Build high-quality wooden frame garage


For a stylish country house, do not come up with a better addition than a good wooden garage. It can store any large-sized utensils, to engage in household repair work, and of course, put a car there. And if you think this building will fly away to you in a penny, then you are very mistaken, because if there are some skills, as well as detailed instructions, the construction of wood is quite possible to build on its own. But before proceeding to work, it is worth studying all the "for" and "against" the construction of a wooden garage with their own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of the garage of wood

The list of advantages of the construction of its own garage from the tree is very impressive. The most important advantages look like this:

  • First of all, saving funds. If you manage to get the budget material and build a wooden garage with your own hands without attracting workers - the design will cost you quite inexpensive. Also, finance helps to reduce the laying of a simple, lightweight foundation. And if you do not need to postpone the funds - it means that the construction will pass without unnecessary posts "for later", in a very short time.
  • A tree is an excellent heat insulator itself, from which it follows that even without additional warming events inside your garage there will always be a moderately tolerable temperature. Well, if we see the walls of mineral wool or insulating plates - the construction will be released enough for a long stay in the cold season. Even if you are not going to spend an extra time in the garage, the comfortable temperature will be necessary if you need to leave a car for a long time.
  • Unlike concrete - the tree is not able to create dust, and the appearance of rust does not threaten him, as it happens with the structures from metal products. In addition, the wooden bar is very durable, durable, and is able to carry his service for many years.
  • The tree is entirely an eco-friendly material that passes oxygen and thereby facilitates the work and simply the pastime in such a structure.
  • If necessary, the garage can always be disassembled and hoisted at another place, since this type of material allows for reuse. With very easy weight, there is a whole design practice of the design entirely, without disassembling.

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Build high-quality wooden frame garage

Of course, except for positive sides, before building a wooden garage, you need to study more and negative factors:

  1. The largest and dangerous minus of wooden structures can be called their fire hazard. The tree is easily flammorated, it is also easily burning, and you can not get anywhere. You can deal with this trouble only with a careful and attentive attitude, that is, prevention.
  2. Wood perfectly absorbs moisture, and this can cause rotting and subsequent destruction of the garage. So if you want the structure to live for a long time - you have to take care of high-quality waterproofing.
  3. Among other things, this material has the ability to absorb odors, and since various caustic compositions are used when repairing the car, it is very soon in the garage, a specific spirit will be firmly installed.

But if you carefully weighed all the arguments, and are ready to put up with some shortcomings of this design, it means you can proceed directly to the construction of a wooden garage.

We start building

Build high-quality wooden frame garage

The design of the frame garage with a total area of ​​27m2

At the very beginning of work, I recommend determining the fundamental technology for the construction of the future garage. There are two ways in total: to build a skeleton garage, or build a garage of rounded logs. The second option should be chosen if other objects on the site are already built in the same way. At the same time, the frame structure will cost much cheaper and will require significantly less time on the construction process, so it is better to consider this method that.

As in any repair work, you need a clear action plan and the project of the future structure. To simplify the task, you can download the ready-made drawing, and act according to it, especially since this kind of projects are very common on the Internet.

It is very important to determine the size of the garage: they depend primarily on the number of cars that should fit inside. You can also consider an open canopy where the car can be stored in the summer.

The selected area should be flat enough. By type, the structure can be located separately, or adjacent to a nearby building. Think out the way to open the gate - sometimes the garage serves simultaneously by the continuation of the entry zone to the site. Also, the list of preparatory activities includes cleaning, alignment and tampering of the selected area.

Build high-quality wooden frame garage

When all the preliminary questions are solved. You can go to the foundation tab.

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Due to the slight weight of the construction, it can be installed on the easiest foundation. This uses either monolithic poles, for the device of which concrete is used, or prefabricated poles from reinforced concrete blocks.

Build high-quality wooden frame garage

Before starting bookmarking the foundation, you should not neglect small geological exploration, during which you need to find out at least the level of groundwater. This is necessary to determine the depth of planting concrete pillars. If the soil is oversaturated with waters, either too moving and weak, it means that the garage in the future will surely bother and all your work will go to the pump. To avoid this, the pillars must be installed with the same depth and absolutely exactly to each other. Check the possibility of such an installation actually with a piece of wood rail or rope plumbing.

The monolithic foundation, as a rule, simultaneously plays the role of the floor, so you kill two hares with one shot:

  • For its device, it is first planned a certain territory, which then removes the soil layer.
  • After you need to arrange a formwork around the perimeter with a slightly less than half of the meter.
  • As the basis, the sand is perfectly suitable for a mixture with gravel. When laying, this first layer should be poured with water and tamper, so that the total height is about 20 centimeters.
  • After it is necessarily stacked by a waterproofing layer, most often it uses runner or special membrane impenetrable for it.
  • Then the foundation is reinforced, poured concrete, and again tram.
  • For drying such a basis, a long period is required - about a month, and this will become the main delay in the construction of a wooden garage.

When the foundation hardens, you can begin the construction of the skeleton of the structure, namely the framework.

Build high-quality wooden frame garage

Frame and its covering

There is a certain order of work when erecting a box:

  1. For a start at a distance of one meter, the main beams are installed, which should lie horizontally relative to the Earth.
  2. The racks of the carrier frame are embedded into the basement, which is done throughout the perimeter. It is also necessary to consider the installation of subposses and the upper strapping, which give the necessary rigidity to the entire structure.
  3. One of the first is usually attached angular beams, which serve as guidelines for further work. Make sure that the support beams are installed strictly vertically - for this you need to use the construction level.
  4. Guides are attached perpendicular to these racks, for which there will be boards with cross-section parameters of 4x10 centimeters. Their distance at the same time should not exceed one meter mark.
  5. In the rainer, special grooves should be made in advance, where the rafting beams are installed. As fasteners, for greater reliability, metal brackets need to be used.
  6. From above on rafters, the peel lies, after the waterproofing layer is placed and the roof is installed.

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Build high-quality wooden frame garage

Next, you can move to the formation of the walls of a wooden garage. At first between the racks the insulation lies - it can be insulating mats or foam. From the inside for waterproofing uses a film, for the attachment of which you need to stock up the construction stapler.

It is also located outside the pair-and waterproofing layer, after which the frame can be sewed with plywood sheets from the inside, and with outdoor - facade siding or simple clapboard.

Build high-quality wooden frame garage

Please note that this, like any other design, is needed by water, which can be built from a simple plastic pipe cut into two halves.


The final stage of the construction will be setting the roof of a wooden garage.

With any design device, the roof is always constructed in about the same way:

  • First you need to collect a rafter box
  • Then attach a firmware
  • After you build the selected insulation, waterproofing and insulation of steam.
  • From above the outer coating is attached, which simultaneously performs a decorative function.

Build high-quality wooden frame garage

Choosing between a single and coarscent roof for a wooden garage, it is better to choose the first. First, it is much easier to make it, secondly, it gives more opportunities to arrange a small attic space, where you can arrange an extra room for storing various things. As an external coating, you can choose a professional flooring, or a soft bitumen material. Also, the good old slate can perform in the role of simple and inexpensive facing - it is a very durable, inexpensive and all familiar material. Another good option will be the metal tile - a slight and cheap coating that is very easy to install with your own hands.

The final stage of the building of the wooden garage will be the setting of the gate - and the structure is fully prepared for operation. It can be said that the independent erection of the above-described construction is a great practice and the ability to acquire new skills. So if you have conceived to acquire a new wooden garage, it remains only to purchase materials and find the perfect project of the future design.

Video "How to build a garage from a tree"

Video instructions for the construction of a frame wooden garage with their own hands.

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