Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos


Ancient weaving from the rope with their own hands - hello from the ancestors. Knowledge received from them is still stored in our memory and are transmitted from generation to generation. What is this needlework and are there anything worthwhile from such a material? Of course yes. This is a strong base suitable for creating not only homemade items, but also for accessories. They look stylish and unexpectedly, therefore, accurately will be happy to take place among jewelry and products from stones, phenushek, etc. Consider the stages of formation and work.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

Origins of skill

Technology is called Macrame. This is the most ancient view of the needlework, which passed through many centuries in our time. The base is a nodule weaving. By the way, the "lace" or "fringe" translates with Arabic - weaving on hand.

Technique allows you to make many interesting things that are easy to convert a house. For example, lampshades, kashpo, napkins, stands, baskets, etc.

For work, you always need a strong rope, knife, scissors, ruler and pencil. PVA glue is not suitable for crafts, so buy "hot" glue, which is sold in any specialized store.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

Let's try to soar a hammock. This is South America Indian Furniture, protecting against dampness and annoying insects.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

Such a product saved a lot of space, and hike allowed to relax well. How cool is to get in it in the country, hiding under the crowns of high trees! It woves from different materials - fabric, tree, with planks, etc.


  • Take a cotton rope or cord. Pay attention to the thickness - not less than 8 mm;
  • Santimeter line;
  • Scissors;
  • Planks with holes 4-5 cm. Make the edge smooth so that the material is not wiped. There is no difference between wooden and metal straps. Remember that the length should be from 90 cm.

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Before work, calculate the method - the entire length of the product is multiplying by 3, we multiply on all holes in the planks + 20 m to the mount.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

How to determine the example: a product of 2.5 m by 0.9 m, that is, 170 m of the rope is needed, of which 150 on the product and 20 - on fasteners.

  1. Take ropes. Cut off 20 m for fasteners, and the remaining material on the part 6 m.
  2. Fix the loops and knots on the twine.
  3. Weaving is complex, so pre-read articles on the product. In each hole we sell 2 end of the rope. Insert them into the ring, flexing by 8-10 cm. Fix. Pay attention to the schemes.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  1. Watch out the distance between the ring and Bru. It should be equal to the fourth part of the length.
  2. Mesh weaving. End of twine coming out of the hole, tie nodes. We have cells. The grid must be placed while the ends are more than a quarter of the grid from the bar to the ring. Add 8-10 cm.
  3. The last row is more difficult. They need to be located, like the first row. We sell them into the holes of the second bar, flexing and secure on the second ring.

Tip - For the strength of the hammock in the sides, we produce strong harnesses that stretch very tight, tieting to the ring.

Wizards advise you to watch video lessons to understand the weaving itself. As you do not look, it is a difficult lesson, which will be difficult for beginners.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

New options

The bathroom mat is not only beautiful, but also convenient.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

For work, take:

  • nylon rope (1.5 cm thick) - you just need 50 m;
  • scissors.

Practice with a thin rope to "blame" in the pigtail.

  1. From one end we will establish a node, do not drag. Leaving a 80-cm tail, looped down.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  1. Count the loop down.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  1. Tail by pull, we skip under the crossing rope, stretching under the last harness.

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Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  1. Long end of the line of line base.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  1. The ends are glued to the wrong one. Weaving need to slightly put down.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

The impossible is possible

Accessory from the rope? Easily! We will make a stylish bracelet suitable for different styles.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  • We take multicolored ropes;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • clips for ribbons;
  • carbine;
  • pliers.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  1. We take two pieces of the same sizes, scratch well.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  1. The following steps are performed in the picture specified above.
  2. For alignment, we use the scotch that we make a temporary winding.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

  1. Turn the scotch ends of the product.
  2. We will remove the extensive toothpick, the clamps are climbs for ribbons.

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

This product turned out:

Weaving from rope with your own hands: how to weave macrame with video and photos

It turns out that the rope is needed not only as a construction work material. But for interesting products. I am striking that such a material will be profitable to look at different crafts - accessories, homemade households, baskets, etc.

To work, look at the lessons to help remember the main patterns, the movements of the materials and the sequence of actions.

Video on the topic

Interesting video for inspiration in the process of work:

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