Oil in the interior


Oil in the interior

Hunting style very often use for the design of thematic cafes, restaurants, hotels. Sometimes it is introduced into country houses. But in the apartment hunting, the stylistics is used extremely rarely. And completely in vain. This interior style is very unusual, original and cozy. With the right approach, this style is captured in an urban apartment is no worse than in a country house.

Distinctive features of style

To recreate a real hunting design in a regular apartment, you need to collect it from a number of small items in the tarts:

  1. The walls and the floor of the room are best separated only by natural wood. As a last resort, in the residential rooms you can combine wooden panels and paper wallpapers, salabing the walls of the wall, and the bottom - separating the panels.

    Oil in the interior

  2. It is advisable to use decorative wooden beams on the ceilings. An abundance of such beams can be found in building stores.
  3. Wood furniture do not need to be painted. Let her natural texture be visible.

    Oil in the interior

  4. Do not forget about the candles, because this is an important detail of the interior. Even chandeliers and lamps can be chosen stylized candles.
  5. Add a few hunting trophies to the design, for example, a soft carpet from an animal or horns as a wall decor.

    Oil in the interior

  6. By the way horns, as well as ordinary dry branches, you can use for the decor of some subject of the interior - furniture, watches and other things.
  7. Well decorate the interior of cold and firearms. According to the rules of legislation, such weapons must be stored only in safes, so for the decoration of the room, use the imitation of weapons.

Suitable materials

Hunting style requires the use of extremely natural materials in the room. For decoration of the room and its filling, you will need materials such as:

  1. Wood.
  2. A rock.
  3. Leather.
  4. Wool.
  5. Bone.

Oil in the interior

Other natural materials can be used, as well as their high-quality imitation. It is important that the unarmed look could not be distinguished by imitation from the present material.

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Choice of furniture

All main furniture in the hunting interior should be fairly simple, wooden and very massive. But the most important thing, the hunting furniture should be very comfortable. For decoration of the living room or dining room, a large wooden table will fit in moderation. Its dimensions should be placed at the table quite a large company. On chairs, which are placed around the table, you need to wear tapestry covers. It is important that the hint of covers rejuvenates with a shade of curtains and rugs. Such a set of textiles, firstly, will make the interior in one whole, and secondly, will bring a special highlight to it.

Oil in the interior

It is believed that the mandatory part of the hunting interior - stuffed animals, however, it is not acceptable for each apartment. If you have children, then from stuffed animals is better to refuse immediately, so as not to cause certain fears from the kids. And in general, in our time, put the stuffed animals in your home - this is not entirely humane. It is much better to simply hang in the interior of the paintings and tapestries with scenes from hunting life. It is important to avoid images of killed and wounded animals.

Very important interior attribute - fireplace. For an urban apartment, an excellent alternative to the wood fireplace will be an electrical option. On the fireplace it is important to make a semantic accent. To do this, you will need a number of accessories. For example, you can hang a gun over the fireplace, and on the fireplace shelf it is hunting a hunting hat. Well, of course, near the fireplace you need to lay a soft carpet in which you with your friends can sit and drink hot fragrant mulled wine.

Oil in the interior

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