Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video


Ancient chain weaving - a master class will educate the main wisdom of such a needlework. Probably when you hear the word "mail", immediately remember knights, battles and Camelot. The protective fabric is remembered, the "costume" for a warrior, the saving owner is no longer one time. But pleases that the times of fighting on horses with swords have already passed and such material can be used for a more enjoyable business. For example, for accessories.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

Indeed, in our time, it is often possible to meet a girl who wear seemingly rude material on sophisticated necks or wrists. This article will prove the opposite - you can and need to make exquisite artworks of art, which will give up fashionable.

Best defense

Weaving from the chain-technique, which came to us from distant times and found the display in modern times. The masters have improved her by adding new materials and techniques.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

For beginners, technology will be difficult. Usually, the products are already trained masters. Agree, they also started from scratch, so we will try. And at the end of the first product it will be clear that the work is not difficult at all, but an interesting, which simply requires attention, time and compliance with the instructions.

Needlework begins with a conventional ring, which is the beginning of work. Each movement is supplemented with patterns from rings, which turn into products. By the way, crafts from such a material are highly appreciated, so many modern jewelry houses work in the technique to have success and increase the demand for accessories. What do they use? First, schemes without which work does not work. Needlewomen advise to simulate the product to accurately calculate the consumption of materials. Secondly, pliers, round-rolls. Thirdly, rings where without them. They are of different sizes and colors. In the process of the master class, consider their application.

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There are several known types of weaving - Japanese, Byzantine and European.

A little mathematics

When purchasing materials, newcomers face a problem - the ring diameter.

To begin with, we determine the thickness of the wire. There are two American Wire Gauge (AWG) and Standart Wire Gauge (SWG). The smaller the wire caliber, the thicker it is. If we already have exact rings and wire sizes, it remains to calculate Ar is the ratio of the ring diameter (ID) to the thickness (GA).

By the way, the products from the rings serve for a long time, thanks to strong material. Pay attention when buying materials for quality, fragility, because the rings must be solid.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

It would seem what difference? But look at the photo.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

On it two bracelets woven by Jens Pind. For example, such a weaving requires loyal calculations. If a large diameter and a thin wire, then the product will fall apart. And if on the contrary (thick wire and small diameter), then the rings will not succeed, the chain does not fall.

MK at work

  • Runks (count on the product alone). For this master class you need large 10 mm, and medium - 7 mm, several 5 mm;
  • clasp;
  • Wire (from the wire of the product tight);
  • Pliers with a pointed end (narrowders).
  1. Prepare a workplace. Remove extra things. The masters advise to sit on the table towel or soft fabric so that the rings and the product can be put.
  2. Let's try to make a simple butterfly weaving, create a bracelet.
  3. Connect two rings as in the photo.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. Take another one by folding them together.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. There are four small rings on such a product.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. Drop to each one else.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. For two rings, placed in the middle, we draw from the bottom from the bottom.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. That's what happened.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. Now repeat the actions on the other side of the three rings.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. We do about 6-7 such "pieces". The size is calculated by the diameter of the wrist.
  2. Now connect the excerpts of the decoration. We take a ring on a 5 mm, producing through the upper and lower, capturing.

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Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. We repeat on the other side.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. There are two rings between passages.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. Fresh the product to the fastener.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. Here is such an accessory turns out!

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

A fresh look

Persian weaving for rumors for many years. Especially beautiful it looks in necklaces. Let's make a beautiful chain that make sure fashionable.

Take the rings of two colors - silver and gold, these are all the necessary tools. Their diameter 1, 25mm (calibers - No. 16). We will speed up the work by closing all the silver and opening gold.

  1. We take 4 silver, hang on gold and close. We will add another golden ring. It turned out a "passage".

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. We put in the center two silver, and a couple of gold and silver reveal according to the photo.
  2. Take the golden rings, we introduce it through two silver.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. Because of the left hanging silver, hang it on the golden. We repeat the same action with the right hanging.
  2. Suggest two silver for a new row, closing the golden ring. Tip - Look lessons for beginners before work.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. Take the gold, we carry out what they did before, we close.
  2. Watch out for the placement of gold rings that lie nearby. Two silver should be placed on top.
  3. Silver hole on sides of work.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

  1. Take gold, spend under two silver and between gold.
  2. We will start two silver inside of the gold.
  3. The latter barcode is two silver, closing the golden. We repeat the drawing to the end of the product.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

With this weaving, you can make beautiful earrings, but consider the size of the rings. As you know, heavy products in the ears will not give beauty, but on the contrary - will give the hostess.

Roll weaving: Master class and schemes for beginners with video

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