Applique "Snowman" with paper templates and cotton disks


One of the main winter heroes is a snowman. Children of all ages with the first snow run to the street and make snowmen, good-natured snowy men, who are loved by everyone. That is why the applique of a snowman with templates is one of the most common applications that educators and teachers propose to make their wards. Moreover, the templates for such an applique are not difficult to find, and even easier - to do yourself.


In our master class, we will consider several craft options, including paper and plasticine. Forward, to fascinating winter fun!

Snowman made of plasticine


Such a craft will be volumetric and very similar to the real snowman. For her we will need:

  • Plasticine (white color for the body, different colors for other parts);
  • Stack for plasticine;
  • Small square cardboard.


Very often, such a handicuit makes children 2 younger groups, as it is easy enough. Make sure for yourself:

  1. First prepare balls for a snowman. Shot from white plasticine three balls, one (bottom) more, the average smaller, and the smallest is the top ball, the head of a snowman. Put them on each other.
  2. "Navel" on a snowman blouse. Blue plasticine rolling on the table is not too thin, then wrap the middle ball and smoothly surpass the handles.
  3. From green plasticine Slopim Snowman boots.


  1. Now let's make the face of our snowman. From black plasticine, we roll the eyes-beads, and from orange - nose-carrot. All this gently join the top, the smallest ball.


  1. Also join the handle and sleeves from a blouse.
  2. From the strip of green plasticine will make a scarf. We shoot a small strip so that it is not too thin, wrap around the "neck" - the place of the junction of the middle and top balls. Stack of drawing.

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  1. And the final step is a bucket on the head. It is cut from gray plasticine. Our snowman is ready! Put it on a cardboard stand.

From cotton disks


What else reminds us of snow and snowmen? That's right, cotton disks. Since lately they have proven themselves as excellent appliqué material, let's make a snowman from cotton disks.

We will need:

  • cotton discs;
  • paints and tassels;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • Cardboard for background.


Usually, two or three cotton disks for the body are necessary for creating a snowman and one to create different parts.


First give cotton disks the desired size. For this, two disks will leave the same size, and the third one that will be head, a little incite. This step can be skipped by desire.

Now take a cardboard blue or silver color and start sticking a snowman. We start from the top ball, then the middle and bottom.





Go to the manufacture of hands and legs at the snowman. To do this, cut two small circles from a cotton disk and two circles with a diameter of a little more. We glue them to the snowman.



Then cut the cap-cylinder and also glue it to the snowman.


From the colored paper, cut the pancake and glue it as if the snowman holds her in his hand.


Now we take paint and draw snow eyes, nose-carrot and mouth.



If you wish, you can add a picture with a Christmas tree made of cotton disks or snowdrifts.



Paper handicraft


Cut and glue paper parts to cardboard easily and simply, you can use the method from the master class with cotton disks.

Let's make a snowman in the form of a toy on the Christmas tree, using paper, pencil, cirkul, glue, rope and markers.

The course of work will be as follows:

  1. There are two circles on the Circle paper, one of which will be head, and therefore will be less than the other in diameter. They are black enough to get not two separate mugs, but one solid silhouette of a snowman, that is, the circles need to draw a little braziness to each other. I cut two such identical silhouettes.
  2. In order for the torso of the snowman turned out to be volumetric, we need to draw another 16 circles of the same diameter as the bottom circle. You can fold the sheet of paper three times, draw a circle and cut, so it will get a larger number of circles immediately.
  3. Take the rope, turn it in half, as shown in the figure, and glue one silhouette. The second silhouette we cover the lower part with the rope and glue.

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  1. Now proceed to the volumetric bottom of the snowman. For this, cut circles fold in half and glue to each other (see photo). It should be as if two parts.


  1. We glue the resulting volume parts in front and rear to the lower circle of the snowman.


  1. We supplement the image with a cap cut out of colored paper, draw your eyes, nose, mouth. Bring the remains of the rope as a scream.

Toy on the Christmas tree is ready!

Product made of sock

You can also make a snowman crawling using a white sock, buttons and rice or any cereal as a filler. Such a snowman will decorate the New Year's decor.


Cut off the high part of the sock, which is on the shin.


Her one end with a rubber band and turn inside out.



We feed the workpiece of the crop (you can use wool or sawdust as a filler) and tightly tighten with rubber band. For greater reliability, you can sew threads of a snowman.


Now take colored socks. From one we need only the heel, from the other - the middle part.


On the billet, you need to put on the middle part of the colored sock, as if by forming a blouse. Tearing from below and above the ropes, creating the balls of the shape.


The heel from the second sock we put on the head of a snowman, it will be a hat. Also tie the rope from above, as in the photo.


From small buttons or beads, we take eyes (sew or glue on the glue moment), from plasticine or paper we make spout. Buttons are more sewn or glued to a blouse.



Cute Snowman Ready! It can be put at home or give to the new year.

Next, we suggest you consider some templates for the manufacture of snowmen:



Video on the topic

And also do not miss the video footwear to help you find inspiration for creating snowmen!

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