How to create a winter garden and what flowers and plants are planted there (25 photos)


How to create a winter garden and what flowers and plants are planted there (25 photos)

Recently, winter gardens are gaining global popularity. The key to such popularity is modern and affordable materials that allow you to equip a winter garden in a practically any country house.

Contrary to outdated stereotypes, the construction of a winter garden does not require large capital investments, and some structures can be made with their own hands. A very important moment in the construction of a winter garden is heating and lighting. It is correctly constructed communication systems that are a guarantor of a beautiful and blooming winter garden. The calculation of the number of light sources and heat is made purely individually and directly depends on the type of winter garden, its size and location.

How to create a winter garden and what flowers and plants are planted there (25 photos)

Be sure to pay attention to the level of humidity in the winter garden. This parameter is very important if various types of tropical plants are planted in the garden that do not tolerate dry air. To create in the winter garden optimal humidity 70-75%, additional devices will be required. Also a significant role in creating the desired level of humidity in the garden can play mini fountains and decorative water tanks.

Location of the Winter Garden

A very important role in the construction of a winter garden is played by his future location. This factor will be taken into account and when calculating the necessary lighting. The optimal option for the design of the winter garden is the south side. In addition, the southwestern and southeastern side will fit well. The winter garden, located on the south side, will receive a maximum dose of natural light, but it should be considered if not light-loving plants will be placed in the garden. In this case, the interior of the Winter Garden can include blinds, sliding curtains or marquises.

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How to create a winter garden and what flowers and plants are planted there (25 photos)

Many plants feel perfectly in the east side. Such a location will allow in the morning and in the afternoon to give flowers bright, but not straight sunny rays. The most rational parties for the placement of the winter garden are - West and North. But, despite this, in the gardens placed in these sides, we can plant the teothelubile plants, for example, ficuses, spits or schifphars.

Planting plants in the winter garden

In the winter garden, plants can be planted in three ways:

1. Plants and flowers are placed in all sorts of personnel, pots and caspo. This option may be suitable for mini gardens that can be placed in glazed loggias.

2. Live flowers and plants are planted into large stationary containers stylized under the flower beds. This option is perfect for the winter garden of Central Square.

3. Plants are planted directly into open soil. This version of the winter garden is the most complicated and large-scale, and will require not only large areas, but also the special design of the garden. In such gardens you can use mountaineering and small waterfalls.

How to create a winter garden and what flowers and plants are planted there (25 photos)

Naturally, all listed planting types of plants can be combined with each other, creating an original artistic ensemble.

We also read: how to make a greenhouse and what to put in it.

Plant species for winter garden

In the winter garden there may be two types of plants:

- plants of subtropical species;

- Plants of tropical species.

The first category of plants is plant-resistant plants (5-100C). Such plants include varieties of lemons, araucaria, oleandrov, tees and cypresses.

The categories of tropical plants include palm trees and various plants of the families of aid, marranth and bromels.

How to create a winter garden and what flowers and plants are planted there (25 photos)

Varieties of the Winter Garden

Modern winter garden can be performed in a variety of styles, such as Mediterranean, East or Japanese. In addition, the winter garden can have characteristic features of past century styles, for example, Romanesque, Renaissance or Modern. Winter gardens with the so-called "deserted landscape", resembling endless prairies look very original and originally. In such gardens, dragers, cacti, calenechoe, agapance and tree Tosyanka may be present.

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How to create a winter garden and what flowers and plants are planted there (25 photos)

In addition, a modern winter garden may be planting medicinal or fruiting plants.

Winter garden design

Although living plants are a very beautiful design element, any winter garden needs to create a "framing". In winter gardens there may be arches, stained glass windows and interesting kashpo designs and tubs. An important artistic role in the interiors of winter gardens is played by flooring. Very original in the gardens looks marble tiles and color mosaic.

How to create a winter garden and what flowers and plants are planted there (25 photos)

If the winter garden area is large enough, then it can be placed a table and several elegant chairs, as well as a small bench or rattan chairs.

As you can see, despite the seeming complexity, to equip a winter garden at home is a completely feasible task.

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