Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9


Appliques from colored paper is a wonderful way not only to take a child for a while, but also to develop its abilities, creative thinking. Often, applications include work with minor items, which allows you to develop fine motility hands. Applications are quite simple in your performance and require minimal skills, but allow fancy to play on a complete coil, and also better help the child remember forms, colors and names of figures and objects.

Do not think that the appliques from paper usually make children only in kindergarten. Appliques are also interested in both grade 1, and in grade 3. The main thing is to choose interesting topics.

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

Of course, first of all, it will be necessary to create appliques from paper:

  1. Paper. Color, white, dense, thin. Any paper with which will be convenient to work your child;
  2. Scissors to cut large and small details. When working with scissors, you should not leave a child one;
  3. Glue to fix various details together on the background;
  4. Cardboard. As a rule, we collect applications on cardboard, it is a background, the color cardboard needs to be chosen so as not to overlap the main composition.

Geometric figures

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

Geometric shapes are often used in applications to help the child develop the eye meter and spatial thinking, and so that the child can easily combine different, suitable to each other in colors.

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

You can print the multicolored figures on a sheet of paper and offer children to cut them along the contour. And you can use stencils with the task so that the child can connect the shapes by points, draw them on their own, paint and cut.

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

For a start, you can simply ask for children to make a light pattern of geometric shapes on a paper strip. To do this, offer children to cut various geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles, diamonds of the same size. Let it be multicolored figures.

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Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

And then their task will be folded on the geometric pattern on a white strip of paper. Let each child show fantasy and will place the geometric shapes so that it is an ornament.

Remember that you first need to simply arrange the figures as we want to see them in the end. And only then, when we finally like the picture and we do not want to change anything, it is worth starting to glue them to paper.

After the occupation with the pattern was successful, it is possible to move to the task more comprehensive - picking animals, people, and so on. Here every child must come up with his story. Will this clown with balls, chicken or mermaid, everyone will decide himself. And the necessary geometric shapes is preparing. Of course, the teacher does not remain aside, but actively takes part in the choice of kids, helps to determine the number of figures, with their shapes, sizes, and so on.

Here are some examples of whom you can collect from geometric shapes. Here you can meet God's cow, and kitten, and an elephant, and seal, and even the butterfly flight. Everything will depend only on the fantasy of the child!

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

Applications with geometric shapes are suitable for children students in elementary school, and for preschoolers.

By May 9.

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

Victory Day in our country is celebrated with a special trepidation, so the preparation for May 9 passes long before the holiday. Children of all ages mashed gifts to veterans, especially their grandparents. Preparation of such an applique - a good reason to discuss with the child the significance of this day for our country, remind him of the exploits of our compatriots.

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

One of the simplest applications by May 9 is "carnations". Make them very easy.

We will need a cardboard for the background (in our master class used blue, symbolizing the peaceful sky above your head), red and green colored paper, glue, scissors, as well as pencils, markers or chalks to write a victorious slogan or congratulations.

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

First cut out all the details:

  • Long thin strips are stems and leaflets from green paper;
  • Red circles of one diameter for the colors of the carnation. We will make them volumetric, so for each flower we will need four circles. Each circle is not cut around the edges is not too deep - it is necessary to get sharp petals of carnations. Then we glue 4 circles to each other and bend in half. It will look even more interesting if you take corrugated paper or red paper napkins for working with petals.

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Now we start working on the applique itself. First we glue the stems and leaves to them. Then we glue the resulting volumetric petals to the stems, slightly overlap them with green paper. Such work we will do for each of the three colors.

Now red pencils, markers or any other materials we write the words "victory", "from May 9," "Hurray, comrades" and so on. Applique is ready!

Autumn topics

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

The topic "Autumn" is popular at the beginning of the school year, so there are often leaves, vegetables and fruits, birds on this topic on this topic. If you search the Internet, you can easily find a lot of photos with instructions, how to make one or another craft, or applique.

Autumn applications are performed easily and quite quickly, and most importantly, always with interest!

To create the applique "Avenue", take:

  • Colored Paper Autumn Flowers: Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, Brown;
  • Cardboard for the base;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil.

We will start work.

First, from brown colored paper, cut the trunks of the trees and stick them to the cardboard. Then from the colored paper of green, red, orange and yellow colors cut out the leaves. You can cut them, relying on the real leaves, which the teacher shows before performing the task, and you can cut a kind of rounded rhombus, as in our master class.

Now we glue the leaflets to the trunks of trees, forming on the last crown. The order of gluing may be any, leaflets can go to penetrate each other. Leave some leaves to then glue them down, the roots of trees. After all, as you know, the autumn leaves fall.

Colored paper appliques for preschoolers: master class by May 9

Optionally, you can add a little greens in the form of herb at the bottom. Applique is ready!

Video on the topic

Surely, the topic of applications will always occupy children, so let's see a few more video lessons to gain experience and transfer it to the kids!

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