Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos


Kanzashi is a well-known Japanese technique for creating crafts in the form of flowers. Such an exercise will become a wonderful decoration and emphasize the style of a woman. Original products are made from natural silk, but other fabrics can also be used. For example, crea satin, organza, satin and reps tapes. The latter are perfect for just novice needlewomen, because they are well restrained and easily cut off. Flower "Mall" is a beautiful and simple design. This master class on the mooring canzashi will necessarily help lovers of needlework create a small masterpiece with their own hands.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Kanzashi Sock Tips

- Young girls can wear Kanzashi in the amount of how much their soul. Married ladies can afford one or two small flower.

- Kanzashi flowers are put on marriage, new year, birthdays and other festive events.

- For each month a year there is a separate type of canzashi flower. 12 months - 12 different shades of colors.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

What should be Kanzashi:

- Products must be combined with the color of kimono;

- approach the color of the eyes;

- Comply with the status of carrier.

Original Zephirk

How to make Japanese decorations, described in this lesson.

For work it is necessary:

- satin or reps tape in several shades (2.5 cm in width);

- Lighter or candle for labeling edges ribbons;

- needle;

- threads;

- Scissors.

Note! The ribbon can be cut into the necessary segments or gradually releasing the reels.

First you need to take a pair of tape segments and connect it closer to the center. Use a lighter to connect.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

The pattern is obliged to be around the perimeter, as on a blue ribbon in the photo. So that the pattern was inside the mooring, it is necessary to turn the patterned ribbon face down.

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Then you need to put the tape in the spike area on the right side. 2.5 centimeter width ribbon to measure from the spage point, approximately 5.5 centimeters. Ribbon with a width of 5 cm - approximately 10.5 cm. For the intended line, bend an angle on the right at an angle of 90 degrees. Then again turn it on the right side to the left. Now the figure of an equilibrium triangle from the tapes of contrasting color should be formed. The result is shown in the photo below. A sticking tail will be turned back.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Next prepare a needle with a thread. Secure the corner on the right side along with the end.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Then take a ribbon, which should be in the left side, and bend it to the bottom at an angle of 90 degrees. And the working tape is to top, aligning the bottom of this element.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Right hand wrap the ribbon on the left side to the right again at an angle in ninety degrees.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

To complete the petal for the zefirki, you must first finish the manufacture of a figure similar to an equally chaired triangle. To do this, take a working bellection and turn it with the right to the left side, passing it among the pair of petals. It should be the next element, as in the photo.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

To fix with the thread another figure in the form of a triangle from the tapes, as well as from the first.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Now it's time to start working with the left part of the working thread. Bend the tape by 90 degrees and then bend it the main piece to the top. Collapse tape at an angle of 90 degrees so that the ribbon passed on the right side.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Make one more equally chaired triangle. It turns out the next element for the zefirki, which looks like this:

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Take a thread and fix the 3 petals already made.

Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Repeat this process 16 times on a 2.5 centimeter ribbon. If the tape has a width of 5 cm - about twenty times. The more times, the more magnificent will be a moisture.

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Master class on mouster Kanzashi from tapes: how to make with photos and videos

Having done all the petals, cut off the tail and burn the end. Take a thread obtained petals. Now it remains only to combine all the created items in one product. MK Zefirki Kanzashi is finished, the product is ready!

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