Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video


Interesting weaving baskets made of packaging tape interests and delays. Of course, this work is complicated. But when you see the result, the mood is instantly rises. During the creation, Muse should visit a person to draw inspiration. It is enough to watch video lessons or carefully read this article in order to learn how to be unknown.

Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

From the ancestors to us

Our ancestors were very talented people. Probably the knowledge obtained from them, moving from generation to generation, are the most important and accurate. Is it possible to make some thing if there is no skill? Of course not. Therefore, in ancient times, the ancestors, returning from work in the field, removing in the house, began to engage in needlework. Then there was no such a huge spectrum of materials, so baskets and lapties were spilled from the rebound. The work was difficult, but due to the fact that the whole family worked together, the fatigue did not feel at all. Weaving began its development from those times.

Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

Unfortunately, now few people know how to create a woven container, make quality lapties. And few people are interested in creativity. After all, everything can be bought and not strained. But where is the confidence that tomorrow such a basket will serve for a long time, to withstand wear, etc.? Things created by their own hands, with love, will serve for many years faithfully.

Real strong baskets can be weave independently. You just need to know how. To do this, you can use the lessons and instructions of the masters.

Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

Of course, weave, like ancestors, from the bark of trees - the top of the skill. This is quite difficult and problematic, so you need to use the substitute - packaging tape. The material is durable modern and at all inexpensive. It can be easily found in the construction store or order on the Internet. Such weaving gained popularity among professionals and masters. Consider all the subtleties of work. And the master class will help it.

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Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video


For the manufacture of a basket for 7-8 liters, you need to use a lot of polypropylene tape (it is also packaging). Total 72 meters. On average, about 4 hours will go to work.

Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

Auxiliary materials for the product:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • stapler;
  • narrow pliers;
  • Knife and scissors.
  1. Cut the ribbon on the strips of 2 meters. Total will be 36 things.
  2. Tip - Cut the ends of the ribbons of the maternity to the convenience of weaving.
  3. Use the work well sharpened knife and large scissors.

Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

  1. Take a pencil and mark the middle of the four strips.
  2. We retreat from the mark from the mark, the length of 15 cm twice. Do not forget to mark points.
  3. On the other 32 strips, we celebrate the middle.
  4. Bottom of the future product. Work scheme is simple. Make a square cloth. Pleet with 18 size 18 in a checkerboard order. Measure the sides - should be 30 centimeters. While the corners of the stapler. Flexing one of the sides, weave the corner of the basket. The area of ​​the angle is 9 to 9.

Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

  1. Continue to work with each angle. Do not forget to fix the stapler. We remove the gap by turning the basket and gently pulling the stripes of the corners. Check the size accuracy!
  2. Weave the edge. Turn the basket, the gossip wall to the mark.
  3. At the site of the edge, gradually bend the stripes, hiding them inside. Pleet in the opposite direction. Stop work at the place of marks, do the same with the other side.
  4. Pull edges. Stripes stick in the product. Clips can be removed when everything is extinced and tightened.
  5. Use pliers or tweezers when you pass the stripes. They need to pull out.

The photo shows in detail the correctness of the execution:

Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

  1. Handle make out of 16 strips of 1 m. 2 pieces on the left and right, enter them into the corners along the edges of the basket. From the inside there will remain eight stripes. Of them we have a handle - together, in a circle. Pull the product to attach the handle. Ready!

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Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

Weaving baskets made of packaging tape for beginners with photos and video

A handle is difficult to do. But for beginners is a great practice!

Baskets can be done similarly, just to know the course of action. Newbies best use step-by-step guide to not get confused. Products from ribbon durable and long-term. They will like every hostess!

Video on the topic

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