How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)



Many remember times when the purchase of furniture was an event. It was difficult to "get", and the choice of consumer was provided extremely narrow. But the literature was popular, in which it was possible to find detailed descriptions, for example, how to make a closet itself. Despite the wealth of the market, a huge selection for the consumer among all sorts of models and colors, styles and price preferences, this information is still relevant. Indeed how to make a wardrobe for home? After all, this is not just an exciting occupation.

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

The closet can be made not only with the help of "hammer and nails", but also assemble from other healthy materials, and the idea can be borrowed from well-known designers.

As a result, you receive a unique subject of the interior, and fully corresponding to the parameters of your housing.

This problem most often rises against balconies and loggias, where every cm space I want to use with maximum benefit. And both wonderful that today in stores a huge selection of materials, as well as "semi-finished products", allowing to make such a necessary piece of furniture in a matter of hours.

Draw an idea in the form of drawing

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

Drawing can be drawn or find a suitable drawing on the Internet.

Production of your own cabinet should be started with the creation of the project, that is, sketch of the future product. First, determine the place where the piece of furniture will stand. You need to find out the width, length and height of the intended product, and also think about the presence of the shelves in it, calculate their quantity and size. The proverb says: Seven times will die - one resignation, and therefore do not rely on memory and skill. Take a sheet of paper and make a detailed drawing.

Already in the process of thinking out the outlines of the cabinet, it should be imagined, from which material it should be performed. The most popular is the chipboard - wood-chip panel, various color, surface type, quality of manufacture. It can be imitation of various breeds of wood, the front side is absolutely smooth or very textured. Choose your favorite coloring, not forgetting that the wardrobe should fit into the interior. Do not neglect such factors as environmental friendliness and practicality of the material.

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We make parts and get ready for assembly

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

An electric jigsik will fit the material for cutting the material, they can, if necessary, do curly cuts.

Drawing is ready, materials are chosen. Now you need to make the details of the future cabinet. Of course, you can produce them at home, if there are special equipment and experience of such work. For these purposes, electric jigsaw is suitable, they can, if necessary, do curly cuts. However, if your skills do not have professional accuracy, chips occur, painting the edge, which affects not only the appearance of the product, but also on the timing of its operation. So only a workshop with special equipment on which will produce, according to your drawings, accurate and beautiful sawn can be guaranteed.

If it was strengthened in the thoughts to fulfill all the work independently, then you will have to cut the details, economically with them on the sheets of chipboard. So, blanks in stock. At the queue assembly.

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

From the quality of the fittings, it depends whether the cabinet will last for a long time or not. It is better not to save on it.

For this, firstly, it is necessary to take care of the presence of various fittings. It includes door loops or opening mechanisms, today, allowing you to smoothly open and close the doors, on sale a great set. In addition, it is possible to open the cabinet according to the type "coupe" (that is, on the parties), therefore you will need the guides for which the doors will move. It should be noted that they are presented in the market wealth of choice. According to the guides "go" and cabinet boxes, if any are provided in your project.

Secondly, handles and decor elements will be required to comply with the overall intent and requirements of functionality.

Thirdly, it is necessary to purchase elements that, strictly speaking, allow you to assemble. These are comformats and rivets, covering slots and holes. Considering the presence of shelves and other parts, we learn the amount of these items, add a little more "about the supply".

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Fourth, we think that we will close the sections of the chipboard. Usually for this apply the edge. In addition to the one that glues on a cut in domestic conditions with the help of iron, the edge of the figure is used, easily dressed on the edges of the material. We precisely calculate the metrar, do not forget that the color of the edge should be harmonized with a tone of the material from which we make furniture.

We collect the cabinet

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

We start collecting a product from the construction of a frame. For this purpose, absolutely symmetric holes are drilled in the side walls, and then with a screwdriver and combospects connect the items.

For self-assembly, instruments will be required: drill with drills of diameters corresponding to the size of the holes of the fasteners, screwdriver. We start collecting a product from the construction of a frame. For this purpose, absolutely symmetric holes are drilled in the side walls, and then with a screwdriver and combospects connect the items.

Then we proceed to hanging the doors, or if we make a wardrobe, kpripim guides. By the way, if the gap between the doors was formed during the assembly, it can be corrected by adjusting canopies, or changing the height of the wheels. Special accuracy will require the installation of boxes and shelves.

Before drilling a chipboard, it is worth drawing a markup, which will greatly facilitate the task and increase the chances of observing strict parallels. At the final stage, you give the aesthetics closet - close the drilled holes with plugs. Wardrobe made with your own hands ready. Following this small tips, even newcomers can try themselves in the manufacture of furniture. And the question of how to make a closet, it turns out not so complicated.

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

How to make a wardrobe yourself with your own hands: Guide (photo and video)

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