Choosing a heater on the loggia and a balcony


Thinking over the question of which heater to the balcony will be the easiest and most appropriate service on the price characteristics, many make an erroneous solution, preferring a conventional radiator of the central heating system. After all, it is enough to install an additional battery indoors and the problem will be solved. But everything is not as simple as it seems. In order to independently make a good heated balcony, you will need to make some effort.

Permissible options for heating loggia

  • Water centralized heating.
  • Warm floor device.
  • Use of electrical appliances.
  • Infrared heater for balcony.

Removal of the heating battery on the balcony

Choosing a heater on the loggia and a balcony

Battery removal to the balcony Optimulated for individual heating houses

The most economical way to be heated by the room is the installation on the loggia of another heating radiator. A significant disadvantage of this method can be called a ban on such types of work with centralized heating. The fact is that the pressure in highways is calculated on a specific area, and the installation of an additional section can significantly reduce heat transfer for other owners. Therefore, this option is optimal for individual heating houses only. At the same time, the erroneous selection of the heater for the balcony can lead to problems with neighbors or fire wiring.

It should be borne in mind that unauthorized heating of the balcony with the removal of the radiator without the negotiation obtained in BTI, can be blocked by imposing an administrative fine.

Warm floor

Choosing a heater on the loggia and a balcony

Electric warm floor for the loggia does not require any accompanying and allowing documents

There are 2 methods of installation of the heater on the loggia technology "Warm Paul" technology:

  • Water.
  • Electric.

The first method of heating the loggia has a similar disadvantage of the previously described method. Since the system is connected from the main heating source, supervisory authorities, forward all the permissions on its installation. This concerns the situation when heating is centralized. With an individual - the decision takes the owner of housing and no additional coordination.

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Electric warm floor for the loggia does not require any accompanying and allowing documents. Sold in full assembly in almost any construction store. Its installation is much simpler, as it does not require the laying of the pipeline. The only nuances can be called large electricity bills and mandatory grounding of the system.

Electric heating loggia

Choosing a heater on the loggia and a balcony

Convectors and oil heaters have the greatest popularity among electric heaters

Currently, the markets present a fairly wide selection of various electrical heating devices, characterized by power and efficiency, on which the time it is depends in order to fully damn the room and go to the "sleep mode". Convectors and oil heaters have the greatest popularity among analogs. To a greater extent, the use of such devices is practiced in cases where the owner does not plan to carry out a lot of time on the loggia and uses it for drying the linen or smoking. The main advantages are mobility and ease of operation. Install the convector on the balcony can be independently. It hangs on the wall and fixed with the help of special locks. It is desirable that it is located next to the power outlet.

Of the disadvantages that have such heaters for the balcony, you can especially allocate a lot of electricity consumption. In addition, with constant use, it is necessary to monitor the state of the wiring, since with long-term inclusion it is exposed to large loads. Another minus is the drying of the air because of what an unpleasant smell may appear on the balcony. What heater is better, see this video:

With periodic inclusions of electrical heaters for some time, disadvantages relating to the state of air are practically not felt.

Infrared heater

Choosing a heater on the loggia and a balcony

Infrared heater

Infrared heaters for the balcony, compared to the analogs, have some advantages and features. First, most of them are ceiling products that are mounted directly on the ceiling, which allows you to talk about saving the useful space of the room. Secondly, the heating of the loggia is uniformly without burning oxygen (as opposed to the operation of electrical devices). Energy efficiency and efficiency, IFC heater for the balcony significantly exceeds the latter. Its cost is quite accessible to ordinary citizens, and simplicity of installation displays a device into leaders among mobile heaters. About which IR heaters are better, see in this video:

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Thus, the answer to the question of which heater is better, remains unlocked. It all depends on what purpose this room will be used. If for periodic use in winter, then it is quite possible to do electrical devices. When planning to make a good, constantly heated balcony, it is desirable to take this issue more seriously and consider connecting options to the heating system or a warm floor mounting. At the same time, we should not forget that whatever good heater you have purchased, you first need to insulate the walls, the floor and the ceiling of the loggia. Only after that you can seek creating a cozy temperature.

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