Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos


How to make a weaving from the skin? How to learn how to quickly? How to become a master and give the beauty and loved people? Talk about it in the article. Fashion does not stand still. Very often in magazines, leather dominates fashion shows. Previously, leather products found their display in clothing, but recently the popularity of leather accessories are gaining popularity. Consider the basics of work with the material.


The history of working with the skin is quite interesting. Processing began to engage in the Stone Age, when we gradually appeared clothes from the skins, belts, belts and bags.

Weave call the skin treatment option, where the wizards connect several techniques when creating a product. Often in jewelry practice there are wicker elements Macrame performed from the lace.

What can we create from? Easy to use unnecessary leather things. For example, gloves, briefcases, etc. But do not forget about the quality of the material. Pay special attention to the thickness, elasticity and painting. It will be more difficult to work if there is a drawing or some ornament on the product.

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

But the masters advise not to redo the old one. It is better to spend money on new skin so that the accessory is longer and was attractive. Each thing has its own shelf life, so often unnecessary things can spoil all the work. The skin is sold in specialized stores. I am glad that there are many colors and product options.

For beauty

It is easy to make bracelets that are becoming more popular and more popular. Such products look elegant and beautiful. It all depends on weaving. It is necessary to purchase pieces of the skin that will be the basis and cut into them with stripes. For the manufacture you need little materials and a lot of attention.

So, let's begin. Consider several weaving options that are suitable even for men. The first option is a bracelet-pigtail.

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Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

He is thin, gentle and looks beautiful on his hand. Such an accessory is multifunctional, because it can be worn at any time of the year.

We will need a blank of leather. If there is no such, cut a wide strip of the skin, put the buttons at the ends, as the scheme shows.

Depending on the fittings, the style of decoration is changing.

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

The second option is "Women's Secrets". Accessory is suitable for summer bright outfits. Color you can choose yourself, on all the will of ideas. Equipment is simple, even a child can cope with her.

Take the thread of three colors, striped skin, several chains, cap with a fastener, scissors and glue.

  1. We cut the thread on the 9-pieces (20 cm two pieces). We post them three, pre-fixing the edges.
  2. We begin to weave. Watch out for each movement so that the product is smooth and beautiful.
  3. At the end, pay attention to the fastener. Secure the bracelet in front of the trimming ends. Glue lubricate the ends of the bracelet and the fastener. Accessory ready!

To make sure the work is correct, look at the photo:

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

The third option is an unusual braid.

  1. To get a wicker product, take three identical tapes of leather.
  2. Remember the numbering of the strips: 1-left, 2-in the middle, 3-right.
  3. We start weaving. The edge of the product is made through No. 2 and No. 3, we lower down. Strips are twisted.
  4. Take the edge between No. 1 and 2, lowering down.
  5. We repeat the previous movements to the end of the work on the product. Straighten.

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

Interesting options

Types of masters bracelets are divided into categories. They differ in design.

  1. Thin and thick accessories:

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. Accessory with buttons, fasteners:

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. With patterns or rhinestones:

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. With several revolutions around the wrist:

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

In addition to conventional weaving there are circular weaving. In addition to thin skin, the rope will be needed. It is her who swells cords.


  1. Birosis four cords about 2 cm. Preparing the rope of the same length. Pay attention to the diameter - from 3 to 5 mm.
  2. Glue (preferably "moment") clutch the ends in a circle (in length - 15-20 mm). Secure the place of gluing with the thread.

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Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. We divide the cords into two parts. Remember the left and right parts, mentally numbered. We take left in the left hand, and the right - right.
  2. We use the scheme.

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

  1. When the length is about 130-140 mm, then fasten the end of the thread.
  2. Glue with lining the non-blank ends. Leave for drying.
  3. Splesh the ends of the tubes. Make a place for a fixer, install.

Here is a result that looks like a whip:

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

Skin weaving for men: bracelets do it yourself with photos and videos

Leather bracelets are not eternal because they are made of gentle material. In stores, high-quality products are not always found, so check during the purchase of its strength, the presence of superfluous - threads. Of course, the leather belt also needs to be checked. Often they can be infused, wipe and lose their shape. It is dangerous to buy products in online stores, there is no possibility to check the quality and make sure the authenticity of the brand. Try to make an accessory yourself. It's easy to have fun. But even more pleasant to wear a thing made by independently.

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