Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video


An interesting weaving from Berestov for beginners is an article that will help learn the basics of work. How often do you want to do something yourself! To brag native, friends, when they will come to visit. I want to be amazed that it was able to do it only attaching efforts! The question arises: what to do? Accessories will be able to almost everyone, you need something new. But why look for a new one, if there is a forgotten old? Tree bark weaving are beautiful products made with love.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

The beginning of time

Beresta is bark bark. In Russia, it was used only in construction. In the future, for the manufacture of home utensils and various crafts. Also, our ancestors did roofs, summer houses, boats using a vine and a bark. In those days, they were mainly wore of the NAPTI, which were made from such a material. In those times, the skin cost big money. There was a problem in waterproof, so used birch. Such shoes came to the peasants. Of course, the main minus was that on the "wet" weather in them are not about.

Nowadays, the product from that material is expensive. All due to the fact that such distinctive fishery loses its practical application.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Berestle baskets used every mistress. They came to collect harvest, hiking in the forest berries and mushrooms. Beresta has properties that are indispensable for storage of products. Instead of bags for flour and croup used precisely braid, because there were pest bugs there. Scientists have proven that sugar and bulk products are best stored in them.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video


Let's try to make Lukoshko do it yourself.

For work you will need:

  • bark bark (ribbon) 20 pcs 45 cm;
  • sharp knife;
  • For work there are many knives that differ in size, goals and forms. Use a sewer with different rods, pliers and round bumps;
  • Flat seer - Kocheldyk.

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So let's get up!

  1. Let's start wearing a cloth having a rectangular shape. Take four ribbons to skip through each other.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

  1. So begins any weaving. Getting the desired product size, you need to bend up up tape. It is worth remembering that the material is very whimsical and often twisted. Split technology is simple - pull the ribbon in your hand using the edge of the scissors or knife. Thus, the tape twists in the opposite direction. That's the bottom it turned out.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

  1. Hard stage - handles for basket. The scheme for them is presented below:

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

  1. Take an aluminum wire that will serve as a frame for the product. Formed the edge, passing inside the wire. Start with the middle of the sides. Make the edge until the middle of the short side. Make a place to exit by forming a teeth. Several wires should go out of its top. Make sure that the first of the woven edge is, and the second is for the edge of the second side of the work. Remember that the ends should be long.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

  1. Pens connect both sides baskets. Make the edge to the end, and then determine the product by the second layer.
  2. The handle can be made in several ways.

Method 1.

You can fly using the tape itself. This method is fast and simple. Wire two wires forming a handle. Take the ribbon long to have enough to handle.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Method 2.

This is weaving from 2 tapes. The technique is the size of the ribbons. Their width is already tapes products and take one long and narrow. Place the ribbons on the sides of the wire. The third secure around the base, the fatted wide ribbons, fixing on the opposite side of the handles.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Method 3.

The most complicated way of weaving. Upper tape should be divided into half, binding between four stripes.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

The basket-box looks good with handle - bookmark.

Note! You need to use four tapes, inserted into the base of the handle. Do not forget about the length of the tape.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Now you can look at the result:

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Such a master class is perfect for beginners, because it is quite detailed. This product can get the level of complexity in two stars out of five.

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Multifunctional friend

What else will bark bark? Caskets, bracelets, they can easily weave from it, not even the name of skills and experience. Everything comes with time. Many craftsmen to succeed, years learn for the benefit of their business.

Cube - you need to use 8 tapes of 30-40 cm and 10 mm wide. Souvenir will like to do any person, especially the child. You can see a step-by-step performance of the product.

Several tips: Using the scheme, carefully follow the hands of the wizard. Many points you need to tighten the tape tightly. But do not forget that they are fragile and can break, break by spoiling all the product.

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

Here is the result:

Weaving from Berestov for beginners with their own hands: Master class with video

In this work, the ends need to trim neatly. In addition to this, the tape, which met on the way in the other, need to trim, putting the tip in the inside.

Do not be afraid! Try to create! It does not always work the first time. As they say, patience and work will be pulled out.

Video on the topic

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