps, and for each of them there is a specially designed mount. On decorativeness and democratic cost leads a wooden staircase on a metal frame. It is distinguished by exceptional strength, and the ways to make it beautiful and original, equipping wooden parts, each owner with hands and head will find more than a hundred.

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Types of carcass

The staircase in the house implies in a private building only two common types: it can be placed on a metal frame or on a wooden. Preference is given predominantly buildings on a metal framework, and not only because of the special strength, but also because industrial production produces structures on the metal frame of the metal frame. And they are easy enough and just to collect with their own hands.

If a staircase is planned in the house, you can pick up frame models in any required option and install without problems. And if the house is conceived in the original style and the required parameters no, the metal frame can always be ordered at a private enterprise.

There are several types of metal frames for the staircase. We list the main ones:

  • On Kouosra. This option assumes the presence of one or two supporting supports on which the steps are fixed. In the first case, Kosur is located in the middle of the staircase march, in the second - two Kouryer at both ends of the steps.

Article on the topic: How to determine the angle of inclination of the staircase march [calculation system]


  • At the growth. This is an equally common frame version, where two bearing supports are located on the sides of the staircase march and are chawllars or durable sheet metal plates. This design is distinguished by reliability, but is complex in installation.


  • At the parodes. There are no supporting elements here, instead of them, special bolts are used, on which the steps are fixed. Outwardly, such a staircase looks easy, as if it ferry in the air.

Staircase at Bolzakh

  • Screw type. The frame is a support rack to which steps are mounted in a circle. From the outer edge of the stage can also be recorded on the Koser or the tutor.

Screw staircase on a metal frame

Also frame stairs can be open and closed. Their calculation is carried out approximately the same when it comes to one march. However, in the first case, the staircase has more compact dimensions, this is due to the fact that there is no need to completely close the metal frame.

Open-type models look modern, but harmoniously fit only in such interior styles as modern and high-tech.

Staircase on a metal frame with wooden steps

The manufacture of closed structures provides a more complex structure, with carefully finished steps, design, specific interior features, and carefully thought-out elements designed to hide the frame and fastening.

Metal ladder trim tree

Main advantages

The staircase installed in the house, fully metallic or on a metal metal frame with wooden elements, allows you to get a number of advantages:

  • the possibility of quality repairs at the slightest signs of problems;
  • durability and increased strength (even when using wooden steps);
  • decorative, which can be given with the help of parts made of adhesive metal or wood;
  • Stability and safety of the structure provided by a metal base.

Staircase on metal frame

Calculation of stairs

Calculation of facilities for lifting should be made from the moment the building began to build. For this you need:

  • Make a special ceiling hole in construction, in which the staircase will be directed.
  • Provide the necessary parameters for entering if the construction is planned on a metal purchased standard frame.
  • When choosing an angular design, take into account the wall as a support, then the installation will be relatively simple.
  • To calculate a two-or three-time staircase, take into account not only the height and number of steps, but also staircases or swivel steps.

Article on the topic: Staircase with a rotation of 180 degrees: types of structures, their features and calculation of parameters

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the requirements that are presented to metal staircases:

  • The width of the stair march must be at least 90 centimeters. For the simultaneous passage of two people, the optimal indicators from 120 to 150 cm.

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

  • It is necessary to correctly make calculations of the angle of tilt march. The most optimal value is from 30 to 45 degrees.

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

  • For the convenience of movement, the calculations of the height and depth of steps are made. According to existing practice, the first parameter must lie within 15-20 cm. The depth of the steps is made on the foot length - from 20 to 30 cm.

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

  • It is also necessary to make load calculations. The minimum weight, which should withstand steel design - 100 kg.

Making framework

Making a metal frame for those who own welding technique. But to mount the base under the ladder from the metal is associated with many difficulties, large amount of work and options for unsuccessful calculations. Therefore, the carrying structure, which was done in the form of a designer more equipped technically people who have experience in this much more preferable.

With independent making framework, first of all, you should think about the welding machine. Without such equipment, perform work with your own hands it will be impossible.

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Before proceeding with welding work, create a drawing or sketch of a frame for the future staircase. The selection of the configuration will depend on the intended place of installation, the size of the opening and the free area indoors. Metal frame on cosos, most preferred and easy-to-manufacture option. Below is an example of such a design.

Metal frame for stairs

First we make billets. Most of all need corners. They are cut by the desired size. Making mare is performed - it is these nodes that will hold the steps. The fukes are welded from the corners, as a result, the design in the form of the letter "g" should be obtained.

Metal frame for stairs do it yourself

The prepared billets need to be welded to two guides in the form of P-shaped channels. As a result, such a design should be obtained with finished mounting places under the step.

Article on the topic: How to separate the staircase in the house: Choosing a facing material | +65 photos

Metal frame for stairs do it yourself

After the places for fastening the steps are ready, it is necessary to secure the march itself. Kosomers need to be welding from above with anchors that are fixed to the inter-storey overlap. The bottom end is set to the support platform, launched in the floor of the first floor.

Metal staircase with her own hands

Metal staircase with her own hands

To better understand how to make a metal frame, we recommend to watch the learning video presented at the end of the article.

Fastening steps on frame

This one of the ways not only to achieve a higher reliability of the staircase, but also hide metal fasteners, give the product decorative. There are different methods for fastening wooden stages, the selection of this or that option depends on the type of the design of the metal frame - on one or two cosos.

Each wooden stage is attached to the steel stand using bolts, the latter heads are drilled in the board, filled with glue and closed with wooden corks.

Fastening wooden steps on a metal frame

Installation of the trim

Installation of the trim in final form, to impart the construction of strength and decorativeness, depends on the appearance of the stairs provided for in the project. Otherwise, it all depends on the individual preferences, skills and skills, selected decor and a tree variety. The more decorative parts are provided, the more difficult the installation process will be, and the more you need to take protective measures to preserve the wooden plating.

Metal ladder trim tree

If desired, the metal frame of the stairs can be hidden in full, for this you will need to install not only the steps (sticking), but also the risers, the sidewalls that will hide the boosters.

Metal ladder trim tree

Phased ladder manufacturing (5 video)

Different models of stairs (46 photos)

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

Staircase on a metallic frame: Features of manufacturing and trim tree

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