Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video


What is monastic weaving in a cross? Let's consider all the basics, options and types of patterns. Such needlework captures everyone, it is enough just to carefully study and learn how to use the additional material.

A bit of history

Monastery Weaving (in English - Right-Angle Weave) appeared in ancient times. Our ancestors used this weaving for the salary of the icons, various objects of church utensils and the other. Now such a kind of needlework is actively used for bright accessories - bracelets, earrings, phenoshek, beads, suspension. Often weaving can be seen on the collars, ties. In addition to accessories, the interior are decorated with beads - it is a framework, covers, boxes and caskets.

This technique in the people is considered weaving in a square or cross. All because of the placement of the beads. They are placed perpendicular to each other than they resemble squares or crosses.

Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

What is the basis? It lies in a simple chain. You can weave one or two needles. The basis of the work is always beads and sweater materials.

What is the difference between needles? If we spit on two needles, then the product will be even and neat. But minus is that the work goes much longer, you need to follow each bead, measure the product. If we put one needle, then the result will not make yourself wait, work will go quickly. The problem is that beads fall crookedly. But do not be upset. If you plan to additionally disappear, to wear or pull something on something, then the upper beads will close all work defects.

Weaving on needle

Consider weaving on each needle separately.

  1. Inwing two end of the fishing line in the needle, holding. Tip - The first needle must be in his right hand, and the second is in the left. We recruit on the right four beads, spend through the last left needle in the opposite direction. Schemes will show the correctness of the execution:

Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

  1. For each needle, you dreamed over the bead. On the right take another one, spend the left in the opposite direction through it. We repeat the actions until you want to finish working on the product. Calculate the size in advance to buy the desired amount of beads.
  2. Go to the second row. At the end of the first row, we recruit three beads and will spend the left needle through the opposite direction. At the bottom I type three beads, and spend the top through the last one. Thus made a turn. Now we introduce the left needle into the first row beerink, we attract the second row - ready.

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Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

On one needle

The needle will pass through the beads several times - such beading will be in large holes.

  1. Take four beads, we ride on the thread, tie into the nodule.
  2. We skip the thread through the bead number 1, we put on three things, as in the picture.
  3. Be careful! Thread to do in the first beerin, forming a cross, we skip through No. 5 and No. 6. Tip - Be careful, follow the size.
  4. We recruit three beads, sold to No. 6. Remember that, the closure cross, the thread to the right of weaving.
  5. Second row. We raise the thread upstairs, we produce through the beads No. 17, 18, 19. We add three bispers, a closic ring turn number 19. We derive through No. 20.
  6. It remains to connect. For this thread through No. 14 and No. 20. We will pass the needle through two new beads.
  7. The new Cross weaves through number 13, gradually adding two new beheads.
  8. We are closed No. 24. And repeat all the actions again.

For clarity, the scheme will help to cope with a complex description.

Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

Labor process

We provide assistance for beginners. Learning more and more information about such a weaving, you can become a real master. For correctness, you need to remember the foundations of the work of this needlework.

  1. The canvas can be made of different sizes and thickness. To do this, close the ranks in the cord. The craftsmen call it a "square cord".

Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

  1. In order to label the product, you can go to the mosaic. We join several beads between the protruding beerinks.

Such weaving looks perfectly on bracelets. The bracelet performed by the monastery is expensive due to hard weaving. On the product you can make any inscriptions, symbols, also draw an interesting pattern. It all depends on the fancy of the wizard.

There is little material on Fuenus. Work fully consists of a chain of crosses. It must be remembered that the chain should be long, in size.

The easiest way to do in terms of schemes. By the way, they can be found on the Internet, a master class will help. In addition to resources, the drawing is easy to draw and repeat drawn.

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Monastery Weaving in a cross for beginners: master class with video

What are the pros and cons of weaving beads?


  1. Fast work.
  2. Easily create different figures and combine with other types of needlework.
  3. You can create bulk products.


  1. It is hard to work with two needles for beginners.
  2. It is hard to create a scheme for a single-layer canvas.
  3. It is impossible to restore the product after damage.

Video on the topic

Several video for inspiration process:

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