[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?


Tradition to decorate the placement by potted plants goes out of the deep past. Live flowers add harmony and complete interior. Fashion on houseplants always existed, although it is not so pronounced and fleeting, like fashion for clothing and makeup. What indoor plants will well fit into the modern design of the room?

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

Top 6 Fashionable Plants

The mad rhythm of the life of a modern man imposes an imprint and to the choice of domestic flowers. In the top of fashionable and popular plants, unpretentious and simple types are leading:

  1. Nephrolspris (fern).

Unpretentious, shadowed flower, which can be stirred in a suspended porridge or in a conventional pot. Depending on the variety, the length of light green leaves (Wii) is 30-90 cm. The plant forms a lot of lightning green greenery, but does not bloom.

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

In addition to the decorative effect, the ferns can be expecting purification of air from bacteria and harmful resins.

  • Succulents.

In offices and work offices placed flurarums with succulents planted in them. Florists create real artistic paintings using cacti, milk, phyttonium, molded, calangean, lithopsy, Tolstanka. Complement the composition of stones, seashells, multicolored sand.

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

Florarium care is rare watering and spraying its tenants.

  • Sansevieria.

The "sick tail" or "Teschin language" is still popular. Long narrow leaves of the plant are pleasing to the varnish and juicy color. The fashionable version of the landing of the Sansevieri is a flat row of 7-9 plants in one strict rectangular pot.

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?
  • Pelargonium (geranium).

Gerana is also called the "Rustic Rose" and "Babushkin Flower". This unpretentious perennial again at the peak of popularity. There are dozens of varieties of pelargonium zone, with pink, aluminum, white, salmon flowers. Buds are rose-like, terry, tulip-shaped.

Article on the topic: Contemporary in interior design

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

The plant has a gift to clean the air indoors from Scoop and Gary, so geranium is customary in the kitchen.

  • Hibiscus (Chinese Rose).

The plant can be grown in the form of a large tree or form compact bushes from it. Hibiscus flowers with huge aluminum, yellow, lilac terry or simple flowers. But and outside the flowering, thick dark green foliage looks spectacular.

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?
  • Croton (codion).

The plant has a beautiful large foliage painted in green-burgundy grades.

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

In addition to these plants, Monster, ficuses, drasenas are popular, some unpretentious types of orchids.

Fitodizainers recommend special attention to focusing the form of a plant: Cachepo, standings . Popular glass caspets, artificial stone, metal. In the trend, simple geometric shapes and calm "natural" colors.

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

Great popularity gained "Green Walls" - wall-mounted scene designs, in which mosses, ferns and other ampel plants are planted. The species composition of plants should be combined with one topic, for example:

  • wet tropics;
  • Mediterranean garden;
  • Spicy herbs (block with fragrant herbs are placed in the kitchen).
[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

On a note. Such designs are equipped with auto oppression and illumination, which simplifies the care of plants.

Another fashion trend is the creation of a jungle corner in the apartment. The effect of staying in the wildlife corner is achieved due to the closest neighborhood of the Monster, drazes, bamboo, palm trees and ferns, orchids.

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

People who are enthusiastic with cooking are organized in the kitchen real mini gardening. Easy to grow in potmarine pots, basil, salad, green onions, sharp pepper.

[Plants in the house] What kind of indoor flowers are now in fashion?

Top 3 most fashionable indoor plants (1 video)

Fashionable indoor plants (11 photos)

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