Installing plinths for LED tape


In the desire to diversify the interior of its apartment, we appeal to new, original solutions. However, not everyone takes into account that in addition to experiments with external finish and furniture objects, you can still play with lighting. For example, it is very fashionable to use decorative lights from LEDs - this is an excellent designer solution that is able to completely transform the appearance of the room. But, in order to truly stylishly and thoughtfully embody such an idea of ​​life, you need to think about the installation site well, to purchase a ceiling plinth under the LED tape and determine the place and scope of the installation. And although all these events will require some costs, the finished result will convince you that it was worth it.

Advantages of LEDs

Installing plinths for LED tape

LED lighting is not only stylish, and also incredibly ergonomic solution, since the use of LEDs gives you many advantages:

  • Durability. Such lamps are much longer than ordinary, because by the most rough calculations, the LEDs are capable of functioning about 5 years in a row, without interruptions and disabilities. Of course, installing LED lighting, we do not plan to apply it in this mode, which means that the device will work even longer;
  • Efficiency. Lighting LEDs can significantly save electricity, because with the installation of such lighting, its consumption will decrease by about 80%, compared with those luminaires where traditional lamps are installed;
  • Ecologistics. This product does not contain components harmful to the environment, such as mercury and its derivatives. This means that the LEDs will not harm if they are damaged during use, and also do not require any special disposal;
  • Reliability. Such lamps can not be attributed to the category of the most fragile - they are rather resistant to vibration and stealing mechanical loads;
  • Quality lighting. Light indicators are quite high: due to good contrast, the fine clarity of the illuminated objects and surfaces is achieved, as well as accurate color rendering. In addition, such lamps have a wide range of shades, and if you wish, you can choose both cold and warm lighting;
  • Uninterrupted work. In the lamps of this species, there is a completely lack of flicker effect, or the so-called low-frequency pulsations, which can very often be seen in luminescent and gas-discharge lamps. This factor makes LEDs completely harmless to the human eye, as well as an ideal option for long-term use in residential and public premises;
  • The lack of droplets of the power supply load. With the simultaneous and multiple inclusion of such lighting, network power lines are excluded. In addition, LED lamps allow you to adjust the level of illumination by reducing nutrition;
  • Fast inclusion. The ignition of this type of lamps is made in an instant, after which they immediately work in full force without any preheating;
  • Stable level of light flow. During operation, there is no worsening of illumination, as it happens in standard lamps. It turned out in the process of research, which showed that the decline in the light flow of standard lamps is most intense into the initial hours of their work, which the LEDs do not threaten in principle.

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Thus, the lighting of this species can be called one of the most profitable, convenient and modern solutions. Moreover, on sale you can find types of lamps for every taste.

Installing plinths for LED tape

Varieties of lighting

Apply luminaires in the room can be in several ways - depending on what is your goal. There are three varieties of LED lighting:

  • Functional. This type of lighting is also called local, since its use is intended to allocate one, local point. Functional lighting is used for individual work planes: at home it can be a written table, a kitchen apron or a mirror in the bathroom. In the production, local illumination is installed above milling machines, conveyor belts and other areas where it is required to highlight each part;
  • General. The lighting of this type plays the role of ordinary room lamps that support the normal level of light in any room, it can be built-in or autonomous, depending on the ceiling and wall design. As mentioned above, it is possible to create a specific shade with it, choosing a colder or warmer color of the lamps;
  • Accented. This is the most interesting and frequently used type that is used as a decorative backlight. The accented light allows you to create interesting effects using the location and selection of the set of shades. Decorative illumination is complementary and consumes very little electricity. In the modern market, you can find interesting variations, the most aesthetically advantageous of which can be called LED tape.

Installing plinths for LED tape

LED, or LED tape constitutes a certain amount of small LEDs that are applied to a special flexible base. Also on the tape placed a restrictive resistor. Since the LEDs in such a tape are not intended for high voltage, they are usually mounted in small groups of three pieces, and then, with the help of the resistor, all this is connected to the power supply. The tape is convenient because when used it can be cut into pieces of different lengths, for which there are specially intended marks on its surface.

LED tapes are divided into two types: open and moisture-proof. There is no insulation on the first, so they are not very recommended to install in rooms with elevated moisture levels. The seconds have a special silicone coating that reliably protects the product from the malicious effects of moisture.

Such ribbons are used to illuminate the most diverse elements of the interior: furniture, niches, erkers, workspace, mirrors, showcases, plumbing elements - the number of options is limited only by the fantasy of the designer. But most often the tape is used to illuminate the walls and the ceiling, placing it around the perimeter of the room. If you liked this option, first of all you need to come up with how stylishly and efficiently make a LED tape setting. This will help you a special ceiling plinth for LED tape.

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Installing plinths for LED tape

How to choose a plinth

Attaching the tape of the plinth, we provide her comfortable bed, which will not allow the backlight to come off or damaged. Choosing a plinth for LEDs, you should first pay attention to its width - one should be at least 4 centimeters. If there are no semicircular areas or non-standard angles in the room, you can give preference to the most inexpensive and simple version - foam. In other cases, take flexible plinths that will make the tape over the entire perimeter.

If you just want to emphasize the walls of the room with top lighting - choose simple plinths with a low side. In this case, the color of the plinth is also of great importance, because light shades reflect the lighting, emphasizing and filling its depth, and the dark, on the contrary - absorb it and "extinguish" it.

In addition, on sale you can meet plinths with already built-in ribbons, with which you can easily make your idea.

Installing plinths for LED tape


If the optimal choice is made, it remains only to install the plinth.

The plinth is attached not between the wall and the ceiling, but only to the wall, and at some distance from the horizontal surface. For the room with the middle height of the ceiling, this value is usually about 20 centimeters. If the ceiling is below - the distance will also have to be reduced.

If the plinth is made of foam or expanded polystyrene, then liquid nails are recommended for fixing. For wooden plinths, the tapping screws are suitable. Contacts between the tape segments gently sags and then it is placed on the side of the plinth.

The joints between the straps can be seen in the most common way - with the help of the same liquid nails or putty. The finished finish need to give some time to dry, after which the tape can be included and enjoy the new, unusual view of your room. There is nothing complicated in the installation of the LED tape, the most important thing is to choose the right plinth and help it correctly.

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Video "Installation of LED Tape"

The video shows how to set the LED tape correctly.

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