Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video


Consider brick weaving for beginners step-by-step - the main stages of work, materials, types, etc. Beading from ancient times was considered a real work of art. After all, creating whole products from small beads is the top of the skill. Now many are engaged in such a fishery because it is light and interesting. It is enough to rely on the knowledge acquired in simple works, have a good material and know the order of hanging beads.

Where to begin

Beading techniques appeared in ancient Egypt. Many techniques and types of beads went precisely in those times. Almost all kinds of needlework and decorative and applied arts displacing beadwork. But the masters are trying to revive this beautiful technique, inventing new patterns using all sorts of colors.

Let's talk about "bricks". This name weaving received due to the species - externally not to distinguish from brickwork. It is said that it looks like a mosaic. But in the mosaic thread does not pass within the beads.

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

This weaving is fast, it is convenient to understand the width of the work at any stage; The front and the outstanding side is the same, and drawings for products are detailed and beautiful.

Very often, mosaic and brick weaving are used to create one product, but it looks completely unnoticed. Although often inexperienced masters confuse these two species, so you need to learn to distinguish them.

Consider the master class of brick weaving.

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video


Let's try to make the simplest product. This pattern is suitable for creating simple products. For example, bracelets. They look stylish and easy.

We will need:

  • bispers of two colors;
  • a thread;
  • needle;
  • scissors.
  1. Measure the thread to 2 m. We ride two beads on the thread. Here you need to measure carefully - 15 cm to the end, we skip the thread through them, forming a loop.
  2. We ride the first row beerink, passing the thread through the bisper to the left, forming a loop. Then we lead it down through the added bead.
  3. We repeat these actions until we use all the first row beads.

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The photo shows the scheme:

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

  1. Pay attention to the first two bispers of the second row. I miss the needle from the thread, which connects two extreme beads.
  2. I pull the thread, while two new beads are not squeezed tightly to the first row. I miss the needle through the last beerink.
  3. We ride the second row beerink, skipping the needle under the next loop. Pay attention - I skip the game through the added bead.
  4. We work according to the above scheme. Each rings begin in the same way. At the end, it turns out such a beautiful "chess" pattern.

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

New products

How to weave right? How to read the pattern?

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Using this weaving, the ranks need to be considered horizontally, below. Let's go back to the schemes above. Red beads - the first row, green - the second, blue is the third, and the fourth is purple. Look carefully. Rooms on beads are a valid order. Start from the bottom right corner. And so continue until the very end.

Let's try to expand the product. You need to ride two beads on the needle, make stitches and go through the second bead. So you need to do gradually, spending the game through every bead. The process of time consuming, it is necessary to pay attention to even simple trifles.

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Beauty Hands

Earrings made by such a weaving will become a highlight of any image. Mainly for their creation you need few materials. These are sets of beery, thread, needle and Schwenza. Everything is sold in specialized creative stores. Using the schemes, there will be no problems, because they describe the main stages. Most of them are in English, but pleases that there are pictures, as in the photo example. Equipment is simple, you need to correctly calculate the time of work.

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

In addition to accessories, flowers become a rather popular view of weaving. They look like real. Just look at the photo to make sure.

You will need all the same materials that for products above. For example, photo:

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Brick weaving for beginners Step by step: master class with video

Flowers usually weave according to the schemes, and then connect, adding various beads to decorate. To create such a plant, you need time. The craftsmen say that in general, one seven specialist will take the evening. But you should not hurry, as they say, "hurry - people embarrasses."

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On the Internet there are a lot of different lessons and patterns. Therefore, find books, video and some lessons will be quite easy. The craftsmen are not shy, lay out their own points of step-by-step products on personal sites or blogs. Forums will allow communicating with other beginners who are willing to share their problems or failures associated with needlework, and get advice from professionals.

Video on the topic

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